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Today, Dr. Tim Stratton of Cross Examined gives us his favourite argument for god, while accusing people who don't accept it of committing the taxicab fallacy, which isn't even a fallacy, and would apply to this particular argument from god if it were.  So that's fun.


Taxicab Arguments for God!

Today, Dr. Tim Stratton of Cross Examined gives us his favourite argument for god, while accusing people who don't accept it of committing the taxicab fallacy, which isn't even a fallacy, and would apply to this particular argument from god if it were. So that's fun. Sources: Infinite Regress – Virtue or Vice?: https://tinyurl.com/2336m7ja Arrow of Causality and Quantum Gravity: https://tinyurl.com/2835cg5l The Two-State Vector Formalism: An Updated Review: https://tinyurl.com/2q4vljy8 Original Video: https://tinyurl.com/29ro4pve Cards: Where Do Atheists Get Their Morals? 🤔: https://youtu.be/wekaY7FboTI All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



There is an old organic chemistry joke that involves metaphysicians. It works best visually, but I'll try to describe it. A benzene ring is a flat ring of six carbon atoms. Benzene itself has a hydrogen attached to each carbon, but other stuff can also be attached. If two other things are attached, they can be in three configurations: across from each other (called ortho), next to each other (para), or one position away from each other (meta). If, instead of, say, two nitrogens, you attach two MDs, when they are across from each other you get orthodox; next to each other a paradox, and one away from each other you have metaphysicians. I guess it's only funny if you're an organic chemistry student.


Let me get this straight: The Canaanites were committing child sacrifices, therefore god was justified in killing all of them, including all the children.