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Yay! Finally everything is ready to go! Custom emotes, fancy loyalty badges, and sticker designs, I hope all reasonably priced. And thanks to my wonderful Patrons (you!!! 💖💖💖) the channel has an adorable sidekick to help round out the emote roster. 

I settled on an extremely cheap introductory tier for memberships, with room to expand if I ever decide to. My business acumen whispered "$4.99, $4.99, all the cool kids charge $4.99!" but my cheapskate brain balked at anything more than a buck just for some cute pixels. And if I wouldn't pay that price, I'm not going to charge anyone else that much!

Whew. Okay! Everything is all set. I know it's only been a month but I feel like I've been working on this stuff for a million years, what with all the back and forth with artists and support teams and stuff. Youtube integration is still slightly broken (only two products show up on the merch shelf?) but I'm hoping once it's live that issue will sort itself.

I'm only slightly nervous about launching these this week! But thanks to your support I have the courage to do so! And I mean that. I really couldn't have done this without you all. You helped smash the 50 patron goal that made this happen! With channel expenses covered and a little extra leftover, I can afford to do cool stuff like this. Thank you so much for making this possible!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go finish working on a short blooper reel for ya and finish the edits for the final script of Summer Refresh! See you soon. 💖





I'm sure I speak for us all when I say that we are here because we think you're pretty damn awesome! I'm super excited to see a blooper reel.