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Working on a Matt Powell video.  He mentions water not being able to be compressed into the big bang, so I used that as an excuse to blow up some hydrogen while showing that water can be turned into its constituent parts.



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If you want a nice "pop", you need to catch both hydrogen and oxygen, mix them together, and then do the "experiment". Just don't blow up your house


What is Powell talking about? Neither hydrogen nor oxygen existed at the time of the big bang. It was too hot for any atoms to form for about 400,000 years, at the time the CMB appeared. Before that, it was just electrons and protons, and they blocked all EM radiation. But when the universe cooled enough for atoms to form, the universe became transparent to light. Oxygen did not yet form, not until it was created in massive stars.


I'd go farther; before the inflation, it's likely that it was just a plasma like collection of photons, electrons, positrons, quarks, muons, any other fundamental elementary particles and anti-particles I failed to mention, and (most likely) neutrinos. Protons and neutrons most likely didn't form until the density and energy abated somewhat. Most of the atom is empty space. Most of the proton and neutron are also empty space. Also, there was no "infinitesimal dot" that "exploded"; Big Bang cosmology cannot trace the expansion of the early universe back beyond a where our existing theories of physics break down. Before that point, it appears that the electro-weak force dominated; by the time the first protons formed, the electro-weak force had been replaced by the electro-magnetic force.