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Hello, Patrons! It's time for our weekly planning and update post.

Last week I asked you all to vote on a number of scripts under consideration to help me plan the rest of September's audios and you did! Thanks for that! The winner was Falling for Your Royal Guard by a long shot, with two other scripts Enemy Ruler Confesses Her Feelings After Being Captured And Forced To Drink Truth Potion and Making Your Tsundere Mech Pilot Confess tied for second place.

The winning script will be next week's audio. I still have to decide if I want to record the whole series or just the first script; it really depends on how recording for Here for the Boos comes along over the next few days. I don't want to get overwhelmed right before an event.

Anyway, here's the thumbnail for that:

As for this week's audio, I flipped a coin to break the tie and the result was...the Mech pilot script! Expect early access for that tomorrow as usual. Here's that thumbnail as well!

My other plans for the week just consist of Here for the Boos related stuff: making thumbnails, deciding on vocal choices, nailing down SFX and getting down to the business of recording. 

I'm aiming to have at least half of the audios for October done by the start of the month, hopefully more. I'd love to get most of them done and just sort of cruise through the event the way I did during Monster Girl Mayhem. The crunch in April was real but the (relative) lazing around for weeks afterwards was awesome.

All right! This concludes your update post for the week! I'll be back tomorrow with early access! See you then!




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