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👋 Hello out there in Patreon land! This will be a very short update because I feel like garbage, but I wanted to at least get something out for you all between NyQuil doses. Though I’m still sick, after a couple days of using my voice as little as possible I was able to get a couple more scripts recorded last night. 🙌

(That said, I definitely overdid it and will have to rest it some more, but I'm hopeful it'll be fully recovered by this weekend at the very latest. I'm doing everything in my power to assure that happens! Like, I'm drinking so much orange juice I slosh when I walk.)

Anyway, let's have a look at my to-do list for the rest of the event to see where we stand!

The edits for all the recorded audios are basically finished and just need a few small tweaks; I'm going to try and get 'em done by Friday, though hopefully I can push them out a lot faster than that. I intended to get them done last Saturday like I said, but when I fell asleep at my desk while working, I figured that wasn't going to happen. ● ﹏☉

Okay, I'm going to post Wednesday's audio for you, then fall back into bed. See you soon!




Jake C (that1otherJake)

Hehe, now I'm imagining you as the Kool-Aid guy but with orange juice. 😂 But in all seriousness, get well soon, Ms. Velvet.🤧🤒🛌