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Hi, Patrons! It's time for our monthly chit-chat and rec post, a cozy spot to update each other on what we've been doing lately and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

My July was... [insert Wilhelm screams of the damned]

And how was yours?

Whew. One of the challenges of being a content creator while being a real live human being is trying to balance how much is too much to share! Like, on the one hand: I'm okay! Safe and healthy and all that. #humbleandblessed, etc. But. Ya'll. I also may be losing it. Just a little. The mood is very...

...around here.

I'm sure I'll feel better once summer is over and IRL stuff calms down (a proper sleep schedule would help!) but oof, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. I've quietly given myself permission to take a few weeks off in the fall, including pausing Patreon subscriptions, if by some misfortune life continues as it has been without a proper break. I hope it won't come to that, but apparently my brain needs the escape hatch handle where I can see it or I may start climbing the walls. ^^

Anyway! I sure hope your summer has been going better than mine! I'm so slammed I've barely done anything for fun, but I dug around in my pockets to see if I could find anything worth sharing this month and here's what I've got!

Manga! I have a recommendation for this category this month, especially if you're into yandere or yandere adjacent characters: Firefly Wedding! A sickly young woman finds herself kidnapped and ends up at the mercy of the unhinged samurai who's been tasked with killing her. The only way to bargain for her life is to offer herself in marriage. Hijinks ensue! It's surprisingly wholesome and sweet in spite of all the gratuitous violence.

I don't read a lot of yandere manga (or rather, I didn't prior to starting my channel) but I've been trying to branch out into the genre lately. Analyzing archetypes and story structure and such to feed my brain. This one is full of great tropes and tons of fun.

I also read a couple more "adult" manga selections for research--ahem--but...idk, what's the protocol on sharing those? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄  Would anyone even be interested in silly hentai recs? lmao

If so, Saki the Succubus Hungers Tonight was cute. And also, sketchy and smutty! Beware of consent issues and such. But it's hentai, so. Ya pays yer money, ya takes yer chances. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Articles! Just a couple this month because words were hard.

First, Let the Kids Get Weird: The Adult Problem With Children’s Books. Would it surprise you to learn I was a Weird Child? Nah, I know it wouldn't. I was a macabre little gremlin who read scary books that were much too advanced for her age and prowled the horror movie section of the local video store like I was getting ready to mug someone if it meant I could sneak out something R-rated.

(I have distinct memories of endlessly squishing the gimmick-y blood filled VHS case for Bleeders with questing little fingers--a movie that I'll probably never see because at this point that would ruin the mystique!)

Anyway, as an adult gorehound and former macabre little gremlin, I have a lot of Feelings (TM) about widely encouraging the experience of weird media. It's enriching! It's fun! It widens the scope of your artistic understanding! And I hope everyone does it from time to time. Kids should be weird. At least a little! Or else they may grow up to be very bland adults. And we have more than enough of those running around, I think.

When Photography Wasn’t Art - I've been doing a lot of thinking about what is and isn't art lately, what with the passionate debate over AI tools raging...pretty much everywhere. That's part of what led me to this article, in fact, while trying to figure out how I feel about the ethics of this rapidly emerging technology in art. Like, I've paid artists who utilize AI as part of their workflow, and after a lot of research I generally fall on the side of "AI is a tool" rather than anything more or less flattering. (I just can't quite get on board with either, "Haha, artists, AI is flawlessly ethical and needs no regulation!" or "AI is irredeemably immoral and will kill us all!")

So, I really appreciated adding the historical perspective this article offered to the morass currently churning in my brain. There have always been controversial technological advances in art, debates about the "soul" of art, and new technologies threatening to undercut old ones, whether it was the advent of photography, the phasing out and replacement of Zipatone with Photoshop, or the electric guitar.

I'm not super interested in debating it myself, I've pretty much settled in the middle of the road that how we use tech matters more than the tech itself, but that doesn't mean there's not a lot to think about!

