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Hello, Patrons! Welcome to October's chit-chat and recommendation post, a comfy spot to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

I wish I had something to say other than "gee, my October was busy!" but I honestly don't. Obviously there was a lot going on between Here for the Boos and that brutal cold I caught, but for the most part it's just been...life! Work, work, work, sleep, eat, work some more. 

But November looks like it's going to be a nice break and I am so looking forward to that. That's not the only thing to look forward to, either! That Staying Alive Juice my doctor prescribed in August should start making a difference by the end of November--or December, but I'm hoping sooner! Fingers crossed that I'll start feeling more peppy, 'cause I sure am tired of feeling like a wrung out dishrag. Correcting vitamin deficiencies is a stupidly long process, I tell you what.

Anyway, it's Halloween! Did you get up to any mischief? I had a nice quiet one myself with a few friends, some celebratory froyo (Cherry Garcia!) and some bad vintage horror anthologies. (Okay, okay, not bad just not...well made, let's say. Which is still fun, ofc.) That's an ideal Halloween to me, tbh!

Now, let's get into all my favorite things this month! 

First off, a brief return to the realm of food--or at least tea!

Current tea/recipe of choice: Vanilla Chai has been keeping me from slipping into sleep at my desk all month long! While I've been sticking to cheap-y Bigelow chai, I gotta admit I've been eyeing this particular recipe to make it from scratch rather lustily as of late. 

The most Interesting article I read in October was The Twisted Life of Clippy, an unnecessarily deep dive into everyone's favorite (?) virtual assistant, from its humble origins as helpful friend to new PC users, to a punchline even its designer disowned, to beloved icon of computing.

I find it so interesting that Clippy--like so many formerly loathed cultural artifacts--has found a new life in such a way. Like, that's beautiful to me. The passage of time and the soft focus lens of nostalgia eventually gentles even the most vicious and far reaching of pop culture grudges. What a fascinating, uniquely human phenomenon. 

Other articles I loved: The Mushrooms That Ate Luke Perry: a weird title, I admit! And a weird article, too. But ultimately a meditation on the intersection between death, funereal customs, grief and ecology. Interesting and a bit sad.

A Basic Sense of Numbers is Shared by Countless Creatures: Listen, I appreciate any kind of creature that can do math at least as well as I can.

When the Push Button Was New, People Were Freaked: I think by now you all know I love weird tidbits of offbeat history and retrofuturism. Humans contending with new technological advances fits that bill! 

How The Term 'Mad Scientist' Began And How It Shapes Our World: Tracing the cultural origins of the Mad Science archetype! Absolutely one of my favorite kinds of social history. Isn't it amazing how ideas that are centuries old still shape so much of our day to day lives?

Books: I just started the Hugo and Nebula award winning Dreamsnake, and so far I love it. It's a post-apocalyptic tale of a nomadic solitary healer who uses snakes (and their venom) to treat ailments, and a quest she must undertake to continue her work. I have already adopted the snakes. That said, it's definitely a product of its time (the seventies!) and I'll be honest, I skipped the effusive introduction (if I had a dollar for every genre writer whose friend thought they were a visionary, I'd be richer than Scrooge McDuck), but I really enjoy the unique setting and the lore!

Also added to my to-read pile: I'm on the hunt for an out of print novella called The Girl Who Was Plugged In. The plot synopsis is intriguing! And I can't help but feel it predicts vtubers in a particularly sinister sci-fi way. 

That's it for me this month! I hope you're all doing well. How was your October? What exciting new things did you do/see/read/play?



Here we are once again, can't even remember if I wrote something for last month's post. Currently fighting off a cold but my October was a little stressful than most of other months. Currently looking for another job as my current one is really just overworking everyone with little pay. But one of the few good things that came out of it was goin to Texas Roadhouse with some coworkers which was really nice. I also got to reconnect with an older cousin who I hadn't seen in 5 years ish. We were at a family event celebrating my grandpa's birthday. I believe it happened this month too but my older cousin got engaged and I'm so happy for her, plus her fiance is a good guy. That's it for personal stuff. Gaming wise I recently got back into Rainbow Six Siege for a while with some homeboys of mine. Then I eventually got my hands on Gotham Knights which is really fun with a friend. Sure it has its flaws but overall it's a pretty fun game considering I haven't found anything worthwhile to play for myself. Currently trying to get back into making content regularly on my Instagram page which this month went well considering I put out a decent amount of posts. Still trying to learn how to edit videos on my laptop. I've been watching video tutorials and asking my buddy about Davinci Resolve. Now for movie/show media I've just been keeping up with new eps of anime such as Bleach TYBW, and Spy x Family. I also watched "Gabriel Iglesias: Stadium Fluffy" which was a really good special on Netflix. There was also "Andor" on Disney+ which is another good Star Wars story they've put out. That's more or less it for my October that I can remember.


Hey all, There was just one more thing I wanted to mention that I forgot about: AlternateAurora did an horror-based audio recently that I HIGHLY recommend. It’s based on Kristopher Tirana’s Southern Gothic/Splatterpunk/Cosmic Horror novel Gone To See The River Man. And it not only does it do a great job at keeping the tone of the original novel, but also continues from the book’s ending really well! Granted, I’m afraid that the source material is definitely NSFW in some parts, and the audio does contain some spoilers for the novel, but I can’t recommend checking out Aurora’s audio enough!