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Happy almost-New-Year, Patrons! Welcome to the final chit-chat and recommendation post of 2022, a cozy spot to update each other on what we've been doing lately and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

Personally, I'll be spending my New Year's Eve with a few friends, some champagne, a movie and some cheesy twice-baked potatoes (to match my equally cheesy friends, ya see.) This post is actually scheduled instead of coming to you live, haha, because otherwise I'd be late for the low-key not-party I'm attending. And instead of resolutions, I also have a list of goals for things I'd like to accomplish in 2023 for Vanilla Velvet Audio, so I'll be sharing those with you soon!

Honestly, I can't believe the year is already at its end. It's been a doozy for me with so many  channel related changes! New channel branding, a patreon, an official shop, memberships, commissioning original art, writing scripts, a channel mascot! All sorts of things. I'm very much looking forward to adding even more new goodies in 2023! I hope you're looking forward to your new year just as much.

Well, anyway, without further ado, let's get into everything I enjoyed during December!

First up, Food! Since apparently that's what I'm all about in the autumn/winter. My favorite recipe that floated my way this month is Chicken Thighs with Garlic and Rosemary

Easy, savory, and tasty--even for someone like me who's developed a hilariously tragic aversion to garlic over the past couple of years. (Look, I know it sounds like I'm secretly a vampire between this and the blackout curtains I've previously mentioned cover every window of my house, but I promise I'm not a creature of the night. As far as I know.)

With the Creature Comforts event in full swing all December long, I unfortunately didn't have any real time to fall into a good book, but that doesn't mean I didn't do any reading or add to my to-read list. ^^ So, let's start with all the things that I loaded up my kindle with, so that they can stare at me accusingly throughout 2023 while I fail to do more than skim them!

All About Me!: My Remarkable Life in Show Business - Mel Brooks (kindle): I own (and have read!) a worrying number of books by comedians and started collecting them when I was but a wee thing prowling the bookshelves of my local Goodwill. 

(Who was the only girl in third grade to own a dusty book by Buddy Hackett? Me! I somehow still miraculously had friends, in spite of my pop culture frame of reference being at least three decades out of date by then. Trust me, I'm as baffled about that as you are likely to be.) 

Anyway, I was lucky enough to snag Mel Brooks' long-overdue memoir when it dropped down to a couple of bucks after Christmas. Of all the hammy cornballs who have shaped me--and there are so, so many--it's safe to say he's one of the most influential. I look forward with much anticipation to finding the time to properly sit down and devour this book.

Shardik - Richard Adams (kindle): Last month you may recall I started Watership Down, this month I start another book by the same author. Shardik is a fantasy novel about the cult that springs up around a gigantic bear, but it's so much more than that, exploring the intersection between faith and power.

The Kaiju Preservation Society - John Scalzi (kindle) - This is another books I've been Meaning to Get to (TM) for a little bit! A sci-fi novel that comes highly recommended and has been named one of the best books of 2022, The Kaiju Preservation Society is...well, just what it says on the tin! Kaiju exist on an alternate earth accessible via ours and someone needs to protect them, like the endangered species that they are.

Next up, there are a lot of contenders for favorite articles I read this month

Buuuut the top of the heap is the unapologetically (and satisfyingly) judgemental Why Is Everything So Ugly? a long, detailed examination of modern architecture that finally put a name to my pain, the fake midcentury modern aesthetic that has absorbed so much of modern cities, turning quirky, recognizable chains into bland, same-y, gray boxes.

Other great articles I read this month: 

9 Winter Traditions You Might Not Have Heard Of from Atlas Obscura, one of my favorite sources for learning about the many offbeat oddities of this globe we all share. I think my favorite on this list is The Holiday Nostalgia Train in New York, but really, they're all marvelous.

Chinese Dragons: Their Types, History, and Significance: Don't ask how or why I stumbled on this, I just did! And I'm glad, because it's exactly the kind of folklore deep dive I adore.

