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This show does really cool fight scenes, I am really interested in seeing other powers! I did not expect immediate emotions as soon as the episode starts, Bongseok's mom is great!

Leave a like if I should keep watching this! :O i think we should



soo lee

ohhh you’re in for a treat believe me!!! I think the biggest charm of this show is the way it really pulls on your heartstrings with these very real and wholesome relationships. I also think you should definitely continue haha

Sham Sham

bong getting in trouble for the kids deciding to go and jump off again in what seemed to be after school/playground hours blows me cuz like how I'm in trouble and i was nowhere around 🤔 but yeah i don't recall the blackout transitions when i tried to get into it the first time...but then again i wasn't really paying attention until the end of the series 😂


Yay! Ooohhhhh I still feel giddy rewatching it! and also pay attention to some characters they might show up from other ep. and their connection to our main characters. As per the black out transition, I didn't encountered it while watching at Disney+.


should i cancel this and just watch on a free site without the black out? did you guys find it annoying?


how was the subtitle size yall? idk why hulu has them so small


This is so fun rewatching with you ☺️ I really loved this series!


I don't find it annoying tho and for the subtitles I think it is still readable.


i always use (ctrl & +) to make the subs bigger on hulu


The pauses with the black screen are where Hulu inserts ads for those who don't have ad-free streaming


they're so lazy, so they just don't add any edits to make the show seamless for those paying 20$ a month lol wow


This show gettin good for real lol and it does look like frank has some sort of power for being hella fast and strong and plus the instant you looked away after he broke the dudes neck frank healed himself lol idk if you missed that

Royal Yaya

I think watching on disney plus was better than hulu. But i used a VPN to watch it on my disney plus


i actually prefer smaller subs because it’s easier to read at once instead of scanning the screen with my eyes from the left to the right (which makes me miss what’s happening in the scene)


Oh I'm really feeling this so far I find that it's almost kind of giving me a Watchman vibe in the sense that right now I'm gleaning that there are retired superheroes (?) Getting hunted down for some reason and this one has the added complication of if they have kids they probably inherited their powers too. I feel like they haven't revealed anything and yet just enough to keep me putting together clues. but yeah the action scenes are kind of wild like they be KILLING people it's almost a bit much but I'm here for it.