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Hiya, Patrons and happy August! I hope you're doing well! 🥰

We have a busy month ahead of us here at the ol' Vanilla Velvet...uh, corral? An event, launching youtube memberships, merch and a few other things! So let's get to it.

You might remember about a month or so ago, I amended the 50 patron goal from custom emotes to just emotes due to cost considerations. Welp, I pinched a few pennies, dug around in the sofa cushions, took a job breaking legs for some extra petty cash and miracle of miracles! Found enough money in my business budget for a few customs after all! 🎉

(Kidding! I'm kidding! I'd never break legs. It was knees. Totally different!)

Anyway, I set that up with an artist and I'm waiting for those to arrive. (The earliest possible delivery will be August 9 but it could take longer.) The badges are also all set to go, along with some more general emotes to get us started. 

In that same vein...I'm planning to introduce a pet sidekick for the brand, with accompanying emotes: a kitty! Patrons will get to vote on its appearance this month. You'll also get first crack at suggesting names for it! Here's a peek at some possibilities:

(Art by Sunrisejelly)

I'll pick my favorite names from among all the suggestions both here and on youtube, My audience will get to vote to choose the name in September. So that's exciting!

Next up: launching merch! I'm getting that all set up now through Spring and will integrate the merch shop with youtube. That's basically all ready to go just a few tweaks left.

Rather than doing this all at once, I'm going to try to balance these launches with Summer Refresh so I don't overwhelm my listeners with too much content all at once. As it is, my schedule is:

  • Wednesday: Summer Refresh Sequel audio
  • Thursday: Throwback Spotlight
  • Friday: Summer Refresh remastered audio
  • Tuesday: Throwback vote 

Frankly that's just too much if I don't want to give everyone content fatigue. After tomorrow's vote, I'm going to suspend Throwback Thursdays/Vote Tuesdays until September, just to give my listeners the chance to breathe, and space out membership/merch launches a bit during the month so it doesn't feel like you're drowning under a deluge of Vanilla Velvet content. ^^;

Other things!

I'm going to do my damnedest to write a couple of scripts based on patron suggestions this month if possible, because some of the ideas have been poking me relentlessly. I couldn't tackle them in July with the mad scientist script eating up all my writing time, but look out, patron ideas! I'm gunning for ya. Uh, pew pew.

As for Summer Refresh itself, here's my current progress:

I admit: still looking pretty scary! 😰 Two audios are recorded though, and edits on those are almost finished. Putting the final touches on them is my task for tonight! Additions/revisions to the other scripts are also either finished or in the works, though that's not reflected in the checklist. 

Additionally, I decided to trim down the yandere centaur sequel to four scripts rather than five. To be clear: that's no reflection on the other script! Part five is just a better stopping point, as part six is a cliffhanger; it makes for a more satisfying story arc if we pause at five. ^^

The other things I have to get settled tonight: the master list of patrons for July and the patron exclusive August Request/Suggest post! 

And finally...I maaaaay be working on a second channel. For *ahem* slightly riskier audios and more standard soft spoken ASMR content. I'm not saying I already picked an aesthetic and mascot look but...

Yeah okay, that is what I'm saying. 

Alternate tagline: Vanilla Velvet Audio...Nights!

I know my Patreon goal for doing patron-exclusive frisky audio is a long way away (600 patrons!) but this won't be that. If/when I produce content for the alternate channel, it'll still be youtube-friendly. But it'll be the sort of stuff that takes more risks than I'm willing to have on my main channel because youtube's rules are weird. There may even be--wait for it--cleavage.

All right! That's it for this week's updates. I've got work to do! See you for early access tomorrow!


Jake C (that1otherJake)

Breaking legs? What am i an amateur? Legs heal, broken kneecaps mess 'em up for life! 😊