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Hello my wonderful patrons! It's time for another Patreon Exclusive Story, though this one's going to be a little something different. Usually I've had you vote on who you'd like to see star in these stories, or on occasion I've gotten inspired and come up with a fun little tale to share on my own, but again, using familiar characters. But today, we're going to do something a little different. You see, a little while back, I was having fun with the AI art generators, messing around and wound up creating an idea for a girl that wound up turning out to be, well, quite hot. I started messing around, creating a backstory and a personality to go with, but couldn't find a place where she'd easily fit in the main narrative, but I thought, well, how about sharing it here instead? So, yeah, after giving her a brief namedrop in Chapter 42, today I'm excited to introduce you to the newest Patreon Exclusive SYM Girl, Mikayla Matsumoto. I think you might have fun with her.

And, as always, it goes without saying, please do not distribute this story in any fashion outside of Patreon, since, well, it would defeat the purpose of making it exclusive here, and it would make me sad. And of course, special thanks to my editor, Lil_kitty, for her diligent efforts making sure my stories make sense.



I didn’t know how long it would take for me to recover from fucking Amy Temple, but it sure felt like it’d take a while. A couple days later I was still somewhat sore and bore the welts from all the paintball shots she’d expertly targeted me with, and that wasn’t to mention how worn out I still felt from actual sex with her. For a skinny girl, Amy was a fucking machine who could push you to your limits… yet recovering as I might have been, and ice down my wounds as I might, I could still sum up my sexual encounter from the afternoon before with two words: worth it.

With homework to catch up on and a couple ice packs with my name on them, I’d asked if my girlfriends could keep each other company for the afternoon so I could rest and recuperate. It took some convincing to keep Brooke from coming over in a naughty nurse outfit (tempting though that was), and was contented by Sarah’s message that she’d keep Josie and Brooke busy for me since I knew she was more than capable of pulling off that impressive a task.

It even seemed like this might actually work to give me a little quiet recovery time, until I heard the insistent knocking at the front door, followed by the rapid ringing of the doorbell.


I stayed where I was for a while, debating whether or not I had it in me to deal with this, or whether it was a particularly insistent delivery driver. No, no, a delivery would never be this urgent. This was something else…

Sighing, I stood up. It might have been important, something for Dad, perhaps, or something that I desperately needed to take care of. I had plenty of friends who could be dropping by unexpectedly, but even though most of them would text first, I could come up with a short list of who might just swing by for the hell of it and buzz the door until I let them in.

On aching muscles, I walked over to the front door.

“I’m coming, I’m coming…” I grunted as I unlocked it and swung the door open. “Can I hel-“

At this moment, I lost almost all the words I knew, because my eyeline was utterly arrested by two of the biggest tits I’d ever seen in my life, held in place behind an impossibly tight black, button-up shirt that had been tied at the midriff. Aided by some impressively high pink heels, the girl towered over me until only one phrase came to mind.

Death by snu-snu.

I shook this image from my mind and looked up to see the pretty face of an 18-year-old Japanese-American girl I could recognize in passing in the school hallways, but didn’t really have much acquaintance with otherwise.

Mikayla Matsumoto.

Quickly, I ran through everything I knew about her. I knew she was part of our school’s drama club, and had earned a spot on the chorus during the upcoming spring musical production of Little Shop. She had a reputation for being… well, charitably, not the brightest girl around, as she was known to be fairly ditzy, and had a fair number of people calling her a bimbo.

Still, Leah vouched for her being sweet, and nice, and that was enough for me to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Though looking at her from this angle, putting together coherent thoughts proved challenging. Her face was stunningly beautiful, with narrow, sharp features, and just enough roundness in her cheeks to make her as cute as she was hot. Soulful dark eyes looked down at me, while her thick, pink lipstick-coated lips looked delicious and enticing, as well as playing up some of the bimbo impressions so many seemed to have of her.

Her particular clothing choices did little to change this mental image of her. In addition to the aforementioned painted-on black top tied under her enormous tits (that showed off a wide stretch of her impressively tight abs) and pink heels so high that they helped a girl who was about my height in flats tower over my 5’11”, she wore white, knee-high socks that beautifully hugged her shapely legs and a plaid pink and black skirt that was barely short enough to reach down beneath her impressively round ass. She couldn’t have gone to school like this; she’d probably changed into it after school for comfort, or maybe even in the hopes that it might get her whatever she wanted from me.

Dressing up like a stripper pulling a naughty schoolgirl act… it didn’t hurt her case, actually.

My eyes went back up to her somewhat overly made-up face, from her pink lipstick to heavy eyelines and accentuated lashes, with vaguely angry eyes and a mouth curled up in annoyance. I was conscious of her pale, porcelain skin, looking as if she was no doubt otherwise quite soft in all the best ways. In some distant, back corner of my mind, I was suddenly aware that she had been saying something, or a whole lot of somethings, perhaps, while I had been ogling her, and was only just aware of that fact.

Not one of my finer moments, admittedly, but damn was she incredibly hot.

“I’m sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “What was that you said?”

Mikayla humphed, crossing her arms underneath her huge tits as she stamped her foot on the ground. “I wanna know why you interviewed all the other girls in the club and not me! I love being interviewed!”

Her voice was high, and whiny, and I got the thought that if I had to hear too much of it, she might even get a little grating. For now, though, I allowed myself to dial in on just what was happening, and why this Amazonian sex goddess had shown up here.

Interview? Right, the interviews! I’d done a bunch of preliminary interviews with the drama students who were trying out for main roles in the spring musical, Little Shop of Horrors, the day that Amy had put me through the ringer. I was aware that Mikayla was in the school’s drama club, but that she wasn’t on the list of interviews because she was a chorus girl rather than trying out for one of the leads.

This shouldn’t have been too hard to explain.

“I was given a short list of people to interview, and I guess you weren’t on it. I’m sorry. A lot of people from the club weren’t, I think,” I said, trying to keep my tone even and apologetic.

Mikayla humphed again, stamping her foot on the ground lightly. “But… but I like being on lists too! And I don’t see why I wasn’t, you interviewed almost everyone else from the drama club and not me and… and… I hate being left out…”

Her eyes welled up with what might have been tears, and I was genuinely taken aback.

“I’m sorry,” I admitted.

“Everyone’s just always leaving me out because they don’t take me seriously. I dress all fancy and I watch the same things and do the same things as everyone else, and nobody seems to want me around, like, I’m dangerous or something,” Mikayla pouted

Looking at her, I could understand why some girls might feel threatened by her and even a lot of guys might simply be intimidated by her. For a woman who looked like a walking sex doll, it would be easy for people to come up with a lot of preconceptions of what kind of person she was and, well… for a guy who’d built a reputation for himself that a lot of people thought they understood this year, I understood at least a little of where she was coming from.

“I don’t think you’re dangerous, and… well, I’m sorry that I didn’t interview you. It’s not that I wouldn’t have wanted to, but…” I said.

Seeing that she still looked on the verge of tears, I added, “You wanna come in and have, like, a drink or something and talk about this?”

Nodding softly, Mikayla replied, “Sure.”

She walked in past me, and though she didn’t leave her shoes by the door like I normally would have liked, I had to admit that it was worth it for the view of her swaying ass under that skirt since, well, it was one hell of an epic ass. I probably shouldn’t have been as openly staring at her like I was, but… fuck, it was really hard not to get a look in at a girl so perfectly sculpted as Mikayla.

“You got a really nice house…” she said, idly. “Doesn’t smell a lot like guy places do.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “My dad always wants to keep things clean, even if he’s gone about as often as he’s here. Still, I’ve gotten pretty good at cleaning lately.”

Mikayla turned to look at me. “Oh? ‘cause of all the girls you got coming around these days?”

“Well, I, uh…” I said, not knowing how best to respond to this girl that I barely knew.

It didn’t look like this was a loaded question from her, but simply a genuine moment of simple curiosity.

