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At last! Another spicy pin-up of the channel mascot, with the theme summertime, as voted by you!

This art was commissioned from AsamiChanArt! And honestly, in this heat? Mood.

Now to start thinking about an autumn pin-up...


Garrett Sondergaard

Hello there. Just curious, when will you be uploading audios?


I upload early access audios anywhere from a day early to a couple weeks early; those are for the $10 and up tiers. At this time, there are no Patreon-exclusive audios for the lower tiers, simply because I've been lucky enough that youtube hasn't tried to censor anything yet ^^ There ARE a couple of blooper reels, though! https://www.patreon.com/vanillavelvetaudio/posts?filters[tag]=bloopers

Garrett Sondergaard

Oh okay. Thanks for clarifying. By the way, I love your YouTube videos.