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This post is identical to the one I posted on the Discord, so if you saw that already, there's nothing new here.

I have been working on these independent spanking game projects for 4 years now and I have not changed the price of the firm smack tier (the $5  one) since I set it originally. As I look at my financial responsibilities and the amount of time I put into my projects here, I can see that this price point is no longer realistic for me to continue to support. I am eternally grateful to all of you for your support over the years and I would not bring this up if it were not absolutely necessary, but I will need to raise this  soon.

I really want to hear feedback from you guys, but the new price I am looking at would be $8. I want to find ways to add value to this tier though so it doesn't feel like just a price increase, and that's what I'd like to hear suggestions for. Exclusive polls/raffles seems like a possible avenue, but other things are not out of the question.  Let me know what y'all think!



makes no difference! still gonna support you!


I think the raffle idea is a good one, maybe a raffle for a custom scene/picture?


That was the idea! I was thinking of a fixed size pixel art commission.


Makes little to no difference to me (ok, makes $3 difference) but what we get for that is very worth it. If we get something extra as a result, even better. Would you also be increasing the $1 tier slightly? (say to $2 or $3)?


Mathematically should provide 60% more spankings. :)


I was actually thinking of consolidating both the $3 and the $1 tiers into a single $1 tier. Not sure yet.


What things are within your bandwidth? Most people do raffles or polls over what content comes next with more $$ more votes usually.

Corvo Attano

Maybe a poll and/or raffle for a scene on whichever game is being worked on at the time.


Polls for either scenes or pixel art sounds like it’d be cool; whatever you decide is good by me, will still support in the future!