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Happy Monday, everyone! And Happy...76th? birthday to everyone's favorite murder-zombie-mama's-boy, Jason Voorhees 😆 You'd think I'd be releasing that slasher script I've been planning to do this week, but alas: it's not meant to be! Mostly because I've been so busy I haven't been able to record it yet 😭

Let's dive into today's brief updates! This week's audio will be...

Meeting a Femme Fatale on a Jungle Adventure!

The audio is F4A, very Fujiko Mine in tone, chock full of delicious peril and double crosses! I hope you enjoy it when it goes into early access tomorrow because it was great fun to make. :D

I'm also going to focus the rest of my free time today on making thumbnails for June/July's upcoming audios just to get them all squared away. 

Selecting and editing thumbnail art ahead of time before recording often solidifies my mental image/vibe for a character, so I prefer to have it done up front, but I haven't been doing that lately due to time constraints. It's gumming up my process, I tells ya! So I'll be fixing that tonight; no idea if I'll post them as I finish them, but I might.

Other stuff in the pipeline this week: I've finally (mostly) finished a behind the scenes post about Vanilla Velvet Audio's branding journey, including some peeks at logos and such that never made it, so I'm glad to cross that off my to-do list! Yaaay.

My two original scripts are also shaping up! So maybe they'll get to see the light of day before we're all old and gray. I certainly hope so!

...I feel like there's something I'm forgetting. What am I forgetting?? Eh, it'll come to me! Eventually. Until then: I hope you're having a great week, folks! See you tomorrow!



(P.S.: Which Jason is your favorite? Mine is Sack Head Jason from Friday the 13th: Part II. I just have a soft spot for good boys who love their moms. 💖)


Jack S. Krevin

Reanimated Zombie Jason from Friday the 13th part VI . Just has the right mix of self aware humor and sheer badassery.