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My unofficial vacation begins behind the scenes today and will last through the month! 🎉

West and wewaxation at wast!

I'm going to treat this as a real vacation, like a retreat of sorts, where I force myself to have down time until I'm absolutely sick of it.

Aside from trying to have as much mandatory fun as I can fit into my IRL schedule, I'll be paring back my presence on youtube this month. I check my comments and such constantly, and have for the past year and change, so I need to unplug for awhile to recenter myself a bit. The plan is to actively limit checking/answering comments on youtube to Wednesdays because that's when new audios go live. As I'm addicted to my phone, I'm not sure how that will work out, but it's what I'm hoping to do.

That said, that doesn't mean I won't still be around on Patreon! I have a few posts in the pipeline for today, and I'll be checking in periodically over the next couple of weeks with other things. Of course I'll also be thinking about the event I'm hoping to do in December!

I sort of anticipate that I'll get stir crazy and start producing more content long before the month is through (I'm already eyeing a couple of scripts 💀), but I'm going to do my best to wait to make new things until I'm absolutely itching to get back to work.

I'll be back soon with more Patreon-exclusive content! For now, this is VV, signing off!

