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[A/N: I will probably upload another chapter in the evening, so stay tuned for that.]

Chapter 003 – First Skill

[March – 2008]


Name: Akira Sasaki

Race: Human

Physique: 0.2

Energy(All): None

Free Attribute Points: None

Other Rewards: Gift Pack

Spearmanship: Unranked

Affinity: None

Resistances: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengthening Path: Weapon Absorption

Skills: None ]

The Energy stat was exactly the stat that measured things like Demonic Power, Magic, or Light, and as seen I didn't possess any kind of supernatural energy source as a normal human.

This wasn't too surprising, as I didn't even have a Sacred Gear, my newly dubbed 'Demonic Spear' being of a different origin entirely.

Humans also didn't use magic like the other races did, as they couldn't store Magic in their own bodies, but had to draw up complex formulas and magic circles to draw upon the ambivalent magical power in the air.

Free Attribute Points were the most important when looking at the whole status panel, as they would enable me to improve my Physique and Energy stat primarily while having another equally important function.

The fact that I had currently no Free Attribute Points was a bit sobering, though the blinking text in the next line saying 'Gift Pack' caused a bit of excitement to bloom in my heart.

Though I read on first, instead of impulsively opening the Gift Pack, the rest of the panel was also fairly self-explanatory.

My Spearmanship was currently Unranked, as I had not trained with one for even a minute in this new body, though I knew that based on my progress with the spear, I would receive rewards from the Support System.

The rest of the panel was equally blank, as I hadn't used the inherent ability to devour other magical weapons of the same type with my Demonic Spear, which meant I had no special ability or skill for the time being.

Again I stopped myself from opening the Gift Pack, as I realized that without any type of Energy I probably wasn't any different than a normal human as of yet, which meant that at this point I could still decide to just find a place with relative safety and live out my life in peace.

Only now, I was much less inclined to do so.

I wasn't that I was excited about adventure or fighting, but I knew that I could only live as a normal human if I never used the System to acquire power. Subsequently, that also meant that I would forever be at the mercy of others, as I wouldn't be able to protect myself should it become necessary.

Sighing to myself, I knew that my decision had already been made.

I would use the System to gain power, the kind of power that would allow me to even stand before beings like Ophis without breaking a sweat and fearing for my life. And when I successfully accomplished that, I would just pick some random corner of the world and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.

This was my resolve. I would strive for power not to escape despair or suffering, but for serenity and freedom.

Mentally calling out for the opening of the Gift Pack, a message appeared in my mind when at the same time I felt an object materialize in my lap.

Ignoring the message for a moment, I found a dark-grey short-spear in my lap. Its size was about 1.2 meters, while the blade was roughly the size of my hand. The whole weapon had a thin and sleek design to it, while it seemed easy to conceal behind one's back and/or leg.

It also gave off an illusionary vibe. I was sure this wasn't the weapon of a warrior, but of an assassin.

Weighing it in my hand for a bit and carefully inspecting the blade for a few moments, I finally turned my attention to the message in my head.

[You have opened your Gift Pack. You have received the Catspaw Spear(Rare), a One-Time-Use Path-Changing Ticket(Divine), and 5 Free Attribute Points.]

Immense surprise surged in my heart, as I read about the One-Time-Use Path-Changing Ticket(Divine), as it was by far the most valuable of the three.

According to the information in my head, the System ranked objects, as followed: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Legendary, and Divine.

So even though I guessed the spear's abilities to be quite useful, it was only a Rare-ranked item, while 5 Free Attribute Points were nothing in the grand scheme of things.

A Divine-ranked reward on the other hand and one that would allow me to change my Strengthening Path, even with it being only a one-time use item, was invaluable. This item would allow me to absorb the abilities of a Divine-ranked ore, item, or soul, which would be a huge boost to my strength.

Of course, none of these were easy to come by normally, though I may be able to take advantage of my meta-knowledge to get the most out of this ticket.

Still, I pushed aside these thoughts for the moment, as I stood up and re-summoned my Demonic Spear, and in the blink of an eye tendrils of abyssal darkness sprouted from my right hand and turned into a demonic-looking weapon with red-pulsing veins.

I couldn't see the item information of the Catspaw Spear, as my System didn't work like that, but I was sure this Rare-ranked item would be very useful for the current me, as the System wouldn't have rewarded me with this weapon otherwise. At least that's what I chose to believe.

Bringing the Catspaw Spear towards the Demonic Spear, I let the spear shafts touch each other, as I mentally ordered the Demonic Spear to absorb the shorter weapon.

As if infected by some kind of corrosion, inky-black veins spread over the short spear and in just a moment the whole weapon was covered in an abyss-black coat of darkness.

A red pulse then erupted from the Demonic Spear, before the Catspaw Spear just disappeared and a new message popped up in my head.

[You have successfully absorbed the Catspaw Spear(Rare). You have gained the skill Aura Concealment[4/10]. You have gained the skill Sound Concealment[2/5].]

My eyes widened as I saw the incredibly useful skill that I had gained.

Aura Concealment.

This was basically my ticket to hide my powers from those stronger than me, or more importantly, hide the things I didn't want to share with others.

An example of such a thing was that any Sacred Gear user was basically a walking billboard that announced to the whole Supernatural community that they were special, as they couldn't hide the aura that their Sacred Gear gave off naturally.

The brackets beside the skill though informed me that this concealment wasn't absolute, as it was only at level four out of ten. In terms of the System that meant that every being with more than 40 points in any category – Physique or Energy – would be able to see through this concealment.

Which wasn't that bad, considering that High-Class Devils were ranked from 20 to 35 Points in Demonic Power or Physique, which meant that only beings with Ultimate-Class strength would be able to see through this disguise.

Objectively speaking that should be enough for the moment, but knowing that I would need to level up this ability to the max anyway, I didn't hesitate to spend four Free Attribute Points to raise it to level eight.

Level eight meant that only beings of extraordinary strength would be able to see through the skill now, beings on the level of Hades, Odin, or other stronger ones.

Subconsciously, I couldn't help but let out a breath of relief, I knew that it was unlikely that I would encounter such beings for the moment, but I still felt somewhat safer now. Using up almost all of the very few Free Attribute Points I had to level up the skill was definitely worth it.

Free Attribute Points could be re-earned, but this skill would be useful for a long time and I knew that I would need it soon enough.

The Sound Concealment ability on the other hand was pretty much useless for the moment, as it was an active skill and needed some kind of energy to be used. As I was still a normal human physically, I didn't have any supernatural source of energy, even my remaining Free Attribute Points couldn't help me with that.

'Status', I called out mentally to inspect the changes that had appeared on the panel.


Name: Akira Sasaki

Race: Human

Physique: 0.2

Energy(All): None

Free Attribute Points: 1

Other Rewards: One-Time-Use Path-Changing Ticket(Divine)

Spearmanship: Unranked

Affinity: None

Resistances: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengthening Path: Weapon Absorption

Skills: Aura Concealment[8/10], Sound Concealment [2/5] ]


Arsh Mittal

Hmmm. A ticket to no sell absorb True Longinus?


True Longinus is a spear-type weapon, he doesn't need the ticket to absorb it, just enough strength to beat Cao Cao to an inch of his life, so that he can't resist when Akira absorbs the weapon.