So, honesty it would be.

“Pretty much, yeah,” I said. “Cleaning up for them, and after them…”

“That makes soooomuch sense,” Mikayla replied, nodding as if I had just imparted sagely wisdom. “Like, I’ve been to so many guys’ houses and they didn’t clean up anything and they always smell like badness and body spray and… well it made me not wanna go back. But I could come back here. That’s nice.”

It seemed as if the tears that had been on the verge of coming had dried in her eyes, and now Mikayla was just running on an innocent curiosity. Still, I was good to my promise and led her to the kitchen, getting her a bottle of water from the fridge which I was happy to join her for as we sat on stools on opposite sides of the kitchen island.

“So… what’d you want to talk about?” I asked.

Mikayla took a long sip from her bottle, and I might have fixated a little too long about how her perfect lips formed around it as she guzzled the cool liquid down, or the way she jutted her chest out as she did this. I was beginning to think less and less that she was putting on some kind of show for me and more that this might just have been Mikayla doing Mikayla things.

Having drunk the bottle down in one long chug, she set it down and smiled at me sheepishly. “Sorry, I was so thirsty I didn’t even know it.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “That was just… impressive.”

“Thanks!” she exclaimed with glee. “A lot of guys say I’m impressive.”

“I bet,” I replied, not sure whether I should be grinning amusedly or not, and settled on taking this seriously so as to not dismiss what Mikayla was trying to say.

“But…” Mikayla replied, straightening herself out. “I didn’t come here to be impressive. I… that’s not what I meant, because I wantcha to know that I’m impressive enough at my drama stuff because all of us kids in the chorus we’re, like, so much more important than anyone thinks. They think because we’re all in the background and keeping up the harmony and timing and all that fun stuff that we’re not important, but a good show couldn’t go on without us and… did you know you’re covered in ice packs?”

I thought she was joking about the pair of ice packs I’d very clearly strapped to myself, but when she blinked at me, waiting for a response, I knew I had to take this seriously.

“I did,” I replied, taking them off and setting them on the counter so they’d be less of a distraction.

“Oh, whew,” she said, relieved. “Because if you didn’t know that’d be really weird, so, it’s good that you know. What was I talking about?”

“The chorus?” I suggested, unable to keep the amusement from my voice.

“Right! Thanks!” Mikayla exclaimed. “I know a lot of people just look at me and see huge boobs and big, awesome butt and think ‘oh, isn’t she so pretty and hot and I bet she’s soooooo good at kissing (I am) and she’s got a lot of good makeup tips (I really do!), but that probably makes her dumb so she can’t take anything seriously’, but I do take it seriously! I take a lot seriously! I try really hard in class, and I know I’m not, like, close to the top or anything, but I try! I really try! And I kick butt at color guard! And maybe I’m not lead role material, but, I also kick butt in the chorus and work really hard to be a great singer with some range and an awesome dancer and… and I just want people to take me more seriously than they do. Why are you covered in ice packs?”

The whiplash between her earnest appeal (well, about as earnest as she seemed to be able to get, anyway), and her question threw me for a loop so hard I barely knew it was a question until I found that I’d been sitting staring at her blankly for about ten seconds.

Thankfully, she’d been staring at me for about as long, still earnest but almost as blank as me.

“Oh,” I said, shaking my head. “Had a rough afternoon at the paintball arena. Really rough.”

“Ooh, sounds fun!” Mikayla replied. “Did you win?”

“Hardly,” I replied, chuckling.

Alright, her voice may have been a little high and squeaky, but it wasn’t quite as grating as I’d feared. Beyond that, I couldn’t deny that she had a certain charm that went beyond her appearance, a kind of innocence that just made her feel naturally bright. There was something refreshing to that, even if it made me feel all the worse for ogling her… but fuck if it wasn’t hard to look away. As she leaned in to hear my stories from the paintball game, I could see a mile of cleavage from her huge tits and found it difficult to focus on explaining myself.

Mikayla, however, wasn’t all that interested in hearing me explain myself. She knew I’d played paintball, that I’d lost, and that I was still in some pain.

“Oh, that’s too bad,” she said, looking almost genuinely sad.

This tugged at my heartstrings, admittedly, and I tried to play it off as no big deal. “Eh, it’s nothing. Bruises heal, sore muscles will relax, but glory… that’s eternal. And I had some glory.”

One successful shot counts as glory, right?

“Well, that’s better,” Mikayla said, nodding.

I smiled. “And besides, the current company’s not half bad either.”

“What, me?” she asked, looking genuinely surprised as she put a hand to her ample chest. “Well, that’s soooo nice of you to say!”

Again, there was that pleasant innocence to her that I found refreshing in the moment. Like anyone, I no doubt went into my conversation with Mikayla expecting a certain image of her, and while some of that image was certainly true, it was far from the full picture. Was she a little ditzy? Sure, but she was also an empathetic, positive and even proud person that I had underestimated. I didn’t know how much skill she had to bring to the play, admittedly, but I was happy to say that I’d been at least a little wrong about her.

“And you got me thinking… Nadia, my editor, she likes a certain thoroughness to what I do, and the list she gave me, it might not have been as thorough as she thought it was. I can’t promise that anything will happen with it, but, if you give me a second to find my digital recorder, I’ll be happy to give you a quick interview like I gave the others,” I explained.

Her eyes went wide, but not nearly as wide as her smile. It was big, and toothy, and threatened to completely overtake her face for how much raw glee broke through.

“Really?” Mikayla asked, barely able to hold back how ecstatic she was.

“Really,” I replied.

Squealing with excitement, she hopped off her stool and gingerly sped around the kitchen island, quickly wrapping me in a hug.

“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!” Mikayla exclaimed, hugging me even closer with impressive strength.

While my muscles may have been sending me some choice messages, having my face temporarily crushed against her massive tits had a certain soothing effect that managed to dull any aches effectively.

Well, most of them.

“Oh, so sorry, I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Mikayla asked as she backed away from me. “I just got so happy, and…”

“I’m fine,” I interjected, smiling. “Really.”

“You should really get a massage for some of those sore muscles,” she said, nodding knowingly. “Won’t help with any of those little bruises or anything like that, but the muscle bits, should help loads! You should get one of your girlfriends to massage you.”

I shook my head, chuckling. “That would’ve been a great idea, but we’re not hanging out tonight.”

“Oh, darn… that stinks…” Mikayla said, putting a finger to her lips, thinking, before her face lit up with excitement. “How about I massage you! I give the BEST massages to the other girls on the color guard, it might be the only thing that keeps Daphne from yelling at me so much, actually…”

Either the image of Mikayla rubbing down Daphne O’Connell wearing next to nothing or just the aftereffects of having my face crushed against Mikayla’s boobs might have gotten me a little too excited, as I felt my unruly erection straining the front of my sweatpants. I turned slightly, trying to hide this.

“Nah… I dunno if a massage is really going to work right now,” I said.

She pouted. “But… I give the BEST massages! I did say BEST, right?”

I laughed. “You did. It’s just… well, I don’t have a good reason to say no, actually, I just don’t think it’s the best idea.”

“Fine, you said no, and I respect that. I gotta respect that because we all gotta keep our boundaries, and I don’t want to mess with yours because if you wanna say no, you should soooo be able to say no, but I still wanna help…” Mikayla said, knowingly, before dropping into a long, thoughtful look.

Breaking her brain wasn’t exactly part of my plan, and as she stood there thinking, I could have… maybe even should have tried to stop her, to tell her that I was alright, really, and that I’d be happy to interview her and she wouldn’t have to do anything for me.

But, as is often the case when I don’t act quickly enough on that instinct, the end results were far more interesting.

Mikayla snapped her fingers, exclaiming, “I could show you my boobs!”


I shook my head slightly, trying to make sure I’d heard her correctly, but her beaming face and that twinkle in her eyes that said that she had just come up with one of the greatest ideas in her life said that I had heard every word correctly.

