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👋Hello, Patrons! Happy Tuesday! And, if you celebrate, happy Thanksgiving week! (If you don't celebrate, don't fret: there's a Turkey Day for everyone!)

I've been very busy with real life stuff since my last update. A bunch of things fell into my lap all at once, you know how it is; I've basically spent half my staycation occupied af with non-youtube tasks. 

Buuut I've also been plugging away at audio stuff behind the scenes, including December's Creature Comforts event and continuing little upgrades on my recording studio/office. (Who has two thumbs and fell off a chair while hanging acoustic foam? Me! 🤣 Don't worry, I'm okay.)

Anyway, let's get to the sneak peeks!

First: I recorded the sequel to Tsundere Tomboy Girlfriend Needs Comfort After a Boxing Match and it's undergoing final edits. I had originally hoped to finish those this past weekend and release it for you all this afternoon, but my day job decided not to cooperate with those plans. 

Still, I'm going to try and finish it tonight/tomorrow and immediately put it into early access for ya. Fingers crossed I can get it out tonight! 

Here's the thumbnail for Surprising Your Tsundere Tomboy Boxer Girlfriend!

Since it'll probably be so late reaching early access, I likely won't be posting it to youtube until next Wednesday--which means the sequel to Serving a Dorky Evil Queen will get pushed back until after the Creature Comforts event. Alas! 

But honestly, it's probably for the best. The evil queen sequel is long and if I want to do a bunch of rps in December, it's best not to add another 30+ minute audio to my workload at the last minute.

Here's the thumbnail for that, by the way: Held Captive By a Dorky Evil Queen!

That will enter early access whenever it's finished (December?), but it won't hit youtube until after the new year.

Speaking of December...

Creature Comforts!

Now that we're getting closer to the end of the month, and I've rested as much as humanly possible, it's time to start work in earnest.

There will be thirteen audios in December, three per week, all with either monster/inhuman speakers or listeners. I considered doing just two per week, but...meh! (Very descriptive thought process, I know.)

I've already officially settled on the scripts, contacted all the writers for early access permission, and planned the schedule. I've also been working on thumbnails off and on all November (some with art by me, as a matter of fact!) and figured out the event aesthetic. All that remains is recording, editing, finalizing the marketing (tags, titles, etc.) and all the little finicky stuff that comes with actually running the event.

The scripts and their planned release dates are:

  • Grumpy Werewolf Takes You In - December 2
  • Adopted by a Dragon - December 5
  • Fairy Helps Shy Troll Confess (collab!)- December 7
  • Jealous Demon Servant Loves You - December 9
  • Shy Sheep Girl Has a Crush on You - December 12
  • Speed Dating Cute Alien Girls! (collab!) - December 14
  • Reaper Goes on a Date With You - December 16
  • Spider Mafia Boss Thinks You're Cute - December 19
  • Eldritch Horror Needs a Friend - December 21
  • Crow Girl Wants to Be Your Familiar - December 23
  • Kind Princess Adopts a Dragon - December 25
  • Comfort From Your Headless Horsegirl Fiance - December 28
  • Date With an Orc - December 30

It's definitely a crammed schedule, with a lot of classic monster girls but also a few I've never done before. (Or seen anyone else do! I can't wait to find out how those perform.) Juniper will be joining me for two of the audios (🤞) but those will probably be our last collabs for quite awhile. Not that I don't love Junie, but I'm hoping to work with other channels in 2023.

Next on the agenda, here's my very lazy checklist for all those audios, including length breakdown:


Most of the scripts are a bit on the short side, which isn't ideal but--much like the evil queen audio getting pushed back--probably for the best. This break has taught me I seriously gotta pace myself better or I'm gonna run myself into the ground and keel over.

Anyway! The checklist is slightly deceptive, as I've been poking away at thumbnails, but they're are at various levels of completion and technically none are finished quite yet. Still, here are a few that are closer to done than not: 

The art for those last three are by me, using Nukababe's official reference bases. I wanted something intentionally complementary to some of the stock art my channel uses the most, so I settled on a simple, bold graphic style with a consistent color scheme. 

Most of the pieces will be cropped quite severely in thumbnail form, but here's an exclusive look at a few in full, including WIPs, just for Patrons:

Left to right: Dragon, Troll/Fairy, Headless Horsegirl, Spider, Demon

I really enjoyed putting these together and would definitely produce more art for my channel if I had the time! As it is, if I hadn't been on a short break during November, I wouldn't be able to create this much even with helpful shortcuts like a simplified style and Nukababe's incredible poses to work with! (I draw, but I draw slow, folks. 💀) 

Still, it was really nice to return to one of my other hobbies after neglecting it for so long!

Welp, that's your sneak peek for the event so far--and here's the update for where I'm at with everything else on my to-do list:

  • Gather script possibilities - DONE!
  • Contact writers - DONE!
  • Design event intro/outro - DONE!
  • Pick script finalists - DONE!
  • Post list of script possibilities on Patreon - DONE!
  • Plan vocal choices for each script - Half done!
  • Plan audio schedule - DONE!
  • Design audience participation elements - Half done!
  • Make all thumbnails - Half done!
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues - DONE!
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

There's a ton of tasks to knock out within the next ten days or so, but things are shaping up pretty well so far. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go do the day job thing! And if I don't feel like I've been run down by a steamroller by the end of my shift, finish up the boxer audio and post it for you.

Catch ya on the flipside, Patrons!




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