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edit: files posted : https://www.patreon.com/posts/apollo-mini-dual-79220716 


Just wondering if there is any interest in dual 4010 instead of 5015
If so let me know
(and if you want to try it ASAP, possibly buggy, let me know your hotend+extruder setup)

Accidentally has a very retro look, so needed retro colors ;)

This still has a front 4020 hotend fan, great for quiet 4020 noctua. (you can always put a 4010 with a basic spacer)

But could be reduced to a 4010 hotend fan, but possibly at the cost of losing the ADXL mount and the 7bit jewel lighting.

This isn't finished, but 95% there (mostly needs tweaked probe mount, but should be ready for front mount) - untested so could need some tweaks

Similar to the TitanOrbiter which was a chopped down SaturnOrbiter
This is a chopped down ApolloLander, so would get the rail mount option as well from the start, and with less work, support for any currently Apollo supported hotends.

4010 comes in many different speeds, with very different air flow capacities so keep that in mind.
Definitely a downgrade from dual 5015, but should be very capable for standard flow speed with PLA (will need hight fan % speed, I usually printed at 80 to 100% with dual 4010 in the past).

for PLA Air flow might be a bit weak for HF hotend and definitely too weak for UHF (dragon/rapido)

Should be very capable for PETG and other filament that don't need much cooling.




Love it, Is it support orbiter 1.5


just like the Apollo, can support orbiter 1.5/2.0 also Sherpa mini/sherpa micro


its so adorable :D