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Hi! Welcome to July's chit-chat and recommendation post, a cozy little space to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

My July was fairly laid back, compared to my last couple of months irl. Aside from a brutal local heatwave trying to melt me, the month's been pretty good to me! I hope you've been staying cool and had a great month, too.

I actually spent a substantial chunk of my free time in July setting up a real office space for youtube stuff with a dedicated recording area that's far less cramped than my previous teeny tiny closet-sized recording booth. I'm still working on getting it sound treated properly (so. much. acoustic. foam.) but it's looking spiffy! While I've only used it a couple of times so far, it's been a lot nicer to record in. 

(There's also a proper cat bed so Noodle doesn't get in my face and doesn't feel neglected while I'm trying to work. He's very happy!) 

I'm looking forward to making tons of new things for you in this space. And someday? Soundproofing! 😱 That'll be awesome.

Here's my list of recommendations for the month:

Best Article(s) I Read: The Weird, Analog Delights of Foley Sound Effects. I got interested in foley sound effects long before I started doing my own sound design--which I think gave me a small leg up when I started producing my own audio. 

Foley (and sound design in general!) is one of my weird little interests that ties into loving movies and I just find the art form fascinating--to the point that I even have a top three list of film scenes with my favorite sound work. Actually, one of my favorite mini-documentaries I've ever stumbled across online is about the foley artist who worked at Disney during its golden age and I definitely recommend watching it if you have even a passing interest in sound design.

Anyway, this article really hit that spot for me!

The second best I read this month was 90's Dad Thrillers: A List which is an interesting (if contentious among my irl friends!) thesis about those marvelously bombastic, cliche riddled popcorn action movies occupying a very specific point in entertainment: the 1990s. There were some really hot debates going around in my sphere about this article.

Runners Up: There were a lot of short runners up this month. What can I say? Bite-sized articles about weird stuff really keeps my brain going! 

Why Are So Many Cakes Named After Fabric?: What it says on the tin! Relevant to my interests, as Vanilla Velvet is named after a cake named after fabric.

Dogs of War: When it comes to the history of warfare and conflict, I've always preferred to delve into the more offbeat or human elements, rather than strategic logistics and memorizing who wiped out what battalion where. (Which is interesting to know, but tends to put me to sleep!) The history of victory gardens? I'm there! Propaganda poster art? Sign me up! And this article, about a dog show maven who recruited fancy dogs to train for the war effort was right up my alley.

Consolation for Sorrow from King Arthur’s Court: Merlyn’s Advice on What to Do When the World Gets You Down: A short, bittersweet meditation on life advice from one of my favorite book series: The Once and Future King. "The best thing for being sad...is to learn something." Definitely a sentiment I try to live my life by.

What Caused the Salem Witch Trials? Short answer: socioeconomic pressures...and maybe hallucinogenic bread fungus? Which is so interesting and a theory I hadn't heard of before!

Short Fiction: Just one this month, an old favorite I revisited partly due to the heat wave, and partly due to all the construction happening on my street lmao:

Dolan's Cadillac by Stephen King (kindle): A man's wife is killed by the titular gangster Dolan--and his revenge on the killer is deliciously devious! It involves long hours in the desert, lots of road work and a vengeance scheme worthy of Wile E. Coyote.

TV: Anyone else suffering through Better Call Saul? I'm in AGONY. But like, the best kind. I'm not ready for it to end. 😭

I've also been catching up with my favorite vampire mockumentary What We Do in the Shadows! Horror and comedy are like peanut butter and chocolate, just better together. 🥰

Game(s): I'm back on my Sid Meier bullshit, finally getting around to playing the strategy game that is Civilization: Beyond Earth. A lot of fans don't care for it, because it's basically Civ 5 in space, but I'm like "It's more of a game I already like? IN SPACE?! *grabby hands*" So I'm enjoying that a lot whenever I have an hour to kill.

Welp, I think that's about it for me this month! What were you all up to? Do anything fun?