“What was that?” I asked, confused.

She giggled, toying with the knot underneath her top. “It’s really not a lot of big deal… a lot of guys have told me that seeing my boobs made them feel better right away, and since you’re not feeling so good, I think it might work for you too!”

I frowned. “I’m pretty sure those guys are just telling you that because they want to see your boobs.”

Mikayla laughed. “Yeah, I know, I’m not, like, stupid! Some of those guys are bad like that, but I don’t show them my boobs no matter how much they wanna see them, but you don’t seem like one of those guys, so I got no problem showing you my boobs. Besides, Daphne tells me you like big boobs, and they don’t get much bigger than mine! They should soooooo make you feel better!!!”

She looked down at my waistline, her smile growing slightly. “And from the size of your boner, I know this could make a lot of you feel better!”

I blushed, slightly, trying to turn further toward the island to hide my erection. “I’m sorry-“

“Don’t be sorry!” Mikayla interjected. “It’s not a problem, and if the guy’s nice, and I think you’re nice, I really like it. Really! And anyway, I swear, my boobs are like magic, they’ll sooooooo make you feel better. Watch!”

In the time it took me to figure out whether or not this was something I actually wanted to protest, Mikayla pulled her top open and exposed her bare tits to me.

Her huge, round, bare tits.

Mikayla’s breasts appeared to be a GG-cup, at least, so round and full and truly impressive as they still managed to put up a good fight against gravity. Her dark nipples stood out proudly on wide areolae, firm and surprisingly excited as they stood out, begging for attention.

I must have been goggling impressively, as Mikayla giggled. “Wow, your mouth just fell open! It’s soooooo fun when that happens. That definitely means you like my boobs! Daphne was right!”

Without thinking, and sounding vaguely hypnotized, I replied, “Daphne… told you to do this?”

“Oh, no!” she replied, giggling some more. “She said my boobs might be a way to get your attention, and told me about all the kinds of things she likes you doing to her, which sounds way fun, just fyi, and said that I’d probably have to do some of those things with you too if I wanted to get you to interview me. She said I should dress real trashy too if I wanted to get your attention, not classy like this… but, now you wanted to interview me without me even having to show you my boobs, but then I realized I wanted to show you my boobs because you were nice and I thought they might make you feel better and if you really want to you can so touch them! And I kinda want you to touch them too, so, if you wanted to, I’d want you to, and I’d be even happier too and things usually get really, really fun when I’m happy!”

I was still hypnotized by Mikayla’s tits, but I was soon getting my bearings about me. Mikayla wanted to be interviewed because she liked being interviewed, so her friend from color guard, Daphne, told her that if she showed me her breasts, I’d probably give her that interview (I made a mental note to spank Daphne really hard for that one), but since I offered to interview her without her needing to show me her tits, Mikayla decided to show them anyway because she thought they were a little magic.

Or maybe she was just a horny little minx who wanted to see if I was all I was cracked up to be.

Whatever the case may be, I wasn’t going to turn away from a pornographic contrivance as tempting as this one.

I reached out with both hands, grabbed hold of her tits, and began to squeeze. Mikayla stood there, smiling down at me, biting her lips as I continued to fondle her huge tits. And, to her credit, she was actually pretty close to being right.

I really was feeling a lot better having had the chance to squeeze her tits.

“You’ve got some really nice tits,” I admitted, running my thumbs over her nipples and pinching each of them.

Mikayla squealed slightly, having to catch her balance as she grabbed the kitchen island with one hand. “Thanks! I really like them too, they’re just so much fun, and when people aren’t stupid jerks about them and play with me like I wanna be played with… ah, that’s really the best!”

“I believe you,” I replied, feeling the heft and the softness of her gigantic tits and still struggling to believe they were real. I mean, I’d seen some huge tits in my time, even been with a couple women who actually had bigger racks than Mikayla, but when you’re shown a pair of mind-boggling tits for the first time, they do have a way of hypnotizing you for a little while.

“Mmm, that’s nice, that’s nice, keep being nice, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?” she pleaded, getting a little whinier as I kept squeezing her tits.

I couldn’t help but notice that she was rocking her hips with a certain, animalistic need, one that I was very familiar with. I wondered how far Mikayla wanted to take this.

“So… you like it nice, huh?” I said, continuing to squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples.

“Mhmmm…” Mikayla murmured, her eyes fluttering as she began to lose herself to my pleasuring her tits. “Mean is fun sometimes too… especially when Daphne’s doing it, but I like nice the best!”

“Well…” I said, mulling this information over. “That’s very good for you, then.”

“Mhmmm?” she replied, curious, her mouth dropping in a beautiful little O of pleasure.

“Yes. Because I’m in a very, very nice mood, today…” I said.

Gently, I grabbed the waistband of her skirt and pulled it down, dropping that cute little schoolgirl skirt around her ankles and leaving her thoroughly exposed to me in her lacy pink thong. Mikayla’s eyes went wide at this sudden exposure, the brief look of surprise on her face soon becoming a broad smile, before I brought my hands back to her tits and my continued efforts with her nipples dropped her mouth into a pleased O again.

“Y…y…yaaa-ay…” Mikayla moaned softly, trying to force herself through her pleasure as I continued to squeeze her tits.

“You know? I absolutely agree with you. This really is a ‘yay’ moment…” I said, looking up at her while I squeezed her nipples a little harder.

“So… so happy you agree!” she said. Her voice was getting higher and distinctly whiny at this point, a certain, wild desperation forming in her eyes that made me pleasantly hot.

“But,” I said, lowering my voice and smiling devilishly. “I think we can make this a little more yay…”

Mikayla looked desperate as I took my hands from her tits. “But-“

She practically cried out in shock and pleasure as I leaned in and started sucking on her nipple, bracing her hand against the kitchen island for support. As any pair of tits this magnificent deserves, I fucking worshipped them, leaning in and kissing and suckling both nipples, nibbling at them just slightly enough to excite her. I suckled intensely, swirling my tongue around each tip and making sure I pleased her.

Mikayla, by this point, was whining most impressively, and rocking her hips as if she were in some desperate need for release. I could swear that I smelled her arousal from here, which admittedly gave me a fair bit of pride for my oral skills. But, I could always up my game, and with my hands now free, I put them to work. I reached down to grab the edges of her thong, pulling them down and dropping the lacy garment to the floor along with her skirt.

I leaned away from her tits for a moment, giving Mikayla a brief moment to whine and mewl some more for attention… but I had to see her pussy.

It was, much like the rest of her, pornographic perfection. Perfectly shaved, and thoroughly soaked, her prominent lips begged for attention as her juices practically dripped down her thighs. At her sudden exposure, Mikayla bit her lip, looking almost embarrassed as she looked down at me, surprised and hungry.

“My, my, my… you look good enough to eat,” I said.

Mikayla’s eyes darted to my cock straining the front of my sweatpants before she looked away. Her face flushed slightly with embarrassment, though her excited smile was encouraging.

“Daphne… told me that you’re, ummm, really good at eating…” she said, flushing even brighter.

I reached up to pinch one of her nipples. “And do you believe everything Daphne tells you?”

“Mhmmmmm,” Mikayla replied, nodding fiercely.

I grinned. “Well, in this case, you’re right to. I absolutely love eating pussy, and yours looks… well, it looks so very sweet.”

I slipped two fingers between her legs, running them along her outer lips. It was a gentle move, not intended to do much of anything other than gauge how wet she was, but the sudden contact had her crying out in surprised pleasure. I lifted those fingers up for inspection, seeing them utterly soaked with her glistening juices, before I sniffed her rich, sultry aroma.

Keeping eye contact with her, I sucked those fingers into my mouth until they were clean, smacking my lips and smiling. “Yes… very sweet.”

“Oh… that’s good…” Mikayla replied, her voice in a dreamy, far-off place. “Don’t you wanna taste me more?”

