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Hey, everyone. Velvet here. I was planning to get the last couple scripts recorded this weekend (and the Fog script is about half finished!), but I've succumbed to a cold that's been going around at work the last couple weeks. 🤧 I thought I'd artfully dodged it! But no, turns out it was just saving me for last. It's mild but has unfortunately affected my voice. 

I suspected I was getting sick last night, yet I tried recording anyway. The result was, uh, not great! Low energy af and my nose was audibly stuffy by the end of the session. 

I'm pretty sure nobody wants an ASMR girlfriend who sounds like a snot monster (or maybe someone does? idk, ykinmkato) so I'm going to try and push out the last couple audios that are near completion tonight and then spend a couple days trying to rest up. Hopefully I'll be less gross by Tuesday.

Thanks for listening!

Snottily yours (in a sick way, not a mean way!),




I almost fell asleep in my chicken soup last night (and DID fall asleep hugging a bottle of Gatorade; NyQuil doesn't fuck around, dude) so don't worry! I might drown in my next bowl of soup, but I'm definitely staying hydrated and taking care of myself.💖