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[A/N: I am sure some of you were curious about his talk with the Professor, so that chapter will help you satiate that curiosity. Enjoy!]

Chapter 007 – Conditions

[2009 – June]

It took a few moments for them to register my words, though once they did I could see Logan give off a smirk, while the frown on the Professor's face receded and a contemplating look appeared on his face.

"Mmh, I see. That is certainly a goal we can help you with. The teachers here have more than enough experience in teaching young mutants such as yourself, how to control your own power better. So- ..."

Shaking my head, I intervened: “I don't need their help with that, I know full well what I am capable of and how to master my ability.”

And it was true. Different from other mutants that would have to slowly uncover what they were capable of, or were reluctant to explore their powers because of their inherent volatility, I had created this power according to my ideas and imagination.

There existed no one that knew his own power better than I did mine. What I needed was time and a place to familiarise myself with my abilities.

"I need a safe place to stay, that much is clear and I would like for it to be your school Professor, but I will do so under my own conditions, or not at all. I do respect and admire what you created here. I really do, but I have my own ideals and goals. I am not here to be taught yours."

Silence descended at my words, as even Logan looked a bit surprised and unsure what to do. Charles on the other hand gave me a very deep look, and I knew that he probably wished he could read my mind to find out my intentions.

"*Sigh* Truly, you are a headstrong young man with your own ideals. Tell me what are your conditions, I will agree to them as long as they don't risk the safety of the other students or teachers.", the Professor finally said with a hint of resignation in his voice.

Though I hadn't been worried that he would deny me, as while I truly believed him to be acting for the good of mutantkind, or at least he was convinced he did. I was also sure that he would never reject an Omega-level mutant like myself, as long as I didn't cross his bottom line.

"I want a single room with a joined bathroom. It doesn't have to be extravagant or especially big, I just value my privacy too much to live with an unfamiliar person in one room.", I voiced my first request.

"That is easily arranged as space is something we certainly don't lack.", the aged Professor easily agreed.

And I knew he was right. The mansion was truly gigantic and that was only the result of a casual observation while we had moved through the corridors to Xavier's office.

“I know you probably have a gym here somewhere, so I would like access to that as well.”

“We have four, pup. I am sure the Professor doesn't mind you working out in them as much as you want.”, Logan entered the conversation with that, seemingly unable to stay silent anymore.

The Professor nodded in confirmation, as he gestured for me to go on.

"Well, as you probably have realised by now, I don't like being restricted, so I want to come and go as I please. The same goes for any rules about curfews for night rest. My sleeping schedule is pretty irregular, so I want to move around freely, as long as I don't disturb others of course."

"As long as you inform someone from the staff – personally or by message – when you leave the school, you are free to come and go as you wish. It's for your own protection, so we know if we should search for you in case your absence is involuntary. And yes, if you don't disturb others, you may move around the mansion freely. We are no strangers to restless nights here after all.", the Professor ended with a somewhat bitter smile.

I believed him, as I could only imagine all the horrors he had witnessed with his telepathy without being able to look away.

“Something else, Elijah?”, Charles asked, after seeing me space out for a moment.

Shaking off the thoughts about telepathy and its undeniably horrific downsides, I voiced out my last condition, which elicited not only a deep laugh from Logan but also a small chuckle from the Professor.

“Yes, I am gonna pay rent.”

"I see that you value your independence very much and while we certainly do not lack in the financial department, I understand that you want to be responsible for yourself. Now though, that brings us to the last topic tonight before Logan can show you your new quarters Elijah.", Charles responded, though with his last words his tone took on a much more serious note.

After a momentary pause, where he made sure I placed my focus on him, he continued: “Every student we take in, we make sure to figure out his abilities first to the best of our knowledge. We do that not only to help them get more familiar and hopefully learn to control their powers, but also for the safety of the student body and the other residents of the mansion. As sometimes it is necessary to make special preparations according to the different powers of our students. So I ask you to be honest with me and tell me about your powers, Elijah.”

At this moment, I really wished Xavier's motives to be pure as he said, but I knew better. The Professor, no matter how kind-hearted, had his own goals and ambitions, and as they say: 'Never trust a man with ambitions as you can't be sure how deep his obsessions run'.

It would be downright self-destructive to tell him of my true power, as he would try to win me over, with or without his telepathic powers, maybe even by all means necessary. And honestly, I didn't want to put my trust in his ability to control his ambitions, as that was a surefire way to get disappointed.

So, I decided on a half-truth, as I answered, while keeping my eyes locked on his: "I can create and manipulate shields. It's also what keeps you and every other being with telepathic powers out of my mind, Professor."

A flicker of something I had difficulty identifying, appeared in his aged blue eyes. It was something akin to understanding or contemplation, though I wasn't sure.

“Mhm, that is certainly a great gift … “, the Professor said, while staring at me for a moment.

I knew he wanted to ask about the source of my knowledge, but he also proved himself a patient man as he addressed me again after a moment.

"Well, you seem to have a modicum of control over your ability and as it isn't something I would call volatile, I think we can end our talk for the night. Though I do hope that we will have the chance to converse again in the near future, Elijah."

“I am sure we will, Professor.”, I answered calmly, seeing no reason to refuse.

"Come on, kid. I'll show you your room.", Logan said a moment later, already moving towards the doors.

I wasn't surprised that Wolverine didn't wait for anyone. He didn't strike me as a particular patient person after all.

So I grabbed my bag and I hurried after him, but not before throwing Charles a quick goodbye.

"Goodnight, Professor."

And as I was already nearly out of the door, I could hear his calm response reaching my ears.

“Goodnight, Elijah.”


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