“Uh huh,” I replied, getting up. “But if we’re going to do that, we’re going to my bedroom.”

She bit her lip through a smile, but then nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, please!”

I grinned, standing up from my stool and cocking my head. “This way.”

I had Mikayla lead the way to my bedroom, admittedly mostly so I could watch the sway of her bare, epic butt… and fuck, it was a work of art.

Looking her up and down, I decided she was wearing too much and reached up to grab her top, pulling it down her arms and dropping it on the floor as we walked. Mikayla giggled at her sudden exposure, and at suddenly wearing nothing more than her knee-high socks and heels. With her top not obscuring anything, it was possible for me to see the swell of her breasts from behind her… again, it felt impossible to deny this girl was a work of art.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” I stated.

Mikayla giggled, looking over her shoulder at me. “Thanks! I mean, like, soooooo many guys say that that it doesn’t mean as much as it used to when they first started saying that about me, but I know you’ve been with so many girls and you can compare, so, that’s cool!”

She stopped in front of me, turning to face me and looking even more a porn goddess now that she was nearly naked. “So, I know you like my boobs…”

Mikayla reached up to cup them, moaning softly as she squeezed them and pinched her nipples. “…and they’re pretty cool and soooooooo much fun… but what do you think of my butt?”

She turned back around, bending over slightly to stick her epic, round ass at me, gently twerking her jiggling cheeks slightly for my eyes.

“Because I really like my butt, too! And it’s so much fun to play with, but I’ve seen some guys get scared of it like it was bigger than they knew what to do with, and that’s no fun. My butt doesn’t scare you, does it?” Mikayla teased, reaching behind to squeeze her ass cheeks, parting them somewhat for emphasis.

I licked my lips as I eyed her epic ass, and I realized that I could have gone on at some length about how amazing I found her ass. However, this seemed like one of those moments where actions would have been a lot louder than words, and I acted accordingly. I grabbed Mikayla, pushing her face-first against the nearest wall and making her squeal. Pinning her there with my body, I reached down to squeeze her ass, running those thick, soft cheeks through my hands and making this gorgeous bimbo squeal and moan approvingly as I massaged her.

“Yeah, I think it’s safe to say that I’m not afraid of your ass,” I explained, grinning and nibbling on her shoulder.

This particularly seemed to drive Mikayla wild, as she rocked her hips back against my hands as I groped her ass. “Y-yay!”

Taking this experimentally, I slid one hand between her ass cheeks, teasing my middle finger against her asshole. Mikayla turned her head to the side, looking at me, her eyes wide and her lips dropped open in slight surprise, and pleasure.

I grinned at her, rubbing my finger in circles around her asshole. “Yeah, big… big yay…”

And before she could say anything more, I pressed my middle finger into her tightest hole. She may have grunted and groaned in slight discomfort, but Mikayla was all too excited as she angled her hips to better allow my penetration. Her ass was tight, and unbelievably hot, but goddamn it if she didn’t feel fucking amazing.

Mikayla grit her teeth and shut her eyes tightly with a powerful wince, but then opened her eyes. They now had a fiery, lusty sheen, and as I fingered her ass, she stopped wincing and moistened her lips.

I could take a hint, and I leaned in to kiss her. Mikayla kissed me back with a passion, pressing her lips against mine and trying to claim me with her tongue as if her life depended on it. She might have been one of the most enthusiastic kissers I’d ever met, honestly, unstoppable as we made out.

Oh, this girl was going to be so much fun.

Finally breaking the kiss, I pulled my finger out of her ass and cocked my head.

“Come on,” I directed. “Bedroom’s over here.”

A little wobbly, and with a distinctly pouty look on her face now that we were no longer kissing and I didn’t have a finger buried up her ass, Mikayla strolled toward my bedroom. I looked back down at her swaying ass, licking my lips and happy to know that she wouldn’t have anything to pout about much longer.

Once she got within a few steps of my bed, I acted, grabbing her and tossing her onto it. She squealed, landing and rolling onto her back with a giggle, looking up at me with her beautifully tousled hair. Mikayla looked so utterly free and in her element, so unrestrained and happy… it was hard not to see her as one of the most beautiful, innocent creatures to ever exist.

And what I was going to do to her, well… that was considerably less innocent.

Mikayla slid into a more comfortable position with her head on a pillow and kicked off her heels. As she made to pull off her socks, however, I intervened.

“Leave the slutty schoolgirl socks on,” I growled, smiling down at her.

“These are just my usual socks,” Mikayla replied, a little confused. “I didn’t bring my really slutty schoolgirl socks. Should I have?”

I grinned, pulling off my shirt and tossing it aside. “We’re really gonna have to do this again sometime, I think.”

“Mhmmmmmmm…” she groaned, eyeing me appreciatively.

I could have gotten completely naked, but for this next part, I thought shirtless was good enough. After taking my phone from my pocket and setting it on the nearest nightstand, I crawled up onto the bed and forced her legs apart, exposing her shaved pussy fully to me.

Mikayla moaned, her voice soft and pleasantly whiny as she spread her legs further apart for me. “You’re gonna eat me now?”

“Mhm,” I confirmed, leaning in and kissing her inner thighs, taking a moment to inhale her delightfully feminine scent.

“That’s… I like that…” she said, her voice fluttery as I continued to kiss her inner thighs. “Not a lot of guys who liked me wanted to do that… they just saw me and then it’s like, they want their cocks out and pound away at my mouth or my pussy and just use me… and I like being used, I really do, it’s nice to leave someone else in charge and just let them throw you around, but, I like being spoiled too. That’s not too much to want, right? To be a little spoiled with some good mouth stuff?”

Mikayla blinked down at me, pursing her lips in a cute smile as she continued to blush from the admission. I moved in closer to her pussy, licking my lips as I appreciated the glisten of hers.

“Nothing wrong with that at all,” I said, kissing her inner thigh about as close to her pussy as I could get without touching her lips. “You’re so fucking hot you should be able to demand mouth stuff and get it every time… but with me, you’re certainly in luck, because I absolutely love to spoil.”

This really made her smile. “Yaaaa-AAAAAAAAAAY!!!”

Her already pleasantly whiny cry of pleasure got considerably higher and whinier as I finally licked her pussy, a sound that only made me dig in more thoroughly. I explored her soft folds, running my tongue around in search of those spots that would help drive her particularly wild, before I glided up and settled on suckling on her clit enthusiastically. Mikayla reached down to grab my head with both hands, squealing and holding me close as she bucked against me.

“That’s nice, that’s nice, that’s nice!” she exclaimed, sticking out her tongue pleasurably as she continued to force my face against her pussy. “I like it! I like it! More, please, more, give me more! I want it, I want it! Give me moooooooooooore and… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!”

Now, I’d made some girls cum quickly before, but Mikayla probably set a speed record. I’d only been at it for a matter of moments before she was gushing on my face, crying out and shaking as she continued grinding against my face. I didn’t see this as a problem, of course, and I lapped her up with gusto, but I was still a little surprised by all of it, I guess.

The moment she calmed down, I slowed my sucking on her clit, then looked up at her.

Mikayla giggled, looking a little shamefaced at me. “Sorry. I get really, really horny when someone plays with my boobs right, and you played right, so… I came a bit quickly.”

I grinned. “That’s alright. I wanted to make you cum, so, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

“Cool,” she said, a little breathy.

Mikayla released her hands from my hair and ran them up her body, squeezing her tits and whining slightly. If I might have thought this girl looked like walking sex before, from this angle, she might just have been Aphrodite herself. She looked pleasantly pleased and satisfied, smiling with a sweet abandon that seemed thoroughly out of place by the lewdness of the position she was currently in.

Looking up at her, I licked my lips and asked, “So, you wanna cum again?”

Her eyes went wide. “You can do that?”

Loving the enthusiasm in her voice, I grinned and said, “Watch me.”