A Guide to Doing Nothing for People Who Are Really Bad at It: After my recent brush with burnout, this was an important reminder for me. It's okay to unplug, it's important to unplug, and if you don't your brain will run itself into the ground and eat itself. Or at least I know mine will.

What makes us subconsciously mimic the accents of others in conversation: A look at the linguistic quirks that make us mimic each other! And if that ain't me...

Games: The only new game I really played this month was Later Alligator, a beautifully animated, completely absurd point 'n click about Alligator New York City. I found it charming, funny and cute af. Highly recommend!

All right! That concludes my picks for the month. I'll already be off stuffing my face and hanging out with pals by the time this post goes live, but even though I'm not around for the turn of the New Year, I wish you all the very best as we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023. 

May you leave as many troubles behind you as possible tonight, and look forward to as many joys as a year can hold tomorrow. Take care of yourselves, Patrons! And remember: 💖🤗🥰





Hello and happy New Year, folks! 2022 was actually pretty great for me, all things considered, but I'm glad to be starting a new year with lots of wind in my sails. Let's talk December, shall we? Work was pretty good! I got pretty good hours and I was dubbed The Meme Lord by my boss, meaning that I am responsible for creating memes for my work's social media as well as scripting and starring in marketing videos. OH, and my boss (not the one I call Daddy, the other one) got me into the Blue Label Program, which is for Police officer to purchase duty firearms at a substantial discount. She said I was worthy, so I just have to fill out some paperwork and I'll have myself a new concealed carry gun! Yeehaw! On the 22nd, I turned 23. That's it. I don't have anything else to say on that, so moving on! Giving gifts is something I really enjoy and I was able to budget out $50 for all of the folk that I wanted to get gifts for. I even had some $50 left over, which I split between Vel and Juniper, since I think they're both brilliant! I didn't get much done as far as reading goes, but I was given a copy of A Pickle for the Knowing One, by Timothy Dexter and I'm so excited to sift through it in all it's illiterate glory! Also, @PsionicsKnight, I finally picked up Tales of Kaimere, and I hopefully will have time to give it a read this month. I only had time to watch a single movie, so I made it count. That, of course, means I watched Die Hard. Afterall, is it really Christmas if Hans Gruber doesn't fall from Nakatomi Plaza? I managed to play quite a few games with my friends this month. We all bought Earth Defense Force 4.1 Shadow of New Despair, and it's an absolute blast to play with the boys! I have been trying to get back into R6 Siege with mixed results. My best friend and I are in the middle of an Ark Survival Evolved spree, which is always a good time, if not also super frustrating. I also bought and received a ton of games this month, so I've got plenty to keep me entertained for the months to come. Huh, I guess that's all for December. I grant it the title of good month! Dad advice time: don't belittle someone for not knowing something they haven't had the opportunity to learn. This is especially true if you're trying to get a friend into your favorite hobby; they may be turned off from the hobby as a whole if you're condescending. Alright, I hope your 2022 was as great as mine and if not, I believe that 2023 just might be your year to thrive. I believe in ya! See y'all next month, cuties!

Jake C (that1otherJake)

A little late, but this was a nice quiet New Year...or that's what i was hoping for. I forgot that Dramamine is always a good call for my Shiba when fireworks are involved, so she was pretty much running all over the house hyperventilating. My pittie mix dis better but he spent most of the night under the bed. On top of everything it was a long week so i crashed long before midnight. Just couldn't bring myself to care enough to stay up for '23. 😝 On another sad note, I've been hearing more and more about Audible being absolute dicks to indie authors and forcing them to take shitty percentages on their novels. In retrospect it's not too surprising considering Amazon owns Audible and it seems that they're hell bent on destroying the fantasy genre lately. So yeah, looking at other outlets not affiliated with them, but that might be tough. I know it's not even close to the worst things corporations are doing these days, but it was one that really irritates me as a maybe aspiring writer. Other than that. It's been a very normal boring month. Lots of overtime, but lots of fun too, just very repetitive fun. 😅 Hope you all have a good new year!