I got a chance to hang out with my friend which was a great time cause we rarely do cause of our work schedules, but we do manage to talk on the phone most nights to catch up. For TV shows I started and finished "The Boy's" in a week because I was hooked after the first episode. I watched a few hit or miss movies this month as well on Netflix, but none that are recommendable. Rewatched some anime but haven't had the motivation to watch/start anything new, even though there are plenty that I haven't seen that are good. Gaming wise I've just been playing Destiny 2 and a bit of Need for Speed Heat again with some buddies. Earlier this week I also went outta town for a soccer game with my fam so that was a good time as always. Work has been a bit of a rollercoaster with them scheduling me for nights a lot more and managers changing up or moving stores. Plus I also burned my finger last week which hurt like a mf, but it's fine and starting to heal now.


My July was rather uneventful; primarily hunting for a job that is at least firearms adjacent with mixed results at best. With that said, uneventful does not mean bad by any means! One of my friends and I finished The Forest and it was an absolute blast! I also played some modded Minecraft since I hadn't played in a fat minute. I re-watched the entirety of Stranger Things since I couldn't for the life of me remember anything that happened in prep for season 4. I quite liked it, although I still prefer the simplicity of the first season. I, as usual, had some delicious historical firearms content injected directly into my bloodstream, so I've got that going for me. I wrote just a little bit, but not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things and the same can be said about reading. I do, however, think that I'll do some reading this month, because my A Song of Ice and Fire books have been staring me in the face for a good while now! Alright, to round out this month, I want to share a little piece of myself with y'all, so strap in. Two years ago yesterday, my step mom, Jodi, passed away. I could bore you with a sob story, but I'd rather tell y'all a story about her that always makes me smile! It was February 2020, we were quarantined, and bored as heck. Jodi was bed ridden, so I would be the one getting her meals for her. We wanted some Chicken Alfredo, so she whipped up a recipe and told me the steps while I was in the kitchen (for reference, her bed was moved to the living room so she wouldn't have to be trapped in her bedroom all the time). Now, when I tell you that she knew her kitchen like the back of her hand, I mean it! She could direct me to an ingredient with incredible precision. Now I, being the inexperienced cook that I was, grabbed the tupperware out of the pantry that I THOUGHT had flour since she directed me directly to it and I knew it wasn't sugar since they look distinctly different. We kept the kitchen/living room relatively dark since here on Tatooine, it's always sunny and perpetually hot AF, so I didn't really get a good look at the white powder I just put into the pan. While I was making the sauce, it just wasn't quite looking the way she was describing it and tasted a bit on the sweet side, which I found odd. My adoptive dad, who had just got home, gives it a taste. "Oh yeah, that tastes fine," he says. I'm pretty baffled, but after some tinkering, the sauce at least looked the part. Served Jodi dinner and got her squared away before I retreated to my room to eat. It wasn't bad, but the sweet taste was really messing with me. A few hours pass and I go out to the kitchen to get seconds. While I heat up the leftovers, Jodi asks me if the sauce tasted sweet to which I replied, "Yeah, I don't know what that was about. It was oddly kinda good." I opened the pantry and inspected what I thought was flour. It was fuckin' POWDERED SUGAR! Turns out, while Jodi's friend was in town several weeks prior, she bought some to make some sweets for her and slapped it in an unlabeled Tupperware without telling anyone. Naturally, upon making this discovery, we laughed hysterically, not only because of the ridiculous circumstances, but because the friggin' Alfredo sauce was actually kinda good! I look back fondly on that memory for several reasons, the most significant being that it was the start of my interest in cooking and that it was the beginning of us finally getting along. Phew, that was a lot, I know. In closing, I hope July treated you all well, and if not, I sincerely hope that August is your month! Be safe and I'll see you cutie idiots later!

