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[A/N: Late night surprise chapter! Enjoy!]

Chapter 006 – Next Morning

[March – 2008]


Name: Akira Sasaki

Race: Human/Dragon (Racial Trait: Dragon's Wisdom)

Physique: 3.6

Dragon Aura: 11.7

Free Attribute Points: 3

Other Rewards: Golden Tears(Rare), One-Time-Use Path-Changing Ticket(Rare)

Spearmanship: Unranked

Affinity: Fire[9/10]

Resistances: Fire[9/10], Dragon-Slaying[1/10]

Weaknesses: Dragon-Slaying[9/10]

Strengthening Path: Weapon Absorption

Skills: Sound Concealment [2/5], Telepathic Communication[2/10],

Mind Control Immunity[3/10], Transference[5/10],

Aura Concealment[8/10], Perfect Memory, Longevity – Ageless,

Power Multiplication, Penetration, Shapeshifting – Dragon Form,

Dragon Fear ]

Looking over my Status, it was rather self-explanatory how resistances were calculated. Due to the newly-gained high affinity with the fire attribute, I gained an equally high resistance. Also, my weakness to the Dragon-Slaying attribute was slightly mitigated due to being part-human, which granted me a minor resistance to said attribute.

Eliminating this weakness was, of course, a necessity, but for efficiency's sake I would much rather hold off with that until I gained an Affinity to the Dragon-Slaying attribute, as raising an attribute automatically increases the resistance to that attribute, while simultaneously eliminating the weakness to it.

Instead, my thoughts were focused on the Mind Control Immunity skill, as I remembered there being Mind Magic in this world, this meant that this skill had suddenly made some great leaps forwards when it came to my current priorities.

I also couldn't help but feel some joy at gaining immortality through the passive skill Longevity – Ageless, as dragons were one of the few races that were not limited by lifespan. Even the average Devils, Fallen, and Angels only lived up to a few thousand years.

More than 11 Points of Dragon Aura, also meant that solely based on my Energy rank, I was on the same level as a Mid-Class Devil. Accordingly, Mid-Class Devils were beings with Demonic Power ranging from 7.5 to 20 Points.

Rank though didn't mean much, as skills, resistances, and weaknesses were equally, maybe even more important when it came to actual battle strength. Still, I wasn't sure if I could even win against a Low-Class Devil, as I had absolutely zero experience with using my newly-gained supernatural powers, something I planned to rectify as early as possible.

Having had enough action for one day, I crawled up from my position in the grass and walked back into the house, discarding the evidence of my crime into some corner, before moving to my bedroom upstairs and simply flopping down on my bed, as I finally got a good night sleep and rested my mind.

Eyes splitting open in fright, arms waving around on instinct, Issei had no time to process what was going on with him, as he suddenly landed on the floor – hard.

Some bits of clarity returning to his mind, the first thing he noticed was the splitting headache that assaulted his senses, while the other thing was his current state of undress.

Grabbing his boxers that were lying on the floor beside him, he put them on, vaguely remembering that he had taken them off before his 'great marathon' yesterday.

The rest of the night was a bit blurry though, with all that remained being a severe feeling of fright and some inexplicable phantom pain of being stabbed. Checking himself in the mirror without his shirt on, though proved that nothing of the sort had happened.

In the end it didn't take a lot of time before those thoughts were pushed to the back of his aching head, as the teenage boy scrambled to wolf down some of his mother's migraine pills and fill up on ready-made breakfast from a nearby supermarket.

Even though it had been a weird night, Issei didn't give it too much thought anymore. After all, everything seemed like always and nothing else was amiss besides his headache. And there were many reasons that explained a headache, no matter how severe.

Waking up early the next day, I was positively surprised at how well-rested and refreshed I felt.

I also seemed to have somewhat adjusted to my new physical strength and heightened senses, which wasn't that surprising, as bodily control and an innate ability to regulate one's sensory perceptions were part of the Physique stat.

It was the initial unfamiliarity that made it difficult to control my strength. Still, learning to wield the full potential hidden behind those stats and skills, was something the Support System couldn't help me with, as I had to do that myself.

Taking a quick shower and finishing my morning business, I had a quick breakfast. Though I ate breakfast more out of a reflex than hunger.

It seemed my newly-gained Dragon Aura nourished and sustained my body's cells similar to normal food, though a lot more efficiently.

Which did make sense, as dragons were enormous creatures with equally great power, and if they had to consume food to sustain themselves, they would probably be busy eating the whole day just to maintain their body weight.

I was still going to supplement my future training with a healthy diet though until I had a better grasp of what it meant to be part-dragon physically.

The first and most important thing on my mental to-do list for the short term was training.

Even with the Support System, I was obviously in unfamiliar territory when it came to these supernatural abilities, though I had a pretty good handle on how to use the System to my advantage.

I also had only roughly two weeks before the new school year was about to start, which I didn't plan on skipping out on, the two Devil Heiresses controlling this territory were after all an integral part of the school.

They were also my best chance at joining a Supernatural Faction and securing myself a place to live and train in peace while helping me get the resources I needed to become stronger.

I knew that now that I had chosen to be part of the Supernatural world, I shouldn't hesitate and hide out. It was much more important to rise in strength quickly and try and change some of the most dangerous future events in my favour.

I had now joined this game of chess, and I knew making no move would just leave me vulnerable. Instead, I had to act and shift the game in my favour through well-placed moves, until I had enough power to just sweep away the whole board.



Wait why didn’t he get boost?


He did I think it was called power increase or something last chapter


Don’t u feel the gain he got after absorbing a heavenly dragon is pretty low? Especially body and energy wise?


No, not really. Don't forget that his body and energy only changed because of his race-change. Normally, he only takes the skills of weapons, items, ores and souls. He doesn't get the full power of such objects. The fact that his race changed at all was only because Ddraig's soul was so powerful that it had an unexpected effect on how Soul Absorption worked.