Meet the People Who Keep Vintage Rail Cars Rolling Across America - Would I go on one of these retro trips in period appropriate vintage clothing? YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I WOULD.

That's...pretty much everything I have for you this month! I wish it were more. What have you been up to? Watch/play/read anything nifty?



Hey everyone, good to hear this is finally up! Don’t get me wrong—I’m pretty sure the reason this was a couple of days late was probably due to a combination of work and needing to get a new computer. Still, it’s nice to give everyone an update finally. For me, July definitely a mixed bag. On one hand, if I didn’t mention it before, I was able to finally leave my job at Amazon in June, so July was my first “full month” not working there. In some ways, it was very liberating—especially since, like Velvet, I needed to get a better sleep schedule and, while it took a while, I do feel like I am sleeping better. However, it also was hard since I want to keep that I no longer work at Amazon until the end of the summer from my family to avoid any drama (I want to give the excuse that after Amazon Day, things slowed down and they eventually gave me a pink slip unfortunately—which, since they *were* quietly firing me, isn’t entirely untrue), so it was hard to try and keep from being fully honest with them. I also had to dip into some savings I was hoping to use for indie book publishing, which was sad, but in my defense I also was able to use a lot to help other people get special editions of their own books done. And in one case, I even will be able to work with a published fantasy author to have him ghostwrite a story in his books’ setting! Which I’m really excited about! So, in some ways, I did use my book publishing fund to get something published—just in a different way! I also got to go on the Tour of Homes with my best friend, which has become a quasi-tradition for us. It was a fun time, if a little difficult since I still had to juggle schoolwork and getting good sleep, but it was worth it! That being said, work on my freelance web design business and my personal stories slowed to a crawl, unfortunately. A part of it was because I am still getting used to not being at work, and I’m thinking the heat also had a factor in it (I hate the heat these days), but it was still a bit demoralizing. Though my best friend did say I probably got more done than I think and shouldn’t be too hard on myself—which is fair enough. And at the very least, I finally, *finally* got an ASMR script done for Velvet that I’ve submitted! Hope she likes it, and if she needs some help on pronunciation on certain terms, I’d be more than happy to help. I also was able to join a new writers’ group that appeared in my area, but since it’s so new, I’m still getting to know everyone there. Altogether, though, I’m liking the group a lot! Though, unfortunately, the first story I submitted—an incomplete romantic fantasy short story taking place in a Solarpunk setting—wasn’t that well-received. Though more in a “good, but flawed, way.” Which, due to some emotional issues I had earlier that week, my own phobia of failure, and just not enjoying the spotlight made me very stressed and uncomfortable. I think that as I do more submissions and get to know everyone, though, I’ll get more comfortable with sharing work and receiving constructive criticism. Besides, to be honest, I did want to hear what people initial reactions were since I was unsure how well I was writing the story in general, as romance is a genre I’m still woefully underexperienced in. Thus, as much as it hurt, a lot of the criticism was important since it showed some things I’d have to change about the story, and other ones set in this universe. Speaking of romance: I also will admit I got a new celebrity crush, though admittedly I don’t know if it’ll go anywhere. They’re name is BukkitBrown (Linda Brown IRL) and they are a non-binary professional cosplayer who does a host of characters, and is very bubbly, positive, and passionate. Not to mention just downright gorgeous. The good news is that, after getting some things on their Amazon Wish List, I learned we actually live pretty close (about five hours away from each other) and since Bukkit was the one who (indirectly) convinced me to finally try out things like the Renaissance Faire, a part of me thinks and hopes there’s a chance I might be able to get to see them at the Ren Faire in our area (there seems to be only one a year in the state we live in). The bad news is that Bukkit is already in a relationship—which is something I had a hunch about, but it was still stung to learn about. Still, unlike the yanderes I enjoy, I also know that Bukkit has a right to date whomever they please, and I don’t even know how likely it is we’d ever become friends (if something more). It just hurt a bit since I was thinking and hoping I’d have something of a chance, but for now at least, that isn’t