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[A/N: I made some minor changes to the level of his current Resistance, which I mentioned in the Chapter 9, after realizing that I placed its level way too low, considering that the Senju are famous for their bodily strength.

Especially Tsunade was said to have even greater strength at that age than Hashirama himself, which clearly showcases thegreat phyiscal potential of Ryuma, considering that he is her son and trains very seriously.

It still won't rised to fast, for the time being, but its baselevel is simply higher than I initially stated.


Chapter 010 – Conclusion and Goals

[Year 69 – October – Konohagakure – Senju Compound]

Reorganizing his thoughts and writing down the vital pieces of information, Ryuma created a neat list of his abilities.

Ninjutsu, Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Mystical Palm Techniques, Minor Survival Jutsu.

Genjutsu, Minor Illusions, focus on Yin Release.

Taijutsu and Bukijutsu, Rapid Strike, Twin Tantos, Basic Throwing Weapons.

Chakra Control Techniques, Chakra Strings, Chakra Enhanced Strength, Chakra Scalpel, Chakra Flow, Rasengan(differing sizes).

Nature Transformation, Basic Proficiency in Wind Release, Advanced Chakra Flow.

Yin Release, Yin Shroud, Spiritual Speech.

Of course what he didn't write down was his skills in Fuinjutsu, which was mostly because there were too many seals he had learned, from minor ones like the Paralyzing Seal and Chakra Concealment Seal to highly advanced ones like the Resistance Seal.

It was a field of study in which he invested most of his time in. Well, his clones did.

The reason was rather simple, as Fuinjutsu was ultimately the tool he planned to rely on the most when it came to gaining greater power in the near future. It was also an almost lost art, after the Uzumaki's demise, which meant that very few people were actually aware of its real prowress, while even fewer could actually counter it.

Nontheless, Ruyma wanted to create an comprehensive fighting style for himself, which meant incorporating skills that suited him from all categories to enhance his combat power to the peak without becoming a jack-of-all-trades.

Analyzing the point in which he still lacked and the things that he had to concentrate on from now on to further his plans, Ryuma came to the conclusion that he would need to start his studies on the Body Flicker Technique.

This shouldn't be too difficult as the Body Flicker Technique mostly relied on revitalizin the whole body with chakra to allow highspeed movements, which were sometimes confused for actual teleportation.

From what he understood it was like a combination of Chakra Flow and Chakra Enhanced Strength, with resulted in a burst of inhuman speed, by internally channeling highly concentrated chakra throughout one's entire form in a burst-like fashion.

The greater the chakra amount, the greater the speed.

Of course, as it was only a D-rank jutsu, it came with its own restrictions and problems.

For one, there was the fact that most Shinobi couldn't precisely control the location of where they would move towards, but only the general direction, as their mind couldn't keep up with their body. Though the enhanced reflexes the technique provided momentarily, meant that they could still perform the technique successfully.

This lack of control was the main reason that no normal Shinobi would ever consider using this technique on a battlefield in a offensive style, as that could only end in disaster.

And yet, this technique had incredible potential for those whose minds and senses were capable of keeping up with the speed the Body Flicker provided.

For example, there were Shinobi like Tobirama Senju or Minato Namikaze, both former Hokage, whose senses where honed to such a degree that they could use the technique effectively in combat.

Ryuma's great-granduncle had also invented the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, which gave him the ability to truly teleport, still Tobirama used the Body Flicker frequently in battle.

Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, had later taken the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and made some changes to it, so that he could use it himself, basically copying the Second Hokage.

Another prime example of users of the Body Flicker was Shisui Uchiha, a prodigy of the Uchiha Clan that was widely known for his incredibly precise use of the technique, giving him the nickname 'Shisui of the Body Flicker'.

By using the incredible occular powers that the Sharingan gave him and endlessly honing his technique and senses, he had managed to turn the rather ordinary Body Flicker Technique into a lethal weapon, and Ryuma greatly admired him for that.

Out of the three examples, Shisui was also the only one still alive and Ryuma had been thinking about meeting him for some time, though had decided to not do so for now.

Ryuma planned to follow his ancestor's example and train himself to use the Body Flicker Technique in battle, which would make his Rapid Strike Tajutsu style incredibly lethal, as it was already a speed-based fighting technique. Adding the superhuman speed of the Body Flicker, would certainly enhance this style by several levels.

Ryuma also had several advantages over others, when it came to learning that technique, as he not only already knew Chakra Flow and Chakra Enhanced Strength, which would make performing the Body Flicker without handseals much more easy, he had also been born a Senju and had therefore vastly superios senses than normal people.

