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Looks like this weekend everything's coming up Velvet! My custom emotes have arrived! And they're better than I possibly could have hoped.

(All emote art by Sunrisejelly! Who is both extremely talented and very nice!)

I hope you dig them as much as I do because I'm very happy with them! The last four will be unlocks as previously mentioned  and if memberships grow past 15, I'll be adding more! 🎉 (Theoretically, you can have up to 54 emotes! But that's about 5,000 members away so we'll put a pin in that for now. 😅)

So! The merch store is almost all fixed up and badges/emotes are ready to go. I'm still going back and forth on price and finalizing perks. (Is it weird for a creator to talk about financial considerations of running a youtube channel and so on? I feel like I do it a lot! idk the protocol, I just sort of feel like it's important to be transparent, especially if any of you out there are thinking about starting a channel of your own.)

Of course there's the concern of recouping the cost of the emotes/badges I purchased/commissioned: higher priced tiers mean I might break even faster.

The flip side is, a high priced tier means membership growth would likely be slow so not many people would get to enjoy these goodies! 

I think I'd rather make them available to as many people as possible than try to make every dime back, tbqh. Apparently I value fun over profit! I'm weird like that.

That said, Youtube has a variety of membership perks that I can choose to offer. Some, like early access, are not currently in the running simply because I feel those should remain unique to Patreon. (Like, if you're in an early access tier here, it wouldn't be fair to offer the same benefit cheaper for youtube members!) It's important to me to strike a balance between providing value for youtube members and making sure patrons don't feel like they've been fleeced.

(Pictured: how I don't want to treat my patrons.)

Anyway! The perks I've been considering for the membership launch (bold are definite):

  • Loyalty badges
  • Emotes
  • Member shout outs (mentions in my descriptions)
  • Discounted merch (10% off; Patrons will always get 20%)
  • Priority reply to comments

The only one I'm really iffy on is the last. It feels...weird? to offer special access to replies, but there are times my channel gets as many as 100 comments a day, so I can definitely see the appeal of finding a way to prioritize. And I know some folks like having a guarantee they'd get a response! 

I assume that's why youtube started offering that perk in the first place. I can't imagine the deluge of comments I'd drown under if my channel had a million subs. "Throw $ at my channel if you want me to see your comment" would seem downright reasonable at that level of internet fame.

(Although, that could still prove to be an issue if you priced memberships really low. If you got 1000 members, you'd be up the creek without a paddle wrt answering comments!)

If I ever do decide to add priority replies as a perk, I'll likely tack it onto a tier with a mid-level price, just to make sure things remain relatively manageable on my end. 🤔

There are other perks I might eventually introduce as I have the ability to deliver them (wallpapers! special videos! polls!), but I'm going on record now that Patrons will always get early access to them first, likely with a 3+ month lead. Like I said: I want to make sure everyone gets their money's worth!

Okay. I guess that's it for this incredibly rambly post! I'll be back tomorrow with previews of the membership announcement posts and...maybe something else? I hope? Depends on how fried I am by tomorrow. Wish me luck!




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