the case. Pity party aside, as I said, Bukkit did encourage me to finally try out the Ren Faire, and while I unfortunately missed my state’s Faire this year, I was able to get a ticket for one in the neighboring state. And I will be going to it a week after this upcoming Saturday! It’s only for a day, but I still look forward to it and even have ordered a wizard costume off Etsy. Hopefully, not only will this be fun, but maybe I can meet a few people, and I have plans to go to next year’s Ren Faire in my own state (and no, not just because I think that Bukkit-senpai might be there and notice me, especially considering my social anxiety). In the meantime, after the Ren Faire, I also was able to get a 3-day pass for my city’s ComicCon, which I’m exited to go to! I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but last year I got a pass/ticket to it for a day as a Christmas gift from my family, but I couldn’t find any parking on my scheduled day and eventually just gave up going. Suffice to say, I was both infuriated and crushed. This year, I not only plan to go, but I have picked an AirBnB to act as a place to stay close to the Convention Center it’s being hosted at. Even better, my stepbrother—who shares a lot of interests with me—is going to attend the Con on one of the days I’m going, so I’m excited to go with him! Especially since I rarely see him. And even without him, I think going over there will be a great way to meet some people of like-minded interests (including some potential mates, preferably of the Sweet Yandere variety, but I digress), probably even more so than the Ren Faire since I’ll be attending it longer. In some final news, my grandparents have made a move to a retirement center, which has… been hard for them and for the rest of the family. A part of the reason it’s been hard is because the house they’ve lived in before was one they’ve been in for over 35 years, so it’s a place they’ve grown attached to and have gotten friends at. Plus, there’s just the process of moving that has been hard for everyone. And recently, even though they said they were going to commit to moving, they said this week they wanted to go back to the house even though everyone started moving them out (they later reframed from this, but time will tell if it sticks). In all honesty, as much as I love my grandparents, to the point where they were kind of a second set of parents before my stepparents came into the picture, I can now see why the family has a dysfunctional, love-hate relationship with them. In some cases, I don’t think they realize how some of their last-minute decisions or stubborn attitudes causes emotional harm to the family—especially my grandmother, who has suffered a lot of abuse in her life (and also was a victim of… the R-word) and yet still basically holds onto that pain and misery even though it hurts her relationship with everyone. Don’t get me wrong—I still love them, but I now understand why their family has big issues with them. Now, before I head out, I do want to mention some of the things I’ve been enjoying. First, I finished Brandon Sanderson’s second Secret Project, The Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England. It’s a charming, quirky story reminiscent of A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court, where a man from “our” world’s future is sent into a parallel universe that is still in the Medieval era. Along with this, he has to save the inhabitants from a vicious crime lord he used to work for, and whom has powerful technology on his side. While perhaps not my favorite Sanderson book, and probably my least favorite of the Secret Projects as a whole, it’s still got a lot of charm and fun some might enjoy. Not to mention some classic Sanderson surprises! After that, I also started reading the third Secret Project, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. This one also takes place in the Cosmere, and is about two souls—“Painter,” a man who hunts down Nightmares (the physical manifestations of humanity’s fears on his planet) and defeats them via magical painting, and Yumi, a woman from a neighboring planet that can commune with her planet’s spirits—find themselves connected as they inhabit one-another’s body. So far, I do enjoy this, even if I find the setting’s a little hard to imagine personally (Painter’s world seems to be shrouded in darkness and is lit only by the “hion lights” which I guess are like neon lights, while Yumi’s planet seems to be in constant day), I do enjoy the idea of two characters meeting this way. I also think that, considering everything, there will be a romance between the two, but we will have to see! I also have finally finished my Graphic Audio version of the Way of Kings, and I must say: even if it’s a slow start to the Stormlight Archive, I can see why people love it so much! In terms of spooky stuff, I was able to watch the first “found photograph” movie, Savageland. It’s a mockumentary about