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Let's see....thank the gods i have AC this year (last year was a hard lesson 😥). It's been a fast paced month, I think I just turned 36, we got a raise at work, and we are t-minus 2 weeks until i get to bring Tucker (new puppy) home, and there was a parking lot thing. So yeah. Most of my articles this month have been on puppy training since I'm super rusty since Yuka (my shiba female) is now about 3. I've been working six days a week so my reading has slacked a bit. I am however managing to get time to replay Breath of the Wild, so yay. Been watching "You" on Netflix, probably the most Yandere story I've ever seen come out in television. Also, rewatching Rick and Morty because I apparently hate my brain, and caught up on Stranger Things. Also, also, totally looking forward to Better Call Saul and will totally binge it when the season is completed (or is it already completed? Im out of touch). 🤷 What We Do in the Shadows is a fucking amazing masterpiece and I will look forward to binging it as well in the near future. Congrats on more recording space. I also recently updated my crafting room from a small side closet thingy to what was once my garage (carpeted and refurbished) which is also doubling as my group's new game room. 🤓 Other than that. I hope you all are staying solid (because of the heat...its melting us...ok I'll stop) and have a good August.


My July was pretty eventful because I cosplayed at AX for the first time. I went as xiao from genshin impact but went for a tech wear look of the character because I thought I could pull that off more. Worked out like crazy to get in better shape for the cosplay and practiced applying makeup, couldn’t get the colored contacts in for the life of me tho 😔 but other than that anime expo was a blast took so many pics with other cosplayers especially people other xiaos I was also surprised with how many wanted to take a picture with me it was a real boost to my self-esteem especially because I was pretty nervous. Now I’m planning to go to another convention cosplaying as kazuha this time and probably redo the xiao outfit thinking of adding more of a warcore aesthetic to it. Other than that my July was pretty chill now I’m focusing on the next event and hopefully be even better.


My July wasn't what I would call great, mostly because a long time friend of mine moved away but I've also just generally been tired all month. Work has been work, but my boss said I'll be getting a raise soon so I have that to look forward to. The weather hasn't actually been all that bad here, its only gone over 70F a handful of times. So while everyone else complains about the heat I get to enjoy the fog. I have always had a love for history (hence the anime longbow-wielding woman pfp) since I was considerably shorter. Both major and minor events from any time are just so fascinating. The Salem witch trials fungus bread theory is one I've heard before and I completely believe it. You'd probably like looking into info about the lost colony of Roanoke. Basically, a guy sets up a colony in Virginia, goes back to England for more supplies, gets held up for a few years thanks to a war with Spain, and comes back to find it completely deserted. But here's the kicker: the colony is entirely undamaged, everyone is just gone, like they just got up and left. You'd also really like a show called Mysteries at the Museum. The host talks about various museum exhibits and artifacts that at first may seem insignificant, but turns out to be super interesting. From things like one of the first ever Rubik's cubes or hair follicles that helped a prison escape or even parts of a plane that crashed into the Empire State building on a foggy day. Even events that I wouldn't normally be that interested in are so compelling. I haven't really played anything new this month, despite buying games from 2 humble bundles and still having things I have yet to play from the steam summer sale. Although, I have started playing the FTL Multiverse mod and wow is it expansive or what. It's sort of an unofficial sequel to the original, except now theres like triple the playable ship types, new crew races and race variations, tons of new weapons, and many new and hilariously written events. My favorites so far are the play on the "Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker" video and the event where you are tasked with taking a specific stuffed toy from a kid and the drone giving you the task says "Recommendation: Forget your morals. Stealing from children is part of the job description. Make sure you grab the right one." I agree that Civ Beyond Earth is a very underrated game, and is especially better with the Rising Tide expansion. Highlights for me are how you can take different paths towards relations with the aliens and the narrative quest lines. I personally like playing the Franco-Iberians for that free virtue, how about you? Well heres hoping August is a better month for me and for all of you too. Whether or not your July was good, you deserve an amazing August. Have good food, play good game, and do what you like to do.