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Hi! Welcome to August's chit-chat and recommendation post, a cozy little  space to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things  we’ve enjoyed during the month!

I can't believe we've been doing these little posts for six whole months! Time sure flew by, didn't it?

My August was really busy, but in that sort of stable way life goes sometimes. It was a long, sustained hum of activity that never quite let up, rather than my usual fits and starts with a little breathing room in between bouts. I'm still feeling a bit burnt out from it all tbh, but I'm recovering!

The biggest news of the month I have, aside from all the Patreon/Youtube stuff you all already know about, is health stuff. Boring, I know! 

But I’m notoriously bad at taking care of myself and I was feeling extra lousy, so after being poked and prodded by friends and family a bunch I got a check-up. I was like, “Hey doc, I’m like...tired all the time? More than usual?” 

And she ran a bunch of tests and was like, “You have a vitamin deficiency, you simple bitch. I’m prescribing a steady diet of Stay Alive Juice.”

I’m paraphrasing, of course. It was a bit more complex than that. But it turns out when you feel like crap, sometimes doctors can do? Something?? About it??? Wild. Do you think scientists know about this?

After a few months on the aforementioned Stay Alive Juice, I should feel much less like a wrung out rag all the time. So that's nice! I am very much looking forward to having my own energy instead of sucking the life force from random passersby. It's a good thing, too! The locals are starting to get suspicious.

Anyway, here's the best stuff I gorged my brain on this month!

Best Article(s) I Read: In Defense of Pigeons, which is just what it says on the tin. I have a peculiar soft spot for pigeons--they fall under my nebulous definition of forbidden cats, like raccoons and possums or basically anything I might find hiding near a dumpster down a dark alley--and they definitely get a bum rap. It was nice to see an argument for compassion toward my favorite flying underdogs.

A Frustrating History of the Claw Machine Kitschy amusements and weird laws! Two of my favorite things to learn about. Did you know claw machines were regulated by the FBI at one point in history?! Nutty!

A librarian collects all the things left in books — from love letters to old photos: Ephemera, my beloved. Is there anything more uniquely, mundanely magical than finding someone else's photo or bookmark in a tome you picked up at a thrift shop? The experience of touching a stranger's life from across a gulf of time? 💖

Evolution Only Cares About One Thing and It's Crabs: Time for crab. No but seriously, I already knew about the biological tendency for some life forms to evolve toward crabdom (and the accompanying memes!) but I still enjoyed this article about it. ^^

Short Fiction: Macbeth and Macduff Get Into an Argument Over Semantics, a silly old piece for Shakespeare nerds by the writer of Bojack Horseman before he was famous. It's definitely "ho, ho" funny instead of my usual plank comedy, but it was too cute not to share after I stumbled on it.

TV:  I finished Better Call Saul (😭😭😭)  9.5/10. There are only a few things I'd change, but that's the writer in me talking. Ignore her, she's just a buzzkill who wanted the sad middle aged criminal lawyer show to end in sunshine and rainbows and is grumpy she didn't get her way.

I also totally caught up with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and What We Do in the Shadows. Truly, these are my three favorite shows about Garbage Humans (and Vampires) though fair warning: they are Garbage People who do Garbage Things so if your taste in characters trends toward lawful goodness...ah, maybe skip 'em. ^^;

I know it looks like a lot, but I've been chipping away at these for a looong time. Now I'm all caught up to the latest episodes! AND SO WE BEGIN THE WAITING GAME.

Games: I have had virtually no time to game all month. However, I made time for Donut Dodo, an infuriatingly old school cross between Donkey Kong and Burger Time. Here's a life hack for you: whenever you're stressed, hop onto steam, play a couple of levels, and suddenly you'll be stressed about something completely different! 🤭

Other Neat Things: I recently stumbled across the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and basically camped out there for a day. I anticipate spending much more time there in the future, too!

So, that's my month! How was August for all of you? Watch/read/do anything fun?



Happy September, everyone! August was actually pretty great for me, so I've got a few things to cover! First, last month I mentioned that my job search was going less than stellar. Well, I'm happy to report that's no longer the case! I just (as in, I finished Onboarding literally today) got a new job at an indoor shooting range! I'm through-the-moon excited and I should be getting scheduled very soon! The first week of the month, a storm knocked out my internet for a week, so I made the most of it and began to reread A Game of Thrones. Next, after having it on my 'need to watch' list for many YEARS, I finally got around to watching Breaking Bad and El Camino! I really wanted to watch Better Call Saul, since it was ending and thought, "Yeah, I should probably watch its predecessors first," and face-tanked the whole damn thing between my interviews and what not. It was excellent, and I can't wait to watch the lawyer show next! I watched the first two episodes of House of the Dragon (or Hot D if you're cool)! I'm enjoying it so far! Of course, I wish that there wasn't so much-- well, if you know GRRM, you likely know what I mean! Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal season 2 has been coming out, and I'm a fan. I love that Tartakovsky can create a show that I find so damn engaging without dialogue. Plus, dinosaurs go roar, so that's pretty cool! I haven't played many games this month since I was so occupied with so many other things, but I did play some Apex with my three-stack a bit. We also tried out PlateUp!, Which, in short, is a game about operating a restaurant! I have no idea how it plays solo, but I highly recommend it as a co-op game! One of my other friends invited me to join his Minecraft server, and being the epic gamer that I am, I joined and hopped on a few nights a week to catch up! I did a bit of writing, some of which I feel is my best work, although only time will tell. Oh, last thing, I ordered and received some stickers from some stabby pink lady and her cat, so that's pretty neat! To round it out, I had a great month and I really hope I can keep that positivity rolling into September and on! I hope y'all had a great august as well, but if not, I hope September treats you better; you deserve it! Don't forget to drink water, and have a day, you cutie idiots!