a small town on the Arizona-Mexico border being wiped out and the sole survivor—an illegal Mexican immigrant—being under suspicion. However, things get more complicated when some photos come out that not only indicate the immigrant is innocent (and being used as a scapegoat by authorities), but that the REAL cause of the town’s death is more supernatural in nature. Definitely a very interesting movie and I love the idea of using photographs to tell the story—hope more movies do that! I’ve also been revisiting some Analog Horror series, and outside the classics like Gemini Home Entertainment and Local58, I’ve also discovered a new favorite: The GREYLOCK Tapes. This series takes place in an alternate universe where an experimental new technology has led to the creation of “Thoughforms”—basically, creatures made from people believing/imagining them hard enough. However, not only are the Thoughtforms far more dangerous than previously believed, but a new archeological dig discovered is also shown to be a connected threat. What exactly it is or what significance it has is unknown, but two things are known for certain: 1. Civilizations from around, or perhaps even before, the Stone Age saw it as important, regardless of where in the world they were located. 2. It seems *something* was in there, since not only are the Thoughtforms becoming more dangerous around those who know about it, but a team of diggers were soon found… changing into new forms after exposure to the site. It’s probably one of my favorite, if not my favorite, Analog Horror series right now, and I highly recommend it! And since Velvet has admitted to being a gorehound, I want to recommend a Canadian cosmic horror/splatterpunk writer by the name of Amelie C. Langlois. She does a lot of genre-busting spooky stories that have some unique ideas to them, such as having *colors* come alive or having the main characters be trapped in a story they are forced to repeat for eternity, and I definitely would say give her a look! She’s not my favorite writer, perhaps, but I enjoy her and she has some free stories on her website, which can be found here: https://www.amelieclanglois.com Finally, for any fellow fans of Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy—a new fan project has finally been released. It’s called “Peach Creek” and serves as an unofficial sequel to the show, having the characters be in Highschool (about to go onto college) and becoming more mature in activities and outlook. Honestly, the first episode was great to watch, since it feels a lot like the iCarly reboot—still in similar vein and spirit to the original show, but with updated and matured characters. Not to mention there is some decinstructive elements, such as Ed getting so fed up with his family’s mistreatment it’s crushing him, Marie becoming more of a flirt to Double D rather than forcing herself on him, and Lee Kanker becoming more maternal and responsible after the Kanker Sisters’ mother leaves them. I already was very excited for this series and I can’t wait to watch the rest of it when it comes out—I’m not sure if the creators plan to do more than just the first, 12-episode season, but I have high hopes for them and the web series as a whole! Now, as for articles: since we are starting to feel the effects of climate change, I wanted to give some good vibes and show something better. Long story short: the educational YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt, did some videos on environmentalism and climate change, and despite them confirming things are dire, they also say things aren’t hopeless and (at least at the time) we managed to avoid the worst effects of climate change! That doesn’t mean things will be fine, of course—despite what some say, Kurzgesagt does state we still need to be proactive in dealing with climate change—but it does show things aren’t as grim as some may think. For those who want a brief overview of the videos and what they talk about, here’s a link that explains everything: https://www.climate-change-guide.com/kurzgesagt.html Other than that, I haven’t been doing too much independent study since I’m busy with my schoolwork—which, for this term, I’m learning about building a brand and using Adobe Animate—so outside of that, I can’t really recommend anything educational. Maybe next month! That’s all for me! Hope you all are doing well and that August treats you nicely! Stay safe and stay cool!

Luke Childers

I won't be able to write much this time as I've just weathered a short lived but brutal 24-hour flu yesterday and it's left me feeling dead in today's aftermath. But as usual for me I've had a pretty uneventful month though I'd say it was very positive overall even if it had a few pitfalls. I won't be able to give any recommendations at the moment since my head's still kinda cloudy, but as always I love reading everyone else's so I'm hyped to see what everyone has to share. Fingers crossed you all have a great August!🤞