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Hello, Patrons! With the new year comes a fresh slate for Vanilla Velvet Audio, and a lot of things I’d like to accomplish over the coming months. A few weeks ago, I actually decided to sit down and write out everything I’d love to do in 2023, and I’m excited to eventually share those goals with you!

For now, I want to solicit your input on what kinds of audios you would like to see during 2023. For this first poll, I want to know about your favorite genres! Other polls will follow for story elements and such, but I think this is a good starting point.

I'll be taking your votes into consideration when planning future content for the channel and deciding what to focus on as time wears on. I'll also probably take a couple of follow-up polls to this one throughout the year, to sort of check up with you all and see if tastes have changed. Maybe once per quarter, if my squirrel brain remembers to do so ^^;

I will be doing audios of all genres during the year, of course, but your input will give me some idea of how to balance things down the line to keep you happy!

Please vote for up to 3 genre(s) you would like to see audios for!


Cowboy Coyote

Not gonna Lie but a Cougar/Mountain Lion Monster girl would be really Cool to see