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Evenin', Patrons! It's time for our monthly chit-chat and rec post, a nice lil space to update each other on what we've been doing lately and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

My June flew by. Work at my day job picked up, as it always does in the summer, so I didn't get to do much in the way of fun stuff this month. The most important thing that happened in June was (finally!) getting back on my ADHD med after a several months long national shortage. To say I'm happy about that is an understatement; when I opened my prescription, I may have teared up a bit.

The adjustment period getting back on my old dosage has been a little rough, but my brain is finally starting to reliably defog. So much so, in fact, that I wrote four (!!!) original scripts this month. If I can keep getting my meds properly and there are no more supply chain issues, the second half of 2023 promises to be way less stressful and far more productive for me. Fingers crossed!

And now, here are some things I enjoyed during the month! The list is a bit short, since I've been so busy with so little downtime, but I hope you enjoy some of the offerings anyway!

Articles: Mostly fun/silly/weird stuff this month, because I've been so stressed from work I can't handle much else!

How the U.S. Almost Became a Nation of Hippo Ranchers: As a midwesterner, I've seen cows up close, and as someone who's traveled quite a bit I have been lucky enough to get within a couple feet of a wild bison without dying; those are scary enough. I do not have the words to tell you the sheer knee-knocking terror that seizes me when I think about hippos roaming the plains.

Caligula Wasn’t Supposed to Be a Porno: Oh, trash cinema trainwrecks, my beloved. I adored this brief look behind-the-scenes at how the notorious garbage fire of 70's porno chic Caligula came to be as horrible as it is. (Did I try watching it once? Yes. Is it really that bad? Oh my, yes!)

These Masks Brought Shame to Gossips, Drunks, and Narcissists: Throughout history, there have been many weird (and often torturous) forms of public humiliation meant to help maintain the social order: stocks, pillory, scold's bridles, etc. 

I'm kind of morbidly fascinated by the existence of these things, because they're both so monstrous and yet were so socially acceptable within their time periods. It's one of those things that makes you extremely glad to live in the era of people being mean to each other online instead of fashioning iron torture masks and fastening them to your face. D:

Why Did We All Have the Same Childhood? Just a short article on one of my favorite anthropological curiosities: children's street culture. If you've ever gotten a cootie shot, been dared to say "Bloody Mary" into a mirror three times, or said "Step on a crack, break your mother's back" you've been part of it. 

Games: Renowned Explorers: International Society: I returned to one of my favorite strategic RPGs this month after (mumble mumble) years of not playing it.  Renowned Explorers is an exploration rouge-like with deceptively simple gameplay but a lot of strategic depth. I return to it every so often, play endlessly for a week or two, and then wander off again.

Monster Girl Manager: Does what it says on the tin! I love management sims (though I don't talk about them often, I don't think?) and this is the perfect midpoint between a simple raising sim and a dungeon crawler. With monster girls!

I'm afraid that's it for me this month. But I hope you all had lots of fun for me! What have you been up to? Read/watch/play anything fun? 



Hello everyone, I hope June has been good for all of you. And thankfully, it seems like for some of us at least, there were some good events this month. For me, June was an exciting, and somewhat difficult, time. In the first case—I have officially left my job at Amazon! While I was planning to try and leave in October, after some issues at work made staying that long a bit risky, as well as having decided long ago that I wanted to leave Amazon sooner rather than later, I finally put in a two week notice earlier in June and was able to leave on the 17th. Right now, I have been trying to get into some freelance and self-employment style jobs—namely in the field of web design and creative writing—but due to my retirement fund and overall money being so large, I have been able to take things a bit slow with searching. Don’t be mistaken, though—I do want to, and plan, to start “officially” working again before the end of the summer. It’s just that a combination of some insomnia and still getting used to having so much free time has made getting into freelancing a little difficult. I am slowly getting better, though my insomnia is still a problem—not sure if it’s because of bad sleeping habits or something else, though. In other news, I have officially gotten a full membership for Webflow—my web designing software of choice—and Quikbooks, so all I need is to make one more website and then I can start applying for Upwork jobs. With that said, if anyone here needs a website, well… you know where to find me. 😉 I’m also almost done with the ASMR script I have for Velvet, and hopefully I can get that done by this week. Moreover, with my retirement fund, I have managed to save up $5000 at the moment for making an indie book (which would including editing, cover art design, marketing, and other things), so with some more free time, I’m hoping and planning to start writing my first self-published book soon. Right now, I’m hoping I can get the first or second draft done by the end of summer, but I’m not sure yet if publishing it this year will be feasible—though I am planning to publish it anytime between the end of this year to the beginning of next year. In preparation for this, I also have gotten a new writing software, Scrivener, which I think will be able to help me out a great deal with writing. Especially since Scrivener is a software that helps writers make all sorts of different writing projects (fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting, scripts, etc.) As for entertainment: at this moment, I haven’t had a chance to do much video games, since I have no ways to play them. I did try to install Steam on a new computer I have, but it keeps crashing. So, I’m just going to wait and get a Gaming PC once I have both more money and a new source of income. That being said, I have gotten a chance to play a new visual novel called Coffee Time, which is this urban fantasy game where you play the owner of a small coffee shop as you interact with customers. It’s a nice, cozy fantasy and, even with my criticisms about it sometimes falling into fantasy clichés, it does have a charming atmosphere to it. I’m very excited to play more of it! Finally, I have also gotten the next Secret Project for the Year of Sanderson—this time, it’s “The Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England.” The basic story, from what I can gather, is that our main character gets sent from a more high-tech, futuristic Earth to a fantasy version of England (or perhaps a traditional fantasy world). However, he doesn’t remember who he is, why he went there, or what he wants, so he’s piecing together everything. At the moment, I don’t know how fantastical this world will be, so I’m not sure what Sanderson’s magic system will be in this world, or even whether or not any other fantasy creatures will appear. Since this isn’t a Cosmere story, it’s possible we might see Sanderson’s depiction of traditional fantasy races like elves, dwarves, and orcs (Sanderson has stated he doesn’t want those creatures in the Cosmere), but I’m not going to make any assumptions just yet. In other news, for anyone who wants to check out Sanderson before reading his books, there is a new podcast out that could help. It’s called “Lost In Roshar” and it is a read-along/discussion of Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive, which is considered his magnum opus. Of course, it’s not the same as reading the books, and it will almost certainly contain spoilers, but it might be a good way to get a bit of a “taste” for SA before diving into it. That’s all for me at the moment! Hope July goes great for you all, and I hope that I can get my script out for Velvet soon! Have a good month!


Happy July, folks! I hope everyone had a good month and are having a good July so far. I can't say I had a terribly interesting June, but that's not to say there weren't still a few things worth mentioning. First, I was given a promotion to lead in my department... Kinda. Well, I did, it just hasn't gone through quite yet. It's a good thing, but I'm not as thrilled, seeing as though I'm still not working out on the range like wanted. Still, I'll take an opportunity to gain more experience! I am really close to taking my trip to Idaho and I can barely contain my excitement! I'm also super nervous for a variety of reasons, one being I haven't been in an airport since I was 11, so the prospect of navigating one by my self makes me a bit anxious. Regardless, the sheer excited anticipation heavily outweighs anything else; I can't wait to spend time with the boys AND my wonderful girlyfriend! I will leave y'all with some Dad advice. Stay cool and hydrated, especially during these hot summer months. I know not everyone can relate, but it was 111 degrees here today, so preventing dehydration is paramount! Well, folks, that's all from me for last month, or at least everything worth mentioning. I really hope July treats everyone well and I look forward to hearing all about it in August. Stay safe out there!