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edit: This was an older version of klipper running, and I just updated, the dual color setup here won't work anymore. , things are depreciated in the latest version of klipper. But the rest should still be valid

Posted by request.
This is not to be used as is. it's a mess, but a beautiful working mess for my setup.

But if you wanted to take a peak at mine here it is

If you have any questions don't hesitate.

Things to keep in mind, before you copy any values.

  • has ADXL345 setup
  • dual independent  Z
  • Z lead is 2mm pitch (not standard)
  • Orbiter extruder 2.0 values
  • motor current is a bit higher than normal
  • my Y motor is not stock, it's bigger (using the stock extruder motor) and does requires more current
  • dual extruder single hotend setup
  • pinout is for BTT E3 RRF + idex
  • sense_resistor is again for BTT E3 RRF + idex (otherboard may be different)
  • Pi connected via usb (I need to connect via gpio someday if that's even possible with my printer board)
  • 60htz power outlets ( regarding pwm_cycle_time in [heater_bed] to avoid light flickering, use 0.02 if you are in a 50htz area)
  • My bltouch offset are the old ones, need to change them.
  • z_tilt (dependent on bltouch offset)
  • screws_tilt_adjust (dependent on bltouch offset)
  • min/max X and Y are dependent on bltouch offset, since I push them to the extreme
  • temp sensor (BME280) connected to the pi gpio, that I use to get an idea of the temp in printer board area

two file setup, only so I can remember how and eventually clean it up nicely in multiple files. and jump quickly between dual extruder setup and single extruder. and based on shroud as I'm eventuality going to be jumping between Saturn and Titan, as I work on both

[include macros.cfg]

Everything is standard klipper stuff except for [heater_fan fans] section.
So don't use that, It was a quick "hack", I have modified the original heater_fan file in the codebase , right now  not user friendly since the modified file gets reset/updated to stock after updates. (just need to use git_ignore and different filename to act as a plug-in rather than a "hack")
It allows me to cool the pi if it was getting to hot, but otherwise shuts down all fans when idle and sensor temps are below a specified value,  I'll eventually get that sorted out the correct way



thx for sharing !!!