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Had the same reaction at the end😂😂😂

Sham Sham

i be wondering how people do it to 😂 cuz if we haven't said we're together/talked about being together then you ain't my man & i ain't yo girl. idc how naturally things come together for me, if that convo doesn't happen it's just a lil thang at that point until that convo comes up. but this a drama where it was never spoken about so I guess lol. i am glad we got a mature adult convo with jun just expressing her feelings straightforwardly finally. like I know u like Doona but just let me get my feelings out of the way and finally try to get over you in that way. at least she still has him as a friend which im sure she will still appreciate when she gets over it.


To answer your question about the roomate that's crushing on Ira now, his GF probably broke up with him. On the first episode they described him as the 100-day-prince bc his relationships never last over a 100 days so safe to say he's no longer with the girl we saw earlier


suzy ain't seducin me like she's seducin you lmao, i was rooting for my girl jinju 😭 it looks like doona REALLY needs to focus on finding herself before anything + jinju & wonjun fit better imo, kinda feels like simple infatuation/lust with doona & wonjun

sincerely, nai. ♡

the reaction at the end had me crying LMAOO. that was me when i was watching, i deadass had to continue it to the next ep because i was on the edge of my seat wondering wtf doona was doing. so it goes without saying that i really love this show. doona and wonjun better be end game or I SWEARRR im gonna lose it. ALSO ! about the dating question at the end there right before doona saw P she asked wonjun if they should be an official couple now so i'm assuming that was the convo abt their status? maybe .. i'm just as confused as wonjun tbh. 😭 i feel we all as a collective are confused bcs doona still has things she needs to solve and figure out before she is official with wonjun.


BRO GROOMED HER? hell nah..