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Alright, so this is a bit different than usual ...

Basically this is a poll to determine whether or not to go with an idea that impacts Elena's story.

The idea is that Mars orders Elena to incubate a demon parasite within her (Anally) and raise it as if it's her child. 

At the start, the parasite is the size of an egg and at first it won't be visible and others wouldn't suspect a thing. But over time it will grow into the shape of a tail, which will keep getting longer and longer until she no longer can hide it. Besides this, her own body will also starts to undergo transformations, like horns slowly popping up, ears getting pointier and her skin changing into an unnatural hue.

What will happen is that the common people she sacrificed her life and time to help will turn on her and she'll be vilified even if she hasn't changed really on the inside. Making it a natural development for her corruption, turning from a saint into a vilified demon.

As this is a rather strange plot to have in a NTR title, you would think it won't fit .... but it's actually easy to make it fit, as Elena learns to love the parasite that Mars gave her more than her own son. Losing to a parasite is kinda rough, huh?

This won't affect regular pregnancy content, as that will be implemented in the future. In fact it can complement this idea because Elena would be raising 2 children of Demon origin... 

The attached drawings and designs aren't final, it's just something I doodled quickly to present the idea to you guys. All the details are subject to change.
But I want the parasite to look cute and gross at the same time ... I think that's best, let me know what you think regarding this.

As to why I'm doing this poll now, it's because I could put some hints for this content in the upcoming update so it's foreshadowed properly. 

Anyways, thank you for reading all that,
Let me know what you think,





Also since Mars is part demon does he get to choose if his kids/spawn are normal baby or abomaniations/parasites? Maybe could be a difference in routes? Also ya man redheads man that's Elena's trademark can't take that away so easily I feel that with Elena like you said either route or story arc she goes through should keep that motherly love as well as sexual awakening so maybe consider making Elena like the whore of Babylon or a great corrupter towards all those around her where even without Mars constant influence after this update she actively wants to see others experience the sins she has seen/committed given her status and authority no one would question why she does what she does. Ultimately she'd be proud or even demand Mars to breed/ make love to her to in order to create another demon ugly spawn or Mars Jr. She'd proudly show it to the world but that's just me


What about changing the internal parasite to an external one that manifests itself as a suit? Body transformations can still work, being a function of the suit. As the story progresses, it slowly covers Elena and giving her demon characteristics you mentioned above. Love me a latex milf :>