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We're two weeks out from the start of October and you know what that means: it's time to begin planning in earnest for our upcoming event, Here for the Boos 2! 

As you know, I've spent the past couple of weeks lining up scripts, getting early access permissions, whittling down possibilities and all that fun stuff. In some ways the workload is more robust than last years (I wasn't monetized and didn't have a Patreon back then, so I didn't have to worry about certain things!) but in other ways there's less to do. Since this is a sequel event, a lot of little things are also basically already done! I'll be re-using last year's video elements, so that's all taken care of and I don't have to worry about coming up with an aesthetic. 

With most of the practical stuff settled, I'm ready to jump into audio production! As usual, I've whipped up a checklist to keep Patrons up to speed on what's going on behind the scenes as well as keeping myself on task. I did make said checklist a bit prettier this time out:

After a lot of debating with myself (and asking friends for their opinions) I settled on a mix of classic monsters, yandere girls and scripts with horror elements. 

I really wanted to do more offbeat monster girls (t-rexes! symbiotes! bear girls!) but after some informal polls among friends, the consensus was those aren't very Halloween-y. Much as I don't want to admit it, y'know, they were right. More unique sorts of creatures will be better suited to a different event. The algorithm will favor more common monsters at this time of year, therefore I should stick with those.

So! For the time being, the schedule is set! Wholesome monster girl Mondays, Yandere Wednesdays, and frightfully dramatic Fridays. A nice mix of monsters I've done before, a handful I haven't, and lots of spooky goodness spread throughout. The selected scripts are also in the 12-25 minute range, which is pretty perfect for me at the moment. There's one script under ten minutes that needs beefing up, but that's easily doable.

That said, there is some flexibility built in here. As the event gets closer, audios listed in orange may not turn out to be my final selections. The bulk of those are at the end of the month specifically so I'll have time to switch them out if I find other scripts I prefer, with the exception of the "Fog" inspired script which is orange because it simply may not be finished on time. ^^; (I'm working on it, but it's turning into a rather complex beast!)

I hesitate to call the orange audios stand-ins (they're wonderful scripts!) but I'm trying to keep my options open. As spooky season kicks off properly, writers are more likely to produce Halloween appropriate scripts. It's always good to keep an eye out for any I might want to include in the event. Last year's Obsessive Yandere Girl Stalks and Hunts You was a last minute addition to the schedule, for example. If another gem like that one makes an appearance, I want to have the freedom to jump on it.

All right! Next on my agenda is deciding on performance styles for each audio, hunting down SFX for sound cues and doing all the thumbnails. Then begins the recording marathon over the next two weeks. 

This concludes the first planning post for Here for the Boos 2! Tune in next time for...actual content maybe? \( ゚ヮ゚)/




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