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So after another few hours of scurrying the web, I simply couldn't find a pic that fit with the character in his early years.

Ryuma as a child has a somewhat delicate looking face, thanks to his mother's good genes. He has silvery-white hair like his great-granduncle Tobirama Senju and deep grey eyes. His long hair is in a braid most of the time, which is something Yui normally does for him every morning.

Growing up mute in his former life has given him a special perspective on life, as he always felt somewhat isolated, which later on became just a part of who he is. Most of the time, Ryuma would not display his emotions outwards, which is also related to this.

Staying silent for so long and consciously chosing not to speak, Ryuma has learned to somewhat fade into the background, as well as gather the focus of a room with his sole presence/aura.

He is a calm, collected and very thoughtful person, often reflecting on his own actions and thoughts. He is somewhat of a strategist, but not a manipulator.

Ryuma knowns about the danger that surrounds him and the Clan very well, and during his rise to power his personality will of course develop, as the experiences he will have in the Shinobi World will test the unexplored parts of his character.

The word that describes him the absolute best is 'measured'.

For all those who have trouble pinpointing what that means, it means that even if Ryuma acts with great risk, he would never do so unless he has a great understand of what exactly that risk pertains.

Another way to look at it is, is that while he likes to make plans and lay out strategies, he is not a slave to these plans, but just acts with a certain sense of purpose and confidence.

This characteristic of his is very subtle, but it is what defines him and acts as the core of his whole character.

Now that you have a somewhat more clear picture about the main character, I want to show you what I imagine he would look like as an adult, or at least a young man.

Throughout the years his hairstyle will change, simply due to practical reasons, as he would never consider going into combat missions with long hair, as that is basically an invitation for opponents to grab you.

So the first picture gives a very good impression of what he will look like as he grows into his power.

The second picture is very different, as this is how I imagine Ryuma to look like after he has reached his goal and sits in the seat of the Senju Clan Head after the Clan's revival.

At this point, he is the strongest there is, uncontested in power and authority. You can see the coldness and detachment in his eyes, as proof of his experiences and journey. He has lost so much on his path, but nothing has been able to stop him reach his goal.

Ryuma at this point doesn't know if it had all been worth it, but he isn't striken with melancholy, though there is a deep-seated void in his heart.

His determination and decisiveness are his greatest characteristics at this point and all those that come before him, can't help but tremble in sheer terror, knowing that he is the Dragon of the Senju Clan.

PS: I once again couldn't find the source of these pictures as nobody seems to care about that on Pinterest, but if that is your art and you want me to remove it, just message me!




Great pictures. Are you looking for more realistic drawings than animated ones??


At the very end of this story why not make him have sephiroth hairs.none could touch him by then?


Yes, I do that in general, as animated ones most of the time just lack depth and character. They just lack a certain subtle spirit and nuances, you can only find in realistic drawings. There are several artist who are just incomparable when it comes to this, Wlop for example, who is just a master at this. I can rely recommend checking out his work, you will be mesmerized.


Not really familar with Sepiroth, but his hair is very 'anime-like' and not something realistic, which is not what I am looking for in my characters.