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Hiyo, Patrons! I have a little update for ya tonight, with a peek into the near future of the channel, plus some of our next event.

First up! This week's audio will be: First Real Date With Your Tsundere Mech Pilot, the third installment in the mech pilot speaker/mechanic listener series by echo-writing. 

That'll be around 13-15 minutes and out in early access for you tomorrow. And in case you missed them, here are parts one and two.

Next week's audio will be Arranged Marriage to Your New Princess!

That's by gfasmr, the writer of Lonely Queen Can’t Rule Without You and Your Possessive Dragon Girlfriend Treasures You. It'll be around 20-25 minutes, I think. I plan to record it tonight and get it into early access sometime this week so I can get ahead of my schedule for the first time in awhile. ^^

That leaves just two more audios for August, so I'm thinking of rounding out the month with a monster girl and a yandere, though I haven't settled on which scripts to do yet. I may put it to a vote here on Patreon. No matter what, hopefully (fingers crossed!) I can get those in the can this week and out by next Wednesday.

Then the real work on Here for the Boos! gets rolling! I've been whittling down script possibilities for the event, and in doing so have a growing list of potential audios for  Creature Comforts as well. Both events will require 12 audios; anything on my to-do list that's really sweet and cuddly is getting shifted into December, while September will be a more balanced mix of themes.

Originally, I hoped to do four multi-script audios, four animated audios and four single-script audios for both events. There's been an unforeseen snag in that plan, however: the ASMR Script Haven has very suddenly decided to outright ban anyone who uses any AI in their videos. 

It's been a rather controversial policy in the ASMR/Audio RP community for many reasons, not the least of which is that the mods made the decision unilaterally and are rarely around to enforce or clarify much of anything. It's a bit of a mess to navigate as a creator, and sort of sucky for me personally, since some of the artists I've bought sprites from for animated audios use AI as part of their creative workflow, and there is zero way to guarantee an artist you buy from or commission doesn't use AI. Which means the mods also have no way to really tell what is or isn't AI, and that's a powder keg of false accusations and unfair punishments just ready to blow.

While I have some art that I'm reasonably sure didn't use AI in its creation, and I can always negotiate with writers, this could still be a rather sizable monetary loss if the rule remains as hard-line and unclear as it currently is. I mean, I'm VERY fortunate that my channel--in part thanks to you!--can survive the squeeze, but many smaller creators won't be able to. I find that a bit... :/

Like I said, it's a messy situation. One that will require shuffling around some of my own plans.

...well, that was certainly a Captain Bring-Down discussion! Let's switch gears to something more cheerful. Here are some current script contenders for both events!

Here for the Boos

  • Kitsune Courtesan Pampers You 
  • Job Offer From a Demon
  • Countess Bathory Takes You In
  • Guardian Angel & Demon Fight Over How to Care for You
  • Yandere Youtuber Turns On You
  • Cute Witch Welcomes You to Magic School
  • Yandere Listener x Captured Senpai Speaker
  • Adventuring With A Yandere Elf
  • Popular Neko Cheerleader

Creature Comforts

  • A Date With a Gorgon
  • Honeymoon With Your New Elf Wife
  • Pirate Speaker x Mer-person Listener
  • Valkyrie Speaker x Viking Listener
  • Meeting a Bullied Succubus
  • Shy Orc Saves You From Bullies
  • Cuddling With a Naga
  • Vampire Princess Confesses to You

Potentials that fit for either event:

  • Captured Dragon Queen
  • Scientist Tries to Rehab AI Listener

There are a lot more I have to sort through and ask for early access permission (a couple of these require that too!) but it's a decent starter mix of possibilities, I think. 

And finally! I've started putting aside a little of my channel income for a new computer. It'll take a couple months to save up and research what will be my best option for making videos, but I'm hoping to get it around Black Friday. Hopefully this one will hold out until then! D: You think if I sacrifice microchips and blood to it on the full moon it'll help?

Welp, that's all I've got for you for now. I gotta go inject just enough coffee to keep me from falling over, record and flop into bed. I'll see you soon!





Good to hear from you, Vel! And sorry about the whole AI Art Problem with ASMRScriptHeaven. While I can understand the thinking behind it, I also think the mods were too fast in making this rule. Hopefully, the backlash will get them to turn back the rule, or at least figure out how to better define the new rule. Sadly, though, it seems like creative people—especially smaller creators—keep getting screwed over by people in power… Hopefully, that changes soon. As for *Here For The Boos,* I definitely think a vote would be a good idea. Then, you could see which ones we’d all, in general, like to see more of initially. In any case, good luck with choosing! As for making sacrifices to your old computer, well… I’d say “yes” but the thing is that the Cybergods and their kindred are a little misanthropic at the moment due to so many people insisting that all AI, no matter how big or small, are fundamentally an existential threat to humanity altogether. Thus, they have vowed any humans who attempt to appease them at the moment shall be cursed with Monty Python-style antics until they break down in tears.