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Hello, Patrons! Velvet here, checking in from staycation-land to let you know how things are going! I am alive, resting and relaxing! Mostly. I started to feel a bit antsy after my first week of Mandatory Fun, so I've been quietly easing my way back into audio stuff over the last few days.

Unplugging for awhile has been pretty great, I admit, antsy-ness not withstanding. Forcing myself to take a dedicated break has definitely reminded me I need to work on finding a better balance between making audios (plus all their other associated tasks!) and taking care of myself properly. Moving forward, I'll try to keep that energy going, because nobody likes a burned out husk of a content creator. Especially not the burnt out husk in question! 

I may even continue to limit my interaction on videos to a couple of specific days a week in the future, because my mental state has greatly benefited from not checking my phone and interacting constantly. There has been a corresponding dip in views and such as I've been less active on youtube, but...the cost to my bottom line is worth it to me if I can make content creation more joyful for myself (and in turn, make the content more joyful for all of you!) 

Anyway! You'll notice that this post title suggests some ambiguity. That's because my sneak peeks, plans and updates are for the next few weeks, rather than just this week alone, and they're a bit on the vague side at the moment. Things aren't ready to gel yet but I wanted to write an update anyway since the wheels are in motion. (Mixing metaphors? Ah, when will I learn.)

First, a look at the rest of November: This week's planned audio is already finished and in early access: Dominant Tsundere Ice Queen Thaws (a Little!) for You!

Here's the thumbnail for that, just as a refresher:

Originally I was going to take the rest of November off from posting audios  but after giving it some consideration, I think I've decided against that. I've had some contact with writers whose work I've done before and committed to doing some follow-ups to previous audios soon...no time like the present! 

The plan for the rest of the month is now as follows:

I won't be recording for a couple more days, as I still want to squeeze as much rest into November as I can before the holidays drop into my lap, but if all goes to plan those should be in early access soon! If it doesn't work out the way I hope, then...I'll be skipping those last two weeks as previously mentioned. But fingers crossed I manage it!

Looking ahead to December...

As you probably know, last year I filled December with audios for Heart & Solstice, an event focused on soft, fluffy comfort roleplays in real-world settings, which received a rather lukewarm reception. In retrospect, not surprising! While I liked every script I did, I'm well aware there are ASMRtists who are far better suited to wholesome slice-of-life audios than I am. It makes sense to patronize those channels when you're in the mood for something like that.

Though a couple of people have said they're looking forward to a repeat of that event, the bulk of the Heart & Solstice audios underperformed when posted and continue that trend to this day. Those that did succeed hit it big then dropped like stones the moment the Christmas season ended. 

(Eventually I do plan to switch up the winter-themed Heart & Solstice thumbnails to see if it improves their numbers a bit, but I don't anticipate it making much of a difference at this juncture.)

So, as I said in a recent post, I'd like to avoid the problems Heart & Solstice suffered last year and create something similar for December that's a bit more on-brand, with better longevity built-in to the content I produce. And I have just the thing...

There comes a rumble in the distance...

Presenting Creature Comforts: an event with non-human characters, focusing on sweeter scripts. Consider it a more monstrous sister to Heart & Solstice, but a less horrifying cousin to Here for the Boos.

Will it be successful? I have no clue! But I think I like the idea of having a dedicated space for cuter monster roleplays in my annual schedule, a spot where I can plop script possibilities that might not fit with other events. I hope it does well enough to become a permanent fixture on Vanilla Velvet Audio.

I'm already quite far along in the planning process, having put my previously mentioned eagerness to get back to work to good use. There's still a lot to do, but consider this the first proper Patron-exclusive planning update!

For now, here's where I'm at:

  • Gather script possibilities - DONE!
  • Contact writers - DONE!
  • Design event intro/outro - DONE!
  • Pick script finalists - DONE!
  • Post list of script possibilities on Patreon - SOON
  • Plan vocal choices for each script
  • Plan audio schedule - DONE!
  • Design audience participation elements 
  • Make all thumbnails
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

I'll return soon (next week?) with more solid info about the event, the scripts I'm hoping to do, that kind of thing. I sort of anticipate some recording will happen throughout December, simply because of Thanksgiving gobbling (ha) up some days I might otherwise try to work toward the end of this month. Plus trying to force myself to rest until I'm dying to get back to work. Still, though. Wish me luck!

For now, this is your host Vanilla Velvet, returning to the Content Creation Vacation Zone. 😴




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