His true trump card for the technique though was his Mind's Eye, as this sensory ability worked like a seventh sense and so he did not have to rely on his other senses to keep up with the speed provided by the technique.

Using Mind's Eye, he could practically follow his own movements in real time, which should make it vastly more accomplishable to incorporate the Body Flicker into his offensive style.

It wasn't a perfect solution naturally, as Ryuma would only be able to follow his movement with one sense, while his other senses and thoughts would most certainly struggle to keep up, so there would be flaws and obvious disadvantages in the technique, but with time he knew that his mind and senses would adapt to the highspeed movements.

So in a way, training the Body Flicker Techniquer was a great way to hone his senses even further.

The second thing that he would need to focus on was his Fuinjutsu, as there were several seals and techniques that he absolutely had to learn, if he wanted to have any chance at making his plan to gain greater strength in a short amount of time come to fruition.

These included the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the Five Elements Sealing Array and the Eight Trigrams Sealing Formation, while the most crucial aspect was probably the study of Cursed Seals.

Cursed Seals were a completely different branch than normal Fuinjutsu seals and most of them could even be counted as Kinjutsu, which meant they were forbidden techniques that could not be taught or used.

Though that hardly mattered to Ryuma, considering that he had the whole Senju Library at his disposal and Hashirama's wife had left more than enough material concerning Cursed Seals behind, as had Tobirama Senju.

His great-granduncle truly was a prodigy when it came to creating and researching jutsu, having created more than a dozen S-rank jutsu in his time and countless lower ranked ones. And those were just the things that people knew of.

The jutsu Tobirama had worked on in private without anyone knowing or ever learning of them, were even greater in number and diversity, and that whole treasure trove was open to Ryuma as the last male Senju and heir of the Clan.

Ryuma needed to study Cursed Seals as his immediate plans for the future required him to create a seal not to dissimilar to the cursed seal that Orochimaru had created in the original timeline and had used to enhance his subordinates, by replicating Jugo's inborn ability to draw nature chakra into his body without having trained in Senjutsu before.

Obviously Ryuma didn't plan to replicate the entire seal, as for one he had no idea where Jugo or any other of his clan members came from and secondly Ryuma planned to learn Senjutsu on his own in the future, as the cursed seal Orochimaru had developed was too unstable.

The nature chakra within often corroded the minds of his subordinates when in battle, making them more violent and reckless, which wasn't something that Ryuma fancied at all. Being reckless in a battle between true Shinobi was practically suicide afterall.

This would be a time-consuming and very complex endeavour and Ryuma estimated that it might take at least five years to accomplish such, even if he had all his clones focus on this project, as he would practially have to re-learn an entire branch of Fuinjutsu from scratch.

The Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the Five Elements Sealing Array and  Eight Trigrams Sealing Formation were also rather complicated and required a great understanding of orthodox Fuinjutsu.

Especially the former as Ryuma would have to create a personalized seal that perfectly captured his own chakra signature and incorporate it into the existing framework of Tobirama's original Flying Thunder God Jutsu perfectly, which was something very complicated and time-consuming to do.

Though he had the confidence that he could do so in less than two years, if all his clones worked on it.

The conclusion, he drew after thinking about all that, was that even with roughly a dozen Shadow Clones at his disposal, he was still strained for time, as he needed to complete both those projects before the Uchiha massacre, if he wanted to gain any kind of tangible benefits from that event.

Ryuma never planned on trying to prevent that event from happening, as not only would that be highly dangerous and would most certainly lead to his death, doing so also came with no benefits to himself or the Clan.

As it stood, the Senju Clan was already on the verge of extinction and he knew that there were several parties even in the village that wanted nothing more than to see it finally fall, including Danzo Shimura, the Senju's long time rivals – the Uchiha and several other minor clans and characters.

A strong Senju Clan did not conform with their wishes for the future, as such a Clan would inevitably threaten their own power and interests, so Ryuma did not even think twice before deciding to let the massacre happen.

The massacre would also draw the entire village's attention to it for some time. And not only this Shinobi village, but all great villages in the Elemental Nations would be focused on that event, which would help Ryuma in staying low-key for the time being and accumulate strength.

Still, even after having thought about it multiple times and from different angles, Ryuma knew that he would not be able to succeed in his plans as thing stood.

Sighing mentally, Ryuma pulled out a drawer on the desk to his right and what greated his sight were several sealed scrolls. These were the seals his mother had left him with before abandoning him and leaving him to the Moha to take care of.


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