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Hey all!

These past few weeks ended up being a lot more hectic and the lightning dungeon a lot  more complex than I imagined, so unfortunately, that content is getting pushed to the next build. (sorry!).

That being said, this post is not without stuff as there is a new monster to tame, as well as the edits to the other lightning monsters which I think makes them much cuter!

Another thing to note is that starting next month, we're going to be transitioning over to the new Firm Smack price point of $8. This will show up as a new tier alongside the old one for the duration of July, but come August, if you are still subscribed to the $5 one, you will lose access to my biweekly build posts, so make sure you update your membership before then to keep seeing the new stuff!

Okay, that's all the administrative stuff I have for now, downloads below!




This post was made possible by all of my generous (and attractive) patrons!


Corvo Attano

The skysplitter paddle doesn't seem to have the correct stats right now.


So majorly unfinished doesn't even begin to cover the lightning cave. Not even the refill pool or charm recharge works, nor the exit. I didn't think that "could get stuck" meant going into the next room past the entry way and being unable to leave LOL!