For as much as she could keep her eyes open, Mikayla did watch me. She looked down the canyon between her insane breasts as I proceeded to give pussy every bit of pampering and every trick in the book I had learned. With two fingers slid inside her cunt massaging her G-spot and my lips and tongue worshipping her clit, I set about seeing just how many times I could make this busty Asian beauty cum before she hit her limit.

As it turned out, that was quite a lot.

The second time I made her cum took longer than the first, but not by much, as she was soon gushing on me again, crying out and begging for another.

The third and fourth times, I was pretty sure she screamed loud enough to shake the windows and maybe even summon Alice from next door, which would normally be welcome, but would only instigate some additional challenges now. Somehow, Mikayla kept coming up with reserves of more pussy juice, and I began to have trouble lapping everything up.

By the fifth time, my tongue was starting to tire, and she was laughing and begging for more in that sweet, whiny way she had, helping me fully understand how greedy a slut Mikayla Matsumoto actually was.

Her sixth orgasm was her most devastating yet, shaking my bed as her eyes rolled out and she stuck her tongue out, looking like a cartoon pornographic fantasy as her body jerked and shuddered so hard I could hear the framed pictures on my wall shaking.

I thought that this was it. This had to be it. There was no way she could take another orgasm so soon after six others. There was no way I thought that my tongue and jaw could take giving her another, at least not without a break. I looked up, at the slow rise and fall of her mountainous chest, at that peaceful, almost sleep-like look on her face as she came down from her most recent high.

And then those eyes opened, and she looked down at me with that sweet, greedy little smile, and said one simple word.


This was where I had to be honest with her. “Can I take a break? I can feel my tongue cramping up, I think…”

“But…” Mikayla pouted, before sighing, “…of course, I’m sorry, it’s just that that was sooooooo gooooooooooood and I think I could want that every minute of every day and… but that’s not fair to you. My god, your boner must be so big and hard right now, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking! Let’s do something with that, I wanna see your boner and I can make it feel so effing good!”

While you all know by now how much I love pleasing a girl, what she was saying right now was music to my ears. “I can work with that.”

I climbed off the bed for a moment, then stood by Mikayla. As she was right on the edge of the bed, on her back, with a premium view for a good show as I pulled down my sweats and underwear and stood naked before her, my thick, ten-inch cock inches away from her face. My balls were already quite full, and had to be nearly as impressive a sight, while a steady flow of precum dripped from the tip.

The way Mikayla’s eyes went wide, combined by the way those full lips opened in yet another O of surprise, was certainly exciting from my angle.

She exclaimed, “Oh my… it’s so bi-“

Before she could finish her thought, I grabbed her by the hair and thrust my cock between those surprised lips, finding that this beauty was all too happy to immediately slurp down my cock. Mikayla swirled her tongue over my head expertly, before sucking in with impressive strength. The pleasure of her mouth was, admittedly, somewhat overwhelming, and I couldn’t help but thrust into her, fucking her face with an eagerness I never would have thought she could inspire.

“Goddamn… fuck, you know how to suck cock…” I praised, continuing to fuck into her as long as she’d have me. “You really fucking love doing this, don’t you?”

“Mhmmmmmmmm!” Mikayla hummed, sucking harder, taking more and more of my cock into her mouth and down her throat until I was nearly fucking every inch into her.

It would have been fun to keep going like this for a while, but getting a good look at her assets from this angle, I couldn’t help myself.

Even though it caused her another wave of intense pouting, I pulled my cock from her mouth, enjoying the sight as she tried to suck at the air to get my cockhead back between her lips, before I climbed up on top of her. Looking down into her eyes, I straddled her chest, placing my cock between her massive tits before grabbing them in each hand, pressing them around my cock.

“Ooh!” Mikayla exclaimed, looking down with some excitement as I began to tittyfuck her. “That looks so awesome… so hot! I love it!”

“You’re not the only one…” I grunted, groping her tits and squeezing her nipples while I thrust my cock between her tits. “Touch yourself… I’m gonna play with your tits while I fuck them, and I want you to fucking cum for me… think you can do that?”

Mikayla’s eyes brightened, and I could feel her move her arms down to touch herself while I fucked my cock in and out of her tits, using the lubrication of her saliva and my precum to build up a pretty decent pace.

“Oooooohhhhhhhh gooooooodddddd… it feels soooooo gooooood!” Mikayla moaned. “Keep playing with my boobs! I want it! I love it! I want it! Pleeeeeeeeease keep playing? Pretty please? I love it! I love it! Just a little longer, pleeeeeeeease!”

I would’ve been happy to play with her tits for the next couple days, honestly, so I didn’t need much motivation to keep fucking this sweet, gorgeous girl’s massive rack. Every time I squeezed her tits, Mikayla would moan a lusty moan that I’d probably be hearing in my dreams, while every time I squeezed her nipples it got another of those raw, sexual whines of hers that raised goosebumps across my body. This girl, despite her ditziness, was a raw, sexual being who knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it, and I was all too happy to provide it for her.

Given her earlier comments about how playing with her tits got her exceptionally horny, it didn’t surprise me for a second that her next orgasm was absolutely devastating. If I hadn’t been sitting on her chest, Mikayla might have fallen off the bed for how hard she was shaking, her moans and cries of pleasure absolutely crazy as she lost all sense of time, space and words. The sounds coming out of her mouth alternated between formless, high-pitched cries and low guttural sounds of satisfaction that she could barely control, an undeniably hot as hell combination from my perspective.

As she slowed down, Mikayla looked up at me with that pretty smile and those prettier eyes, looking absolutely perfect to me.

“That… was… the BEST!!!!!!” she said, laughing and looking up at me proudly, before her eyes locked back on my cock again.

I readjusted my position for a moment, letting her suckle on my cockhead like a lollipop for a good long moment, before pulling it out.

I looked down at her, breathing heavily, and about as turned on as I had ever been.

“So… I don’t know where you are on the subject… but I’d really like to fuck you soon, if you’re up for it,” I said, my voice low and hungry.

Mikayla’s eyes looked vaguely intimidated as she cast her gaze back at my cock. “I… I don’t know if you can do that without breaking my sweet little pussy. It’s just so tight and cute that if you put a dick that big in me, you might break me!”

Then, with a sparkle in those eyes, she looked back up at me and grinned a devilish smile, “On the other hand… it might be fun if you break me!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

Mikayla nodded enthusiastically. “Fuck me, Ryan! Give me that cooooooooccccccccckkkkK!!!!!”

She laughed as if her skepticism had been an amazing joke, but from where I was crouching, I was too horny to really care. I crawled down her body until I was lying down on top of her, the two of us face to face again as my cock fell between her inner thighs. We kissed for a moment, taking a brief respite of slowness as we made out, me squeezing her tits while she reached down to grab my butt in one hand, stroking my cock in the other. She seemed to particularly enjoy playing with my cock like this, like it was a new toy that she was going to have all the fun with.

Soon Mikayla was playing with it against her pussy lips, running it over her clit and moaning lustily.

This was when I knew we were ready. I took control, grabbing hold of my cock as I lined it up with her entrance, teasing it over her wet folds before I began to slightly press.

“You ready?” I asked, one last time.

Breathing a little more heavily, Mikayla bit her lip and moaned, “Mhmmmmmm!”

I nodded, kissing her again, and then pressed my cockhead inside of Mikayla’s hot, soaking cunt.

Seven orgasms had done wonders for loosening her and getting her wet for entry, but even then, this girl was crazy tight. It took some grunting and light thrusting to get my cockhead properly wedged between those lips, but when I felt my moment coming, I pushed on ahead, thrusting hard.

With this one motion, I buried the cockhead and several inches inside of her, causing Mikayla’s eyes to fly wide open in surprise as she let out another low, guttural cry.

“Ohhhhh godddddddd!!! It’s so big! It’s so big! You’re breaking my sweet little pussy!!!” she cried out.

