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Hello, Patrons! It's your girl Velvet here, coming to you live from (mumble mumble) where I'm slowly melting from a heatwave and low-key dying from IRL work. (I know things are tough all over with the weather this year. I hope you're staying hydrated!)

I'll be honest, I'm struggling a little bit this summer! My day job has been totally wiping me out, I've hardly had any time off, and it's too hot to work in my office until well after midnight. I'm squeezing youtube/patreon stuff in wherever I can, but it's been rough to find little snatches of time here and there to get anything done. (Guess who's running on four hours of sleep a day lately? 0/10, do not recommend.) 

That said, I have a couple days off this week! And, I've still been hard at work behind the scenes, getting things squared away for the next couple weeks of upcoming audios.

Which brings us to our first update! This week's audio will be Possessive Yandere Fae Princess Captures and Claims You! 

The audio is in the can and I'm working on the edits now. It's three scripts in one, a complete story with an open-ish ending, for an estimated 30-40 minutes of finished audio. The video will also be animated the same way Finding the Runaway Tsundere Frog Princess was if all goes to plan. It's more labor intensive than the last one (several scene changes in a long audio) so it'll be a bit of a pain to get everything to fit together right, but I hope the result is worth it!

(And boy oh boy do I hope the video does well! Between animations and hoping to pay the writer a little something, this will probably be the most expensive production I've done to date.)

Next week's audio will be the long awaited sequel to last summer's Your Yandere Mad Scientist Wife Duplicated Herself, Your Yandere Mad Scientist Wife is in Trouble!

The script for that was finished, but I had a horrible idea for a cliffhanger that could expand the series into at least one more video and...well, Patrons voted for the original happy ending to be amended! I'm ironing that out now, and will likely be recording the audio tonight if it's cool enough to do so. Sadly I cannot record if I have melted into a puddle of goo in my office chair. 

(...unless I finally finish the slime girl script? Then maybe I could try method acting? Every cloud's got a silver lining, I guess!)

I'm also giving some thought to scripts for Here for the Boos! (You might remember it's being shifted to September to help alleviate the crunch of a Oct/Dec/Feb event schedule I experienced in previous years.) I have found a handful of promising candidates but not nearly as many as I'd like at this late juncture.

Are there any particular monster girl types or Halloween-y tropes you'd like to see? Let me know!

Okay, this concludes your update for the week! I'll be back hopefully tonight with an audio, and maybe even an animated video. We'll see how the day goes!

See you soon!




Dragon Prince

Please please take care of yourself! We love your audios but not at the expense or your physical and mental health! I can't wait for the mad scientist sequel, that was always my second favorite to the recovering yandere.


Atta girl, we believe in you!!