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[A/N: I have left a small surprise in this chapter, as I did something here I originally said I wouldn't do, but did anyway. I truned out great and I enjoyed writing the chapter. Anyway, enjoy the story!]

Chapter 026 – Last Laugh

[Onigashima, Kaienreki Calendar 1515, 1st January]

Strength. Overwhelming, invinceable strength.

Lupin felt exactly that coursing through his veins in his wolf form, after he had transformed into it. He had never really let relished in the inherent power this form had before, as he normally prefered his human form.

Size-wise was his new form roughly equal to Kaidou's hybrid transformation, but that was only because he controlled the size of his transformation. And in comparison to his size, Queen and Jack looked rather underwhelming, as they could only reach up to half his shoulder-height.

Looking at his three opponents, Lupin was prepared to unleash the full strength of his wolf form to take them all down and he had set his sight on the weakest two first.

They stood to one side, while Kaidou occupied a different spot in the ruins of the palace, which was perfect for Lupin's next step.

He knew that Jack and Queen would hardly be able to resist his strength, as they were still pressured by his Conquerer's Haki.

Though he would have to be fast enough in his assault that Kaidou couldn't intervene in time, which meant he would have to take them both down in one move.

Readying his full physical and spiritual strength, Lupin unleashed several incredibly destructive physical shockwave suplemented by Emission-type Haki from his limbs and back, to accelerate beyond his physical limits. Lupin even enhanced his physical strength by infusing the full strength of his Haoshoku Haki into his body and drew back the suppressive field in the surroundings.


Leaving overwhelming destruction in his path, Lupin transformed into a black light, as he appeared before Jack and Queen.

His maw already closed around Queen's neck, while his lightning-covered claws had ripped into the mammoth form of Jack, piercing through his vital organs and tearing apart his innards.

*Crack* *Squelch* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*


Lupin crashed through the side of the already ruined palace, as Kaidou's Hassaikai hit his side with a Conquerer's Haki and Emission Haki infused strike.

Lupin had seen it coming with his Future Sight, but had decided against dodging it in favour of finishing off the last two of the All-Stars under Kaidou's command.

And while the resulting force of the strike had blasted him away, it had left absolutely no damage on him, as his physical endurance in his wolf form was simply immesurable. And Kaidou hadn't even managed to break through his Armament coating.

Looking at the ruined palace, Lupin saw the mutilated corpse of Jack and Queen. He had bitten through Queen's neck and seperated his head from his body like that, an incredible feat considering the later's defense, but for Lupin it had felt as if there was no resistance at all.


Lupin heard Kaidou's roar and with his Future Sight already knew of the next incoming attack.

As the massive shockwave blasted in his direction, he dodged with ease using Kamisoru and stepped into the sky.

His dark fur and ghost-like speed made it hard, almost impossible to take aim at him with the dark firmament behind him.

In the last few years, he had even managed to learn how to shield his own presence from other Observation Haki users. A technique he made use of right now.

This technique was limited in its usage, as it could only hide one from opponents when one wasn't actively attacking them, as the intent to harm others was incredibly hard – near impossible to conceal.



In his rage, Kaidou fired off one shockwave after the other into the all directions, devasting the surroudings of the palace and killing many off his subordinates, which had approached the place after hearing fighting noises.

Kaidou didn't seem to care about them, as he didn't hold back his strength at all, trying to find Lupin by blanketing the surroundings with his attacks.

The enraged Emperor knew that Lupin wouldn't just run like that, as no wielder of Haoshoku Haki would act so cowardly, especially not one so powerful.

Kaidou was of course right, as Lupin already readied his next attack.

Using his incredible mastery over his own physical body, Lupin forcefully changed the structure of his muscles and bones and changed from a four-legged winged-wolf into a bipedal winged-werewolf.

Once again making use of his self-created Shockwave Step technique, he ripped apart the atmosphere, as his hulking form turned into a dark light and appeared before the human dragon.


An apocalytical shockwave ravaged the surroundings as wing clashed with kanabo and black cracks teared at space, as their infused Conquerer's Haki clashed with each other.

Kaidou had barely managed to place his weapon before him thanks to his own Observation Haki and the incredible physical attributes of this hybrid form.


Still, it wasn't enough as a second wing slashed down and ripped apart the Armament-coated scales on his chest.


A roar of pain made it clear that the attack had the intended effect.

What followed was several bouts where Lupin's wings left wounds all over Kaidou's form, while the Emperor somehow managed to block the most lethal blows with his weapon.

Still, the fight leaned more and more into Lupin's favour and finally he decided to go for the kill, having seen the extent of what the opposing Emperor was capable of.

Moving backwards using Kamisoru, Lupin created some distance between Kaidou and himself, as his eyes burned with dark blue lightning.

Breathing roughly, Kaidou's bloodied form still stood strong as he readied his weapon, showing no sign of weakness, as a slight grin was present on his face.

Finally unable to hold himself back, thanks to the short lull in their battle, Kaidou threw his head back, as he laughed uproarously.


The surroundings shook from the air pressure his laughter generated. After laughing uninterrupted for several long moments, Kaidou's gaze turned towards Lupin, as he addressed him.

“You are worthy of taking my head! Do it, boy! END IT!”

Roaring the last part, Kaidou readied himself for what was to come, as the winged-werewolf opposite to him opened its maw and answered him.

“As you wish!”, a deep growling voice echoed through the surroundings.

The next moment the hulking bipedal beast vanished under a coat of dark blue lightning, as if he had transformed into the element itself – as if he had become the incarnation of a lightning god.



Laugther once again again erupted from Kaidou's mouth, as he welcomed his death with a smile on his face and swung Hassaikai for one last time.