I stopped. “Do you want me to pull out?”

“NO!” Mikayla practically screamed, locking her shapely legs behind my ass. “No! Don’t pull out! Don’t pull out! I want more, give me more, I want it, please!!!”

With her powerful legs, she pulled me forward, and unable to deny her, I began to slowly feed my cock into her waiting cunt an inch at a time, only stopping when my balls rested against her ass and I had every last bit of cock deep inside of her.

Mikayla let out a light little squeal when this happened, and I couldn’t help but kiss her.

“Ever had ten inches inside of you like that?” I joked, kissing her cheek.

Looking down at us in some awe, Mikayla quivered, then giggled. “I’ve been with some guys who said they had ten inches… but they were sooooo lying, now… that’s sooooooo biiiiiiiig! God… you’re spoiling my pussy with that big fucking cock… I love it!”

She giggled again, kissing me. I kissed her back, deeper and longer, before breaking it to smile down at her.

“Well, you’re fucking spoiling me with every square inch of your body, so… I think we’re even,” I replied, kissing her again.

Bracing myself, I began to fuck into her slowly, making Mikayla moan with every thrust.

“Nuh… uh…” she complained. “You’re soooooo spoiling me the most…”

I realized that this was the kind of argument that could wind up going in circles for a long time, so rather than continue to engage Mikayla in it, I started properly fucking her.

This turned out to be the right strategy, because Mikayla was absolutely fucking amazing in bed. In addition to having a body made for pornographic fantasies, she was responsive and giving, kissing me eagerly and rocking her hips against my thrust, wanting to fuck me back every bit as hard as I was fucking her while her pussy expertly milked my cock. She was a good kisser, enthusiastic and wet, her full lips melding against mine as her tongue darted out tentatively to meet mine. And watching her tits bouncing beneath me, rocked by every impact as I fucked in and out of her… fuck, it was an intoxicating sight.

I may have underestimated Mikayla on first sight, missing her sweet and hopeful and ambitious side as I was blinded by her insane curves and ditzy attitude, but she was every bit as good a fuck as I could’ve hoped, and more.

I barely even minded her high, whiny voice anymore, especially when it was engaged in excitable pleasure.

“Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me… I love it! This is so much fun! Your cock’s so big… so big inside of me… mmm, give me more! I want more! Give me everything so hard! Godddddd… it’s soooooooo gooooooooood! Give it to me! Fuck me, Ryan, fuck me harder, fuck me harder, please, I want that cock, I want it all… I want that cum!” Mikayla moaned, kissing me desperately.

Her eyes blazed at those last words, and how it made me fuck her ever so harder. “You want that, right? You wanna give me your cum?”

“Yeah,” I grunted, unable to deny the truth. “Yeah, I want to fill you up… so fucking hot…”

Mikayla giggled, then kissed me. “I don’t let most guys cum in me. Don’t let most guys fuck me bare, either, but you can take it… it’s not making you lose it all at once… so you can do it. I want it… I wanna fuck sooooooo hard that you can’t help yourself! You’re gonna just burst inside of me, and it’s gonna feel awesome, and I want you to do it! Come on, fuck me and cum in me, fuck me and cum in me, fuck me and cum in me!”

She kept repeating herself in that delightful, cutesy voice of hers, like she was chanting it on an athletic field at school. Seeing Mikayla like this was getting me so fucking hot… but still reeling from the aftermath of Amy, I was starting to slow faster than I’d like.

Thankfully, there was something else I already wanted to get to before we finished.

Kissing her deeply, I said, “I want you on top… wanna see those tits bounce…”

Mikayla squealed pleasantly at that idea. “You got it!”

She unlocked her legs from behind me, and then, without pulling out of her, I rolled so that she was now on top of me. Mikayla took to the change of scenery well, sitting up on my cock with a certain amount of pride. A pink flush ran from her face down to her upper chest, and her hair was a mess, but I don’t imagine she could’ve looked any happier than she did in that moment. Her breasts, so full and round, looked impossible and epic from this angle.

Then again, considering how much of her looked impossible and epic, that really shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise.

What was surprising, however, was how quickly Mikayla took to riding my cock. Though she was a little slow at first as she got accustomed to my cock in this position, soon she was riding my cock with the same enthusiasm it seemed she reserved for whatever she liked to do. Those epic tits of hers bounced wildly as she moaned loudly.

“I never get to do this! And I always want to do this! Thaaaaaaank… youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!” Mikayla moaned, losing absolute control as she fucked me intensely.

I reached up to grab those bouncing tits and squeezed them, further making her moan. “You never get to… fuck… ride?”

“Nuh uh!” she declared, looking down at me and smiling. “Any guy who’s with me… it’s like all they want to do is climb on top of me and get it over with… like they don’t know what they’re doing or wanting and before they can figure it out, they’re done… but you’re lasting longer than any of them, letting me get on top for once, and I love it up here… feels so good to have your cock in me when I’m here, my clit’s all tingly and feeling awesome and… fuck… I love it! Give it to me! More! More! More!”

At her request (and because I wanted to), I squeezed her tits, fucking up into Mikayla wildly as she rode me harder and harder. Mikayla was lost in her own little world of pleasure, her pussy dripping with juices as she expertly rode me, crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out like a porno dream, before looking down at me with her sweet, teasing smile. I could feel her tensing, and we were well past the point where I was ready to burst.

“You’re getting ready to cum again, aren’t you?” I growled, squeezing her tits firmly.

Mikayla moaned. “Yeeeeeeeeesss…”

I was ready to seize my moment. “Good.”

I pulled her in close, pressing her tits against my face as I sucked hard on one of her nipples. Moaning uncontrollably, Mikayla kept wildly rocking her hips as if she needed to fuck my cock for her very survival.

This was the moment I went in for the kill, biting gently on her nipple.

“AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!” Mikayla screamed, cumming hard on my cock.

Her gushing pussy clamped down on my cock, hard, and I stopped even the barest attempt at self-control. I buried as deep as I could into her pussy and came, filling her cunt with a torrent of spurting cum that felt like it would never end. Shot after blindingly pleasurable shot emptied inside of her, drawn further in by her squeezing, grasping cunt. Mikayla’s legs shook as her body quivered, and soon she pulled me into a long, lingering kiss that felt like a satisfying cherry on top of this delightful fuck.

We slowed for a moment like this, her on top of me, kissing me, shivering as we both came down. I could still feel some of the aches from my afternoon with Amy Temple, but Mikayla was such sweet softness by comparison that those pains were easily dulled. Our connection may not have been much more than physical, but as physical connections went, we were a pretty good match. It was easy for us to tell what the other wanted, and to give it to them. Sex with her was fun, and sweet, and pleasantly undemanding.

Well, mostly undemanding.

After catching her breath, Mikayla looked down at me with that sweet, playful smile of hers again and declared, “Again!”

I laughed. “Already?”

“Mhmmmm…” she murmured, kissing me again. “I come back pretty quick after cumming, so, I’m kinda-sorta always ready for more.”

“I’m getting that impression,” I said, chuckling and running my fingers down the side of her jaw tenderly. “I might take a little work to get back up and running soon… but I really want to be.”

Mikayla shivered at my touch. “That’s nice… and I so get that. Do you want my help? Because I’m, like, the best at helping get guys hard. Might not always get the best-best guys, but, if I wanna make them hard again, I can do it!”

I was going to give her an answer about how I didn’t doubt her on this, but before I could, she climbed off of me and pulled me up into a sitting position.

“Come on! I’m gonna make you hard again! Sit on the edge of the bed so I can suck you off!” Mikayla giggled, dropping to her knees on the floor and looking up at me.

I mean, I wasn’t going to turn down that kind of offer, especially since I hadn’t fully tested her oral skills yet. I twisted so that my legs hung over the edge of the bed and so that I could now look down at her… and fuck, did Mikayla look absolutely stunning from this angle. Kneeling on the floor, smiling cutely and pursing her lips, her tits looking absolutely mammoth and rocking slightly with every breath.

