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Hey, all! Bit late with this week’s planning post, but I hope the fact I’ve spent the past week and some change knocking a bunch of stuff off my to-do list makes up for it a little bit!

Youtube memberships and the shop are properly launched and all settled with youtube integration. I think some stickers aren't showing up because they don't jive with youtube's content policies (even cute Bob-omb inspired cartoon bombs may be off limits as promoting violence?) but it's the best I can do at the moment!

Bloopers are also basically done; I'll be uploading for you tonight! Just doing some last minute clean-up for sound quality! 

Speaking of memberships, the channel has already hit ten members, which means seven emotes have been unlocked! So that's pretty neat. I wasn't expecting that to happen so fast! Since it has, I'll be commissioning a few more customs over the next month or so just in case. I have a few more all set to go, so here's a sneak peek at the future milestones and the accompanying emotes:

(Knife emote by MondruidStore; all others by Sunrisejelly!)

I also have a few text emotes on standby in case those milestones blow past before any customs are finished. I know, I know, 125 members is a long way away! But it's always better to be prepared. I'm a girl scout like that.

In other news! I’ve set aside a massive stack of scripts to sort through for September and October. I do have to contact the writers of some to make sure I have paywall permission, but most are already a-okay for early access so it's just a matter of picking them out, planning vocal performances and recording.

An interesting trend with the scripts I've selected is that many have non-human listeners. I'm thinking if I can find enough scripts in that vein, Here for the Boos 2: Electric Boo-galoo (working title) may have that as a theme? idk yet. We'll see! Monster listeners would definitely be a different hook for the event! Though I do worry it would flop.

I'll make a proper list of scripts once I've whittled the possibilities down from like, 50, but in the meantime here are a few that are under consideration for the next couple of months!

  • A Big Bad Wolf-Girl in star-crossed love with a humble villager
  • You, a royal, have escaped the dull routine of your gilded cage; it's up to your personal knight to return you to the palace!
  • A time traveling yandere tries to set the past right
  • Being stalked through the city streets by a charismatic, scary stranger!
  • Your girlfriend miiiiight be brainwashing you? A little?
  • An imprisoned supervillain puts the hypnotic whammy on you to try and escape!
  • Comfort for going back to school
  • Comfort from your long distance girlfriend

The last two are easy scripts. Honestly I'm in the mood for something a little more low key while I recover from Summer Refresh and gear up for October, so I'm thinking one of them will be next week's audio.

I'm also plugging away at the original scripts I previously mentioned (slime girl, frog girl, starship captain) but I have no idea if they'll be done soon at this rate. I just don't have enough time and energy to write original content as much as I'd like to. 😑

Still, to whet your appetite (and keep myself on task!) here's a preview of one of them: Meeting a Tsundere Frog Princess

(Swamp sounds)
(Muffled through door) Go away!
(More insistent knocking)
Ugh! What?! Can’t you read? The sign says no solicitors, missionaries or knights in shining armor! If you’re a peddler, I already have everything I need; if you’re a grimoire thumper, I’ve already got religion; and if you’re a wannabe hero looking to save a damsel in distress, you can shove your sword where the sun doesn’t shine ‘cause I don’t need rescue. Now, go away!
A message? Damn it, I knew I forgot something. Should have put messengers on the list. This better be good!
(Door opens)
(Coming up short, she’s surprised but trying to cover it) Oh. You’re—
(Getting ahold of herself, sliding back into tsundere) Yeah, yeah, by order of the blah blah blah, I can see your livery. I know where you hail from, get on with it!
What’s the message? (beat) I’m waiting. What’s so important you had to wade into a swamp to bother me?
Don’t just stand there staring at me like a dummy, talk!
What, you’ve never seen a frog girl before? Bully for you, now you have. If you don’t stop gaping at me like a fish and get to yakking in the next three seconds, I’m going to slam this door in your face.
(surprise, concern; the messenger’s news hurts her but she doesn’t want to admit it.) The king is—dying?
(Trying to recover her anger, but less successful than before) Oh, really? Well… (trailing off) well...
(Tsundere mode back on!) Well, what do I care?! Does the king send a full complement of soldiers with some namby-pamby messenger in tights to inform all the peasantry of his impending demise? I don’t even live on his lands. What’s the difference to me?

I like it so far! But there's quite a bit of script after this and...the plot's not going the way I'd hoped. Sometimes a character wrenches the storyline from your hands and you just have to follow along for awhile, even if you have sneaking suspicion they're dragging you off in the wrong direction. :/ Ah! The muse! She is a fickle mistress!

Anyway! The second to last shipment of acoustic foam for my recording area has also arrived! So I’ll be spending the next few days sticking foam to things and getting entirely too many hot glue burns. (More hot glue burns I should say, as I type this post with band-aids wrapped around two fingers.) Channel taxes are taken care of and will be sent off tomorrow when I have time to hit the post office, and I have all the Throwback Thursday posts/polls queued up throughout September. 

The Velvet Sidekick naming post is also set to go on youtube, with a release date of this Saturday!

Basically: most of the more practical tasks are complete or in the works, so now I get to focus on the fun, creative stuff. Which is handy because my soul is dying a little bit from all the administrative things and such I had to do in August.

Okay, I think that sums up what's in the pipeline for the next week! I'll be back in a bit with the end-of-month rec post and (much) later tonight I'll return with bloopers! I am very nervous! I hope they're funny enough to merit being released. See ya soon!




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