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Elena under the mercy of a demon.

This was supposed to be a short animation used in a scene with about 3/4 animations of different positions. But it ended up being better than expected for something I thought will be just filler ...

I still have to animate this thing which will probably going to a pain. But gotta git gud I guess.





Looks great, can't wait to see it in-game!


Damn nitro, whats gotten into you? awflly generous this month!


Okay so the taboo from the previous WIP was a butterfly not a heart. So the story I think is happening is Mars forcing Elena to give him head, Elena is praying for Mars' forgiveness from the Goddess, and Mars is getting annoyed at Elena still trying to act holy?


I can see the animation for this scene would be a pain if you trying to get the red energy to move as well. But I am sorry the results will be worth the effort. The tease is getting too much to try not to explode before the update. Is the update so big that you can give so much WIP and still have enough to surprise us when the actual update releases like with the previous updates?


WOW, damn this update gonna be niiiice 👍


Looks like it's going to be a pretty intense scene. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it also appears more 'detailed' too.




Now two thing Nitro 1. Will there be a qte to snap that chocker?! I mean it's would be a nice finish to the scene And 2. How soon will the pimp slap be implemented I mean it's begging to slap something just look at it's menacing aura. Still amazing work as always take as much time as you need man it's gonna be worth it I'm sure this just a healthy way for Mars to let out all that mommy issues on his new mom good thinking man.


Yeah, there is plenty of CGs this time around I think. Haven't even shared some of the Erin ones as they are a bit spoilery.


I'm puzzled why it looks like this, I still not done with detailing Elena ...


im loving the tattoo


if i may ask is the update close? i saw you in discord saying end of the month and maybe a 2~3 days after that because you were ambitious this time. is it still the plan? take your time btw no rushing i'm just curious


Hard to tell the exact date I'll be done as I still find the need to add some extra CGs and scenes. I need to have all the right scenes as this is an important update for Elena and also Ceciille. Considering that, early September seems like a realistic estimate.