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Hello, hello! Early access yesterday, planning and update post today...this week’s goodies are a bit out of order, I know. ^^; Because of how labor intensive this week’s audio wound up being, I ended up having to shuffle stuff around behind the scenes.

Third things first! This week’s audio is out for early access patrons! And it’s based on an original script by me! 🎉 You might remember the sneak-peek concept thumbnail from last week:

While I like it quite a bit (and it’s basically what I first envisioned) unfortunately I don’t think the art style will appeal to the bulk of my current audience. So I went back to the drawing board and came up with something more consistent with my brand and audience’s expectations:

Sometimes in marketing you can’t go with the first draft. It sure would be easier if you could, though!

Second things second! I’ll be releasing the script to Patreon later this morning once I finish cleaning it up a little and making it all purdy. I’m considering making a slightly different version available for other VAs on the ASMR Script Haven reddit, but I haven’t decided yet.

On the one hand, sharing is nice! It’s lovely to give back to the community that has given me so much. On the other hand, I may prefer to keep this audio unique to my channel and leave this particular script as a reward for you guys. I have other scripts in the works that are far less laborious to produce, and those might be more useful to other VAs. I’ll see how I feel about it after the audio goes live, I guess.

In other news: this evening I’ll be recording for a collab with Juniper Justice ASMR who’s asked me to appear in this Friday’s audio on her channel! I’ll be playing a kuudere squirrel girl.

I’m so happy.

No, but really, I am. It’s always fun to play opposite Juniper!

Finally, I’m planning for next week’s audio and getting my ducks in a row to start recording for August's sequel event. If I can't finish my original slime girl script by next Wednesday, I'll be doing Snowed In With Your Yandere Wife. A snow day audio? In the middle of July? I know! It's a little wacky! But I have a plan. Hopefully it'll work out the way I want it to! 

Okay! This concludes your weekly updates! I'll be back later with a nice shiny script to share. See you soon!




Jake C (that1otherJake)

So glad to hear that everything is...kinda?..going well behind the scenes. I loved your audio personally and while i was just fine with the original thumbnail...the new one is a bit more...sciency...so that definitely works too. Looking forward to your collab with Juniper, you both are fantastic on your own and phenomenal in your collabs. Take care of yourself and drink lots of water. It's hot out there!