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Finished! At last! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I may have overshot my timeline by, uh, kind of a lot...but it's done! Now all that's left is to finish my original scripted audio, post it in a few days and then I can sleep for a month.

This audio only had like 60 sound cues (Actually I think the script officially had 38; I just added more because I like to make things as complicated for myself as possible apparently.) But I'm not complaining (much!) because I loved the opportunity to unofficially expand my little M E G A Waifu collection. First a Great Old One, then a Kaiju, now a Deep One.

Please enjoy: Eldritch Yandere Sea Monster Keeps You

While exploring the ocean, your submarine is captured by an ancient, eldritch sea monster. She's a beautiful, terrifying, and utterly dominant creature and will not let you go. Sailor beware! Sometimes when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you...and thinks you're cute enough to keep.

[F4A] / [FF4A] [Dominant] [Possessive] [Eldritch] [Giantess] [Sea Monster] [Kidnaps You] [Holds You Captive] [Light (?) Yandere] [I mean, it ain't exactly a romance, you're a fun new knickknack] [Horror] [Sci-Fi] [Cthulhu/Subnautica/Iron Lung inspired] [Creepy] [Underwater Ambiance] [Whispering Voices] [Telepathy]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Script by: NovAlphaPapa
  • SFX: https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 license


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