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Hiya! This week has been a whirl of activity behind the scenes.  Luckily, my next couple days are (mostly!) free, so I’ll be bringing you goodies all weekend long. At least that’s the plan!

Update the First: Patron-only voting closed yesterday to decide how Vanilla Velvet Audio’s sidekick will look, and the winner is… Black cat with green eyes! Here’s a peek at some of the emotes that will be available when the channel memberships launch!

(Cat emote art by Sunrisejelly.)

I adore ‘em! Really, I couldn’t be happier with this choice. While I love a good orange himbo cat as much as the next girl (probably more tbh!), and a white cat would have been tres chic, I think a black cat is perfect for the channel. Good job, Patrons!

So! At the moment I've got four Velvet emotes ordered and on the way, six kitty emotes ready to go and a few extra general emotes in case memberships somehow explode in number when they launch and I need a bunch more to round out the collection. If so, I'll also try to commission a few more customs as well.

I’ll open a post for kitty name suggestions soon, so get your thinking caps on ahead of time! I know I am.

(Feel free to imagine me jovially plunking a dunce cap on my head. It’s the only thinking cap I’ve got! Came standard with the vaudevillian sense of humor and squirrel brain.)

Update the Second: After a lot of back and forth with support staff, I’ve gotten some updates about fixing the merch shelf integration issues I’ve been having. The error that I was running into has plagued a few other channels so Teespring has gotten their engineering team involved to fix it. There’s been some movement on that (an integration log-in screen that didn’t work before works now! Hooray!) so that’s in the works.

Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon but if it isn’t taken care of by the end of the month, I’ll be trying to figure out a workaround or switching to another vendor. I promised merch when I officially reached fifty patrons and by gum, I’m gonna pull it off!

(By gum? Who am I, my grandpa? … actually, yes, pretty much. ^^;)

Update the Third: As I mentioned before, I’ve moved into a different recording space and have been upgrading it bit by bit quietly behind the scenes. The sound quality is...

For the most part, I love the new space! However, it has one drawback: it ain’t great in the middle of a heatwave. I can’t record with air conditioning and fans running at full tilt (I mean I guess I technically could, but the audio would suck!) so I haven’t been able to record in the past week simply because the weather has made it too stuffy to work. 

I'm actually glad to find out it's a problem at this early stage, so that next year I can adjust my recording schedule to better mitigate the issue.

Anyway, even on fairly hot days I can record late at night without dying of heat stroke, but I’ve been so busy this week I’ve basically been falling into bed at the end of the day instead! Luckily, the weekend promises to be more bearable and I’ve got free time. So I’m going to knock out the bulk of the remaining Summer Refresh audios over the next few days.

I’ll be recording the yandere centaur sequel(s) first, then the flirty orc girl. The orc audio is due out next week, but the vocal style is taxing so I’m going to save recording it until after the centaur is all squared away. If I have time this weekend, I’ll also finish editing the yandere mom/tsundere daughter script and record that next week most likely. Here's where we're at with the to-do list atm:

That's a lot more red than I'd like to be seeing at this point in the event, but it's nothing a couple major cram sessions and lots of coffee can't fix! I want everything done by this time next week because once Summer Refresh is through, planning for September and October can start!

And speaking of planning for September/October...

I have a couple of scripts I’m writing with an eye toward recording them for September if all works out. You might remember I posted a short preview of Plucky Slime Girl Asks for Your Help. In plotting it out, I...may have accidentally planned a short series. And the first audio will likely end on a cliffhanger. Oops. 😬

The other couple of scripts I'm toying with are based on Patron suggestions! A grumpy tsundere frog girl and a star shuttle captain stranded on an alien planet with  the listener. I'm really looking forward to recording those so I want to get 'em done ASAP.

There's also another script currently in the planning stages something inspired by John Carpenter's The Fog (among other things!) I want that one finished by October if I can swing it because...

Here for the Boos is returning! 🎉 13 Halloween-y audios, three a week, all October long! And I haven't a clue what they'll be yet. Suggestions? Requests? What would your heart's desire be for spooky, autumnal audios, Patrons? Think about it!

Okie doke. I think that's enough updates for today, huh? Don't want to overwhelm ya! There are a few other smaller things in the works over here, but I'll reserve them for another day. I'll be back in a day or two with a post for kitty name suggestions and at least one early access Summer Refresh audio. Maybe more, I hope!

I hope your weekend goes great!


mwah, mwah, mwah,



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