I may not have been as hard as I was, but it was easy to regain some of that strength simply by looking at this eager, busty goddess.

“Something tells me you’re really good at sucking cock…” I said, enjoying the sight as Mikayla leaned in and kissed my cockhead.

“Mhm!” she murmured, sucking my cockhead into those perfect, pouty lips of hers. “I love it! I love making guys feel good, and it makes me feel strong because I’m in charge and, well, it’s just the best, and I’m so good at it, like, you wouldn’t frickin’ believe it. I just wish it made me feel as good and got me off like playing with my pussy or fucking does!”

Mikayla sucked on my cockhead again, causing me to groan out loud. My cock had regained most of its hardness again under her efforts, and despite how easily distracted I was in the moment, something she said resonated with me.

“Actually… fuck…” I groaned, eyeing Mikayla hungrily as she held my cockhead between her lips. “I can help you with that part.”

Sucking another couple inches in, she cocked her head quizzically. “Hmmmm?”

I reached over to the nearby nightstand and pulled open its drawer, rooting around inside until I found the magic wand vibrator I kept inside for emergencies. I pressed the button on it a couple times, confirming that it was still charged, before pulling it out to show Mikayla. Once she saw it, her beautiful eyes went wide, and I heard her squeal around my cock, clapping her hands before reaching out to take it from me.

And sucking down more of my cock in the process, which felt pretty amazing.

Mikayla turned the vibrator on and dropped it between her legs, moaning and squealing pleasantly around my cock as she toyed with herself. With her other hand holding the base of my cock for steadiness, she soon sucked down the remaining inches, making sure I had a perfect view of her looking up at me with those sweet, lust-filled eyes as she had my cock buried down her throat.

“Hold that… hold right there…” I moaned, reaching for my phone and taking a quick picture of Mikayla. She stayed put perfectly, seeming to have absolutely no discomfort whatsoever posing with ten inches of cock down her throat.

“Thanks,” I said, putting my phone aside.

Mikayla tried saying something around my cock, but whatever it was just came across as vague, if pleasant, vibrations.

However profound it might or might not have been, I was certain of one thing in the moments that followed: Mikayla Matsumoto gave amazing fucking blowjobs. Once she was satisfied that I got the picture I wanted, she went to town on my cock, bobbing and sucking with a passionate intensity. That she was able to do this while writhing and moaning on the vibrator I’d given her was impressive as hell, as she seemed to be lost in her own special little world. It felt great from my end, and watching her enjoy herself while she was so beautifully sucking my cock, well, that was just icing on the cake.

“I’m… I’m hard again… I’m ready… ready for whatever you want to do…” I murmured, running my hand through her hair as she kept sucking me.

It was at about this point that I realized that Mikayla wasn’t exactly paying attention, and was kind of going on an intense autopilot. She was so lost in her vibrator, her eyes rolled back as she furiously sucked my cock, that I doubted anything could stop her from whatever devastating course she was on. It was with my cock buried all the way down her throat that I heard her cry out and watched her shake from a strong, messy orgasm, one that seemed to shake her to her very core.

Now, normally, you’d think that she’d take a moment to catch her breath and go easy on herself, but this girl… fuck, she kept going. She kept sucking my cock despite my reminders that I was hard again, keeping the vibrator pressed against her clit as she wantonly ground against it.

She must have cum once, maybe even twice more, by the time I could feel another orgasm of my own brewing, and I tried warning her again.

“Mikayla…” I said, running my fingers through her hair. “You’re gonna make me…”

Yeah, she wasn’t really taking warnings at this point, as she kept sucking me harder and harder, her fluttery eyes looking up at me with such a sense of pride and lust.

I couldn’t stop the inevitable, and I just let it happen. I came, the first couple shots filling her mouth, before she pulled back in surprise.

“Oh, wow! Oh, wowwowowow!” she exclaimed, swallowing the cum in her mouth and aiming my cock at her massive tits as more cum shot out and splattered against them. “WowowowowYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!”

I’d lost count of how many times I’d watched Mikayla cum so far, but seeing it from this angle might’ve been the best yet. Even as she still jerked the last bits of cum from my cock, she cried out in ecstasy, sticking out her tongue lewdly and crossing her eyes once more as she came devastatingly hard. Her whole body, from her immaculate legs to her insane, cum-covered tits was trembling uncontrollably, as it looked like she was having a truly difficult time kneeling.

Again, this lasted for a remarkably short time, because soon she regained her composure, looking up at me with a sweet smile that would be the cutest thing ever if you ignored how utterly filthy she looked.

“Oh, shoot!” Mikayla giggled. “I was supposed to get you hard so we could fool around some more, and then I just kept going because my pussy felt so good and then… wow, you’ve got really tasty cum!”

She smacked her lips for emphasis, then licked them, before smiling up at me again. “You can get hard again, right? Even though I might’ve screwed up a little, even though that felt good, and-“

“Yeah…” I said, leaning back onto the bed slightly. “Just give me a moment!”

“Okay!” Mikayla chirped, sucking on my cock again.

I could’ve told her that this was about to go the exact same way it had moments ago if she kept at it, but I was feeling so good at her attention that I wasn’t in a place to seriously complain.

And, crazy as it seemed, it wasn’t long before I felt the strength return to my cock.

This time, however, I knew I had to take charge. “Get up here…”

I grabbed Mikayla by the shoulders, pulling her onto the bed and forcing her onto all fours beside me, before I climbed up behind her and slid into her pussy. I wasn’t going to wait to do what I wanted now, no, I was going to fuck this busty beauty hard, and I was going to do it now.

Mikayla hardly had reason to complain, mewling and crying out pleasurably. “Ooh, yes, I love this position! It lets you fuck me really hard! Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me harder, I love it!”

Fuck, I was loving fucking her. I leaned down against her, grabbing her hair and pulling her face to mine in a lusty kiss. I could hear her massive, cum-covered tits slapping and colliding beneath her as I continued fucking into her like this, her moans against my lips heavenly.

I broke the kiss, grinning at her as I continued to fuck her tight cunt. “Seems like you were made to fuck like this…”

“Uh huh!” Mikayla groaned, playfully squeezing my cock with her cunt. “I love, love, love it, gets it so deep, makes it feel so good, and when a guy finally wants to fuck my butt, I know it’ll be great for doing that, too!”

Well, this threw me for a loop. Not enough to stop fucking her, but still enough that I needed to ask what felt like a truly pressing question.

“Wait a second… you love having your ass played with, but you’ve never been fucked in the ass before?” I asked.

“Nope!” Mikayla replied, chipper. “Most guys are tired out before they get there, and like I said, I think my ass scares a lot of guys. It’s alright, though, it’s not like I’ve never done anything, I got this big dildo and slide it all the way up there when I’m alone and feeling super horny, and-“

Grunting, I interrupted her, “Your ass doesn’t scare me…”

She smiled. “Reeeeeeealllllllly???”

“No, I mean… fuck you’re tight… I mean… you want your ass fucked?” I asked.

“Mhmmm…” Mikayla groaned, pushing back against me as I fucked her.

“Well, then if you wanna get your ass fucked… I’ll do it, if you want,” I explained.

It took a minute for Mikayla to do the math on this, a task that certainly wasn’t made any easier by the fact that I was still giving her an impressive pounding, but once it dawned on her, her mouth dropped open in surprise, then curled into a beaming smile as excitement took her over.

“You’d do that?!?!?” she asked, excited.

I grinned, kissing her. “I’d love to be the first to fuck your ass.”

“Yay! Let’s do it! Let’s do it! Let’s do it!” Mikayla repeated, excited and cheerful.

