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Hello, hello, Patrons! It's time to check in on what's going on behind the scenes over here, and have a look at what's in store for the next few weeks on the channel.

I've been busy, doing lots of little tasks required to get ready for the next year's worth of audios and Patreon content, not the least of which was setting up my new computer for production. I've basically been making this face...


...for the last couple weeks while I cleaned up my old files. 

Last year, I was quite overwhelmed, and secretly kept beating myself up for not doing enough in regard to Patreon content, keeping up with comments, correspondence, etc. It's become increasingly clear as I untangle the digital disaster area my brain left behind over the past several months that I was seriously in no shape to do more. 

Shameful brainweird secret time! Even though access to my ADHD meds has been a bit more reliable since last summer, I've been subconsciously rationing them by skipping days here and there out of fear they would run out and I'd be stuck without them again. That's counterintuitive af, because instead of being fully medicated part of the time, I've been partly medicated all the time...which, you guessed it, does not properly fix ADHD! 

(I could have chosen to be a functional tricycle for a month at a time, but oh no, I chose to teeter on one wheel for three months at a time. Good job, goldfish brain. You tried. ⭐)

I do plan to do better this year, but I recognize it's going to be tough to retrain myself to be consistent. Still, I desperately want to be back to my old self again. Capable of, y'know, thinking more than five seconds into the future.

Uh. That got weirdly neurotic and personal. Whatever. ANYWAY. All the technical fiddly stuff should be squared away fully by the start of Februdere, and I'm going to get myself on a more even keel if it kills me.

On to upcoming audios! 

You might remember (or you might not, it's been awhile!) that back in November I had part of January's schedule planned out. It originally looked like this:

  • January 3: Forced to Cuddle With a Mean Girl During a Blizzard 
  • January 10: The Thing/The Terror inspired horror audio 
  • January 17: Pulling a Heist With a Bounty Hunter (Multi-script) 

I'm happy to say the first two in the schedule went live as planned! (Here and here!) Unfortunately, the last one is getting pushed back. While vastly superior to my old battered laptop in many respects, recording with the new computer has not been without its hiccups!

I spent my free time over the past few days trying to record that Bounty Hunter series, and kept running into technical problems that took a ridiculous amount of time to solve. I hope to animate the audio as well, and I simply ran out of time to get it out by tomorrow!

So with this week's deadline bearing down on me, I finally gave up on it, and called Juniper in for an emergency assist on a different script, thinking it'd be quicker.

...which we then proceeded to giggle and adlib around for two hours. 

That audio will be in early access later tonight, and goes live tomorrow: Bakadere Valley Girls Go Yandere for You!

I hope the sound quality turns out okay! Things might be a bit off while I try to master the new set-up. If it is, I hope at least all our silly jokes make up for it.

January 24th's audio will be: Shy Orc Saves You From Bullies

And rounding out the month: Bounty Hunter Falls in Love With You

That's a multi-script, likely at least an hour in length, and will be extensively animated! (I hope.)

I want to get both the Orc and Bounty Hunter scripts in the can and into early access this week, so I can spend the next two weeks in hardcore planning/recording mode for Februdere. 

Speaking of the event, I'm having some difficulty finding unique yandere scripts for it. Which, I suppose, is one of the hazards of doing so much yandere content over several years. I don't want to keep retreading the same ground, but I really feel like I'm running out of new! And while I know there's nothing wrong with revisiting certain themes (some audiences love that, in fact!) I also don't want to bore myself into burning out on the subgenre. 

Maybe I'll get desperate enough to write a couple original scripts to help pad out the month if I can't find enough I vibe with, idk. We'll see.

Alright, that's it for me for now. I'll be back later tonight with early access!





Hi Velvet, Good to hear from you! I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble right now—seems a lot of people are having issues at the moment—but I’m sure you can figure things out soon! And I can understand the issues with ADHD medication—while I haven’t been personally diagnosed with it (at least, not yet) one guy I know, Markiplier, did confirm he had it and had a *huge* issue with trying to get some Azstarys medication from his CV-S. He explained the issue on his podcast Distractible, so you can find the story on that podcast—episode “We Got Screwed”—or find the story on YouTube either as an audio recording or an animated retelling. Anyway, I hope that the computer and ADHD stuff gets better! It’s definitely not fun (at least for people like us) when we feel our lives are chaotic. And if I might be so bold; don’t forget to ask for outside help if you need it! I’m sure there are some friends and/or family who’d be more than willing to help you! For Yandere content for Febudere, I actually think there’s a lot more yandere scripts available on ASMRScriptHeaven than you might expect. I know EmeraldAshes has done some yandere scripts, and I think Milky Tea ASMR might share some of her own. There’s also a couple of Gorgon scripts I sent you—one with an original character who is a Gorgon cyborg, another which is just a differed version of Medusa—and while one is strictly meant to be a yandere, the other is more of a “light/implied yandere.” So, maybe those would interest you!