A moment later, his laughter stopped, as his body fell forward on his knees, while his head fell down next to it. No blood flew from his wound, his revealed flesh was scorched black, as if cut by a blade of fire or lightning.

As Denjiro looked at the beheaded corpse of Kaidou and the completely uninjured, hulking winged-werefolf besides the corpse from the distance, he wasn't sure if all that happened tonight wasn't just a hallucination.

Too unbelievable had the events been, so much so that he still couldn't shake off the shock.

He didn't know why, but the stranger hadn't killed him like the rest of the high-ranking personel in the Main Hall with his black spears, instead the spear had been directed at him had been incredible easy to deflect.

Though a moment later he had been subtly kicked away from the palace, as the wolf-turned man attacked the last two commanders of Kaidou's crew.

From the relatively safe distance he had then watched as the winged beast clashed with Kaidou, holding his own with incredible ease and even beheaded him, after turning into lightning itself.

Never before had Denjiro witnessed a clash of such a magnitude and he was doubtful that he ever would again. Even the memories of his former lord Kozuki Oden's fight against Kaidou paled in comparison.

Still, the most shocking thing for him was that the stranger seemed completely uninjured after fighting and killing an Emperor of the Seas and the strongest members of his crew.

Denjiro hadn't believed that it was possible for someone more monstrous than Kaidou to exist, but he clearly had been wrong.

The man was clearly a monster among monsters.

Looking at the incredible powerful stranger, Denjiro saw him change back into his human form, as he picked up his clothes and weapon.

After getting dressed quickly, the man gave just one look to his surroundings and the world changed colour.


The sky cracked apart once again that night, as Denjiro watched a wave of spiritual pressure wash over Onigashima, that caused any movement to freeze promptly.

Denjiro had thought that the fighting had ended for the night after seeing Kaidou beheaded, but what he saw next made him aware that the massacre had just started.

Once again lightning-imbued black spears flew through the night and harvested the lives of the remaining pirates.

One after another they collapsed, dead as the hair-thin spears had seemingly obliberated part of their organs after piercing through them.

The stranger did only stop after several mintues when no more pirates had any live in them.

Then he suddenly sat down on the ground, eyes closed as if meditating. Denjiro didn't know what the stranger would do next and this caused his nerves to be drawn incredible taut.

It was roughly half an hour later, that the man opened his eyes again and Denjiro could see the hint of a smile on his face from the distance.

“All those still alive, I know you are either innocent or part of the Kozuki faction, so I won't harm you. Gather at the port and wait for my arrival.”, the stranger said and his voice was somehow carried over the whole island.

A moment later the pressure vanished and Denjiro didn't hestitate to move towards the port.

Compared to the shock and dread that had occupied his heart a few moments ago, a shy hope had started to bloom. The attacker knew of the Kozuki family and had spared those part of it, which could definitely be interpreted as good sign.

'Maybe … Maybe Wano is finally saved.', a small voice in the back of his head whispered.

Appearing before the Sacred Cave he had found with his Observation Haki, Lupin directly shattered the collosal boulder sealing it and pushed the debris away using well-controlled Emission-type Haki.

Without hestitation he entered the cave, already feeling a slightly strong presence trying to ambush him.



Catching the kanabo swung at his head, Lupin directly used his Conquerer's Haki to lock his assailant in place.

Finally getting a good look at the imprisoned girl, Lupin recognized her as a younger teen version of Yamato.

Red horns growing between her long white hair, while her orange eyes seemed to glow brightly in the shadowy darkness of the cave. Her attire was a smaller version of a shrine maiden outfit.

Due to pressure he exerted, the girl couldn't move, but Lupin wanted her to listen anyway, not talk.

“Yamato, daughter of Kaidou. Your father is dead, slain by my hand.”, He said slowly, letting his words sink in.

The girl, who at first had looked scared but stubborn while being unable to move because of his Haki, seemed to have fallen into shock, as if she couldn't comprehend Lupin's words.

“You are free now.”, Lupin said, as he let go of the kanabo and touched her shackles with his fingertip, which caused them to turn into metallic dust.

Afterwards he turned around, letting the bag, filled with the food he brought drop to the ground.

“If you want to stay in Wano, you better wait for me in the port.”

Lupin said as he walked away from the cave, leaving the decision to the girl.

[Flower Capital, Kaienreki Calendar 1515, Feburary]

The last few weeks had been an endless whirlpool of surprise, shock, fear and hope for Kozuki Hyori.

After being informed about the death of Kurozumi Orochi and Kaidou, as well as witnessing the ruthlessness of the stranger in cutting down any remaining resistance that may still be loyal to those two, Hyori had feared the worst for her country and her people.

That was until Denjiro had found her and told her about the strangers intentions.

Lupin D. Black was his name and he had apparently easily killed Kaidou in a duel. He didn't have any intention of ruling Wano Kuni and instead wanted to give the country back to its rightful rulers, which as the last remaining member of her family, was her.

In less than a month Wano seemed to have regained its vitality by a lot, the people once again looked forward to the future and Hyori herself could hardly believe that all this was reality.

She had to force her tears back quite often in the last few days and not always had she been successful in her attempts.

Right now she was sitting in the Main Hall of the Royal Palace in the Flower Capital and was discussing several topics concerning Wano's 'revival' with her subordinates, that included Denjiro, the recently freed Kawamatsu, the returned Shimotsuki Yasuie and several others.

Suddenly a messenger burst through the doors in the Main Hall, drawing the attention of all those inside towards him, as he announced fearfully: “WARSHIPS ARE APPROACHING!”


Shadi Elmowafi

Nooooo. I want moooore😭