I chuckled, straightening up and pulling out of her. Mikayla groaned, her tone pleasantly whiny as she complained about the sudden emptiness without saying anything, while I pulled open the bedstand’s drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. Eagerly, I lubed up my cock and returned the bottle, but perhaps not as eagerly as Mikayla changed position. She’d dropped down into a face-down, ass-up position, reaching behind her with both hands to pull her ass cheeks apart and give me a better look at her tight, untouched asshole. It was an intoxicating sight, and I felt my cock twitch enthusiastically at the thought of soon being buried in such an amazing ass.

“Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” Mikayla exclaimed, her voice muffled by the pillow she’d partially buried her head in. “I’ve always wanted to do this with a guy and never found the right guy, but you’re the right guy and… ooh, this is gonna be so fun!!!”

“It will be… but I should warn you, this’ll probably hurt a little at first, too,” I warned, teasing her asshole with my cockhead.

“Yeah, I know, but that’s kinda part of the fun too, right?” she cooed, wiggling her ass against my cock as I kept teasing her. “Ooh, I like that… that feels way better than my dildo… and it’s a nice dildo, too, very realistic, big and long and thick… maybe as long as you but not so thick, I dunno, but-“

“Mikayla?” I interrupted, pressing the head against her hole.

“Yeah?” Mikayla responded, brightly.

“With what I’m about to do to you, you might want to save your breath for moaning and maybe even a little screaming,” I advised.

Smiling cheerfully, she nodded. “Makes sense! Go on, fuck my butt, please, I want it so bad, do it, do whatever you wanna do, I’ve wanted this for soooooo looooooong!!!”

I licked my lips, looking down at this immaculate, epic ass that Mikayla had and, as was often the case this year, thanking the many, many twists of fate that had brought me here.

And after I’d done that, I lined my cock up with her asshole and began to push forward firmly, but not too hard. I wanted to make sure she had a good first time, after all.

Now that she didn’t need her hands to pull her cheeks apart and entice me in, Mikayla got back up on her hands and knees, moaning and groaning, and, of course, talking.

“Ooh! This is… ummm… mhmmm… god, that’s different, that’s really different… you’re thicker than my toy… but so good… yesyesyes, please, push a little harder, I want to feel it, wanna feel you, yesyesyes, come on, come on, please do it, please, I want it so bad, please, give it to me, get it in me, fuck me, fuck my butt, come on, do it, I want it, I want it, yesyesyesYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!” Mikayla cried out as I broke through.

I might have had some choice utterances of my own as I pushed inside of her, but they were drowned out by Mikayla’s cries. Whatever preparation she had done with her toys at home might have made it possible for me to push into her, but I wouldn’t have been able to tell for how unbelievably tight she was inside. Her asshole conformed to my cock like a tight vise, squeezing my cockhead intently, almost trying to force me out.

I was about to ask Mikayla if she was alright, when she simply shouted, “MORE!”

As she pushed back against me and took several more inches in her ass, I took that as more than just a sex-fueled exclamation. Grabbing hold of her hips, I slowly began thrusting in and out of her ass, pushing in a little more every time until my entire cock was buried inside of her. The pleasure was, quite frankly, overwhelming, and put me in a place where I felt grateful she’d been so greedy in making me cum multiple times already.

“That’s it… it’s all in me?” she asked with a dazed voice, looking back at me.

Mikayla’s face was a mix of shaky awe and glee. Even with her smeared makeup and the traces of cum that stuck to her, she looked so beautiful, so at peace, so… well, complete. I couldn’t help but feel a distinct swelling of pride and affection for her, even as I was still trying to take in the feeling of being in such an amazing ass.

“Yeah…” I whimpered, my hands shaky as I shifted my hands to her ass, squeezing those beautiful, round cheeks.

“W…w…wow…” she giggled, wiggling her ass against me and moaning as that shifted the position of my cock. “Ohhhhhh… I love it… I fucking love it… please… please fuck me, Ryan? I really want it… I want it, please, fuck me?”

Yeah, I couldn’t have turned her down if I wanted to at this point. Playfully, I swatted her on the ass, an action that tensed up her entire body and made her squeal with glee. I could have done that again, and again… frankly, I think I could have had a lot of fun spanking Mikayla and really making her gush, but that was for another time.

Grabbing her hips, I started thrusting in and out of Mikayla’s ass, savoring her hot tightness and the sounds she made.

And then, once I’d established a rhythm we both found pleasurable, I fucking gave it to her.

Restraint was impossible when given such a work of art to fuck, and before I knew what I was doing, I was a grunting beast, fucking her ass with a savage passion. My hips were a blur as I gave her nearly my entire length with every thrust, our bodies slapping against each other as her tits swung wildly. Mikayla’s cries of ecstasy and encouragement were all I needed to keep going, and the feeling of her touching her pussy proved encouraging to how much she was enjoying this. Her whines and deep, guttural moans provided an enticing chorus as I pounded away at her ass, forgetting my exhaustion and my pain as I was overcome by that primal quest for pleasure.

I couldn’t say how long this went on, but with the two of us, I imagined we acquitted ourselves well. Mikayla and I were uniquely sexual creatures, with my adaptability, her unending stamina and enthusiasm, and our shared impressive assets. Mikayla and I, as different people as you were going to find around Regan Hills High School, were cut from the same cloth. We were made to do this, and when we did it with each other, we created something divine. We created… well, we created art.

Sweaty, grunting, moaning, cum-covered art, but art all the same.

I might have communicated this if I had the words, but eloquence sort of went out the window when fucking Mikayla’s ass, and Mikayla… well, she wasn’t the eloquent type, but made her appreciation clear.

“I’M CUUUUUUUUUUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she cried out, her pussy positively gushing onto my thighs as her most devastating orgasm yet utterly destroyed her.

It was moments like this that I was glad I had a sturdy bed, but only wished that I could share that same durability. As her ass clamped down on my cock, I was past the point of no return and couldn’t help but fill her ass up with one last, thick load of cum. Our orgasms synced to one another in a way that had the two of us grunting and moaning, nearly in unison, the waves of pleasure complementing each other as we first rode through the ecstasy, and then the aftermath.

Amazingly, it was Mikayla that collapsed first this time, catching her breath and panting from the pleasurable exertion, before I, achingly, pulled out of her ass and collapsed next to her.

There was a strange moment of silence after this, particularly strange because it was Mikayla who was silent this time. She lay there, face down, on the bed for a moment, catching her breath and thoroughly flush, reaching back to touch her well-fucked, cum-dripping pussy and ass, before giggling softly to herself.

Finally, she turned her head to look at me, a wild, manic, yet thoroughly tired grin on her face. “Again?”

Earlier, I couldn’t have denied her, but for now, I returned a warm smile and said, “Give me a moment… I need… I need… a moment…”

“I think… I think I do too…” Mikayla giggled. “Oh, wow, I don’t know the last time I said that.”

An idea forming, I forced myself to sit up on the bed, stretching out some of my sore muscles before flashing her a smile. “So… while we take a second to recover… how about that interview?”

Though still thoroughly fucked out for the time being, Mikayla’s face lit up as if she’d just touched a live wire. She sat up facing me, a well-fucked, messy, cum-covered goddess, looking so elated that I imagined you might find a picture of her face next to the word “happiness” in the dictionary.

“Yay! Of course! Whaddya wanna know?” Mikayla asked, cheerful, shaking with an enthusiasm that sent her huge tits swaying.

Licking my lips and staring at Mikayla’s breasts, I realized that I’d forgotten quite possibly every question I ever knew.

“Let me get a couple pictures of you first…” I murmured, grinning darkly. “And then let’s go from there?”

Giggling cheerfully, Mikayla said, “Yes, please!”

I might have forgotten every question I’d ever known, but I was willing to bet I could come up with something before the next time I felt motivated to jump her.



Love this one. Mikayla is the kind of girl I dream about. She and Brooke seem cut from the same cloth.


Hope she becomes a far more frequent character and join Ryan's Harem... A small Asian buffet for him... Plus she reminds me of a.super bubbly Videogame Ninja girl...