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👋 Hiya, Patrons! Once again it's time to shake that Magic 8-Ball and see what's on the way!

First and foremost: the original script I finally finished and recorded for Here for the Boos 2 is in the editing stages. There were multiple hours of raw audio to work from, and multiple roles + lots of sound design, so I'll be working at breakneck speed to get it finished and perfect so it can go into early access by Thursday.

I'd love to have it done by tomorrow, but idk if that will pan out. I was, uh...ambitious with this one and whipping it into shape is proving to be something of a headache. So we'll see how editing tonight goes. 

Here's the updated thumbnail, btw:

The audio has a working title, but I'm going to keep it under wraps until it's done just to sit with it awhile longer because I'm not 100% happy with it yet. 

Once that audio is up, I'll of course be sharing the cleaned-up script here for you to peruse. And then...well, Here for the Boos is through! When it's done, I'll also do a small post-mortem on Patreon because the stats have been odd and interesting behind the scenes.

As mentioned last week, I also hope to use the rest of October to do a few other Patreon exclusive things. That plan has had a little revision due to time constraints (no remasters this month, unless a few spare hours drop into my lap last minute) but here's everything I'm hoping to finish over the next week for ya:

  • A couple of script notes posts
  • Another short series of bloopers
  • A Tips & Tricks post about effective descriptions/titles/tags on youtube
  • A Tips & Tricks post about basic audio enhancements in Audacity
  • The original Fog inspired script
  • A post-mortem of Here for the Boos 2

Plus the usual end-of-month rec post. Then suddenly it's November! Where does the time go?

Looking to November: I've secured permission to do another script I was eyeballing for early access. All I have to do is record and edit that and I'm set for audios through November 16th, after which point I'll be "officially" going on vacation from youtube for two weeks and returning in December.

Really, I'll pretty much be on a break all month long behind the scenes, but youtube won't know that. That's our little secret! ^^ I may also work a little bit on a few things, including a mini-event in December, but that depends entirely on forcing myself to take a complete break until I get so bored I'm really raring to come back.

Audio-wise, here's my Current Schedule:

  • October 28: Original "Fog" inspired script (soon!)
  • October 31: Spirited Away by a Charming Stranger on Halloween (in early access)
  • November 2: Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm (in early access)
  • November 9: Dinner Date With Your Non-Yandere Wife (in early access)
  • November 16: Tsundere Ice Queen Takes You In (soon!)

And of course, there are thumbnails. You've already seen the original script's above, so here's a refresher for the others PLUS the upcoming Ice Queen audio:

And finally, the tiniest glimpse into December: you may remember last year, I did a mini-event called Heart & Solstice. The focus was on delivering sweet, fluffy comfort audios twice a week because...well, the holidays can be tough on a lot of folks. I thought it was a nice idea, but it was something of a flop behind the scenes. 

I mean, it did okay, but the bulk of those audios remain some of my worst performers even now. Even taking into account that most videos on youtube fall off a steep cliff after they debut, these didn't just fall off a cliff, they plummeted and Wile E. Coyote-d through the ground straight to the center of the earth.

I think there are several reasons for the Heart & Solstice audios continued lack of success (including things outside my control like the algorithm), but it's neither here nor there, really. While part of my channel ethos is being more concerned with making things I like rather than chasing views, I do want to make things people actually--y'know--see

So I'm considering doing something similar to that event, but hopefully with more longevity. I have some pretty solidified ideas, but I'll be reserving discussing them until December gets closer.

Me, on my way to repeat last year's event failure but 25% different this time: 

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

All right! This concludes your weekly update, folks! So I'll catch you in a day or two with the final audio of Here for the Boos.




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