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Today, Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity explains why his special pleading isn't special pleading by using special pleading.

Also, sorry, but since you get videos a day early, I'm lying to you at the beginning. My vaccine appointment is today at 4:30!!! Yay!!!


It's Not Special Pleading if I Plead Specially!

Today, Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity explains why his special pleading isn't special pleading by using special pleading. Sources: Evolution of the Universe: https://go.nature.com/2T4ezIa William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll - God and Cosmology: https://bit.ly/3dfSqy9 Original Video: https://bit.ly/3tRu4Q9 Cards: What's Your Evidence for the Lack of Evidence?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diukMUqmU_c



Big bang nucleosynthesis only created hydrogen, helium, and a little bit of lithium. Heavier elements up to iron are created in stars. Even heavier elements are created either in supernovas or in neutron star mergers.


Regarding the vaccine, I was amazed when I read about this a few weeks ago: On 3 Mar 2020 Dr. Fauci said that he expected a vaccine in 12 to 18 months. He was roundly criticized for being far too optimistic. In fact, Moderna had developed its vaccine six weeks earlier. It took them two whole days to develop after the Chinese released the sequencing of the virus. Clinical trials began ten days after Fauci spoke. These mRNA vaccines are amazing. Moderna is developing a personalized cancer vaccine. They sequence your tumor cells, and then create a vaccine targeted towards those specific cells. It works well for some cancers, but not so well for others. See https://reason.com/2021/04/04/the-last-pandemic/

Viced Rhino

Right? On top of all that, the mRNA vaccines do away with the vast majority of the vaccine adjuvants that anti-vaxxers complain about, because you don't need to antagonize the body into giving an immune response, you just have the mRNA code for the protein that will produce the immune response by itself, so the vaccine is literally just a liquid to contain the mRNA (mostly water and some lipids) and the mRNA itself.

Viced Rhino

True, but these original atoms are the building blocks of the heavier atoms - so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.