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👋 Mornin' folks! I come bearing updates!

As promised, I spent the weekend getting audios in the can for the next two weeks. 🎉 Seven scripts and (mumble mumble) hours of raw audio later, my to-do list for Summer Refresh looks like this:

(Somehow I managed to avoid completely destroying my voice this weekend. All hail the healing power of tea!)

I'll be putting the finishing touches on the orc audio today, with an eye to posting it for patrons tonight. The centaur will be up soon after this post goes live. Yaaaaay!

I'll be honest, Summer Refresh has been turning out to be a rather humbling project. I like to experiment on my channel, throwing all sorts of stuff at the wall to see what sticks, and this is the first time I've really struggled with the workload I assigned myself.

When I decided to do a whole month of sequels--with a strong emphasis on longer, multi-script follow-ups--I severely underestimated how time consuming that would be until I found myself in the thick of it. Prior to this, I tried it out a few times--Monster Girl Mayhem had a couple multi-script audios, and I've done some longer stuff in the 30-40 minute range--so I thought it was well within my capabilities to manage a whole month of it. I was prepared for long recording sessions! 

What I didn't anticipate was the sheer magnitude of editing/sound design I signed up for. Or rather, I didn't calculate the necessary effort and time required properly. I've been constantly running behind schedule as a result.

Lemme tell ya, it's one thing to whittle thirty raw minutes of audio down to a ten or twenty minute finished product with solid pacing and sound effects. And it's definitely fun to do longer audios once in awhile! 

But man, it's a whole other beast to be staring down the barrel of hours of audio for the bulk of a month-long event. I generally find it very difficult to focus on the same thing for long periods, so my ADHD has not been playing well with the format I settled on for this month's audios.

To be clear, I'm not complaining exactly. More like...reflecting? I'm still enjoying the work. Summer Refresh will be completed, even if it's by the skin of my teeth, and I will look back on it fondly. It was a noble experiment! I appreciate that it's shown me my limits. That's a useful bit of knowledge to have. Live and learn! 

But it's kicked my ass so thoroughly I have no lingering doubts: long, multi-script works are definitely a Sometimes Food.

Anyway! Other updates:

Merch: Still waiting for news about youtube integration from Teespring, but I'm getting an alternate store set-up in the meantime

Youtube Memberships: Still waiting for the custom emotes to be delivered, but I've settled on the first batch of bonus kitty emotes at least!

Velvet's As-Yet Unnamed Sidekick: Debut art is finalized!

With an alternate:

Aaaand I think that's it? For now? Tomorrow I'll open a name suggestion post for Patrons only and next week I'll do the same on youtube. 

See you in a few minutes when I post the next audio!




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