Hello, everyone! Hope your August was good! For me, it’s been something… interesting, to be honest. I’m just going to go out and give the biggest news—sadly, this Saturday, my uncle on my dad’s side died. We knew it was coming as he got an aggressive form of cancer about two weeks ago, and thankfully he wasn’t in pain and was at peace mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but even though I wasn’t the closest to him, it was… definitely sad. I am doing better, but I still feel for my dad, since my uncle was the last of the family he grew up with (we have a big extended family, but my paternal grandparents died before I was born and my other paternal uncle died about fifteen years ago after battling with Alzheimer’s). So, I can’t help but feel this was pretty hard for my dad as a whole. I am doing better, and I talked with my dad today and he seems to be doing good, but it still was a hard time for us all. Work has slowed down a lot, to the point where I’ve been able to take a lot of voluntary time off simply because they’ve been offered so much. Which is fine by me; I’ve still got a lot of money saved up, am currently in the process of making some side jobs like freelance web designer and blogger, and already know that I’m more-or-less the workhorse for my team. So, having some time off to focus on other things is… nice, to say the least. In other news, I’ve just started my newest term. I’m learning Desktop publishing, meaning that yes, I finally am learning the web design part of my schooling after a good few months. Honestly, it’s a little overwhelming, but I’m happy to finally get here. Admittedly, I looked up earlier and it turns out that I’m scheduled to graduate in August of 2024, which was a surprise (I thought it was going to be February of 2023), but I guess I was mistaken. I’ll try to contact my advisor and see what they say, but I do think it means I’ll have to change some plans since I don’t think that, with my current job and living situations, I’ll have the time, money, or energy to stay at my current job and go to school for another two years. Still, some of the plans I have I think will let me get into some jobs that can take care of me while I go to school—I just need to make time for them as well! As for media; at the moment, I have been getting back into ASMR videos, and other Velvet’s I’ve been listening to some people like Stephanie Swann Quills, Mother Macabre, Lovesick VA, Selude ASMR, and others. I also need to start hearing Dangerous ASMR again, since not only is she the first ASMRist I supported, but I have donated some scripts to her and want to donate some more. In terms of shows; I’ve actually been rewatching Breaking Bad after getting caught up to Season 5 of BCS on Netflix, which has been good. Admittedly, I’m not the biggest fan of crime dramas (yes, I’m a heretic), but they are good shows and it’s nice to rewatch them. I also am planning to finish my rewatch of The Dragon Prince soon, since the next season is coming out this September. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it: it’s like Avatar: The Last Airbender mixed with Eragon and The Lord of the Rings (helped with the fact that it’s made by the original writers of Avatar). I’ve also been on something of a Clive Barker mood lately, and have gotten to see Hellraiser, Lord of Illusions, and Nightbreed recently (all of which are really great movies, but not for the faint of heart). Speaking of some spookier stuff, I also have been listening to a podcast called “Less Is Morgue” which is a funny horror-comedy podcast about two friends—a non-binary, asocial ghoul conspiracy theorist named Riley and a perky ghost girl named Evelyn—who get into wacky misadventures. I don’t think the humor would be for everyone, but I enjoy it a lot, and think it deserves more spotlight. As for books, I have been trying to get back into them, and recently I found a hidden gem: Tales of Kaimere by Keenan Taylor. It’s an anthology of science fantasy short stories and novellas that takes place on Kaimere, an Earth-like planet where special purple lifeforms called “portals” evolved and ended up bringing animals from Earth’s past (near and distant) onto Kaimere. And since there wasn’t an asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs, you have things like regular humans forming nations and living alongside dinosaurs, extinct sharks, and other such creatures. It’s very imaginative and I personally really like how it isn’t just “Stone Age fantasy” but more “realistic paleofeudal fantasy”. There’s also the Cradle series by Will Wight, which is kind of this Wuxia-inspired fantasy series, but I’ve only scratched the surface with it. So far, though, I’m liking the first book—which is about a boy who, due to apparently not having any connection to magic, becomes an outcast to his clan. And in order to save it, he’ll have to rebel against tradition. Suffice to say, I’m loving it! I’ve also was able to get some stuff done for things like a book I’m planning to write for NaNoWriMo 2022, but that’s another story and I’ll probably mention more when we get closer to November. That’s all for me! Hope you all have had a good month and if you’ve read this entire essay, I thank you! Talk to you all soon!


My condolences to you and your family, chief. Regardless of how close you are to them, the loss of a family member is rarely easy. I'm sure you don't need to be told this by some assclown on the internet, but make sure you're there for your dad; it sounds like he's gonna need your support more than ever. I'm gonna have to check out Tales of Kaimere. "Realistic paleofeudal fantasy" is not something I ever thought I'd hear, but damn am I into it!


Thank you very much for the support—I truly appreciate it. And yeah, I’m definitely going to be there for my dad. While we do live in different cities at the moment, I can at least call him to make sure he’s doing fine and send whatever help I can. Plus, if need be, I can drive over to his place to check up on him. In any case, at least in October we’re going to have a Celebration of Life party for my Uncle, so if nothing else I can be there for him then. Though I’m sure I’ll find some other ways to support him. I’m happy to have made another convert of Kaimere! Without a doubt, “realistic paleofeudal fantasy” is the subgenre we didn’t think we want, nor do we probably deserve, but boy do we need! If you want to get a bit of a taste for Kaimere before getting the anthology, Keenan Taylor actually has a YouTube channel where he discusses the world of Kaimere regarding general evolutionary history, “contemporary” animals, human cultures, and even the Kaimeren magic system. It’s like John Crichton and Brandon Sanderson collabed on a world together!