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Matt Powell is back! This time he's going to explain to us how not having a religion is a religion.


The Religion of Not Religion (Part 1)

Matt Powell is back! This time he's going to explain to us how not having a religion is a religion. Sources: How to outlaw Christianity (Steps 2 & 3): https://bit.ly/3g2PPYb Darwin Correspondence Project - To Charles Lyell (23 November, 1859): https://bit.ly/2Jl4ySw Religion as a risk factor for suicide attempt and suicide ideation among depressed patients: http://bit.ly/2TQ5ijc God Forbid! Substance Use Among Religious and Nonreligious Youth: https://bit.ly/3ofiRqc Relationship of Spirituality or Religion to Recovery From Substance Abuse (PDF): https://bit.ly/3qpNL1i Original Video: https://bit.ly/2Ia6r3D



I know that Thanksgiving has gone but I'm thankful that most of this sort religious thought left the UK. We still have more than our fair share but nothing like this.


I wasn't raised religious at all so I find it part fascinating, part horrifying watching creationists. The Church of England was always pretty laid back, see Eddie Izzard, cake or death :)


Your title is "(Part 1)", no part 2?

Viced Rhino

Part 2 is coming on Tuesday (two-sday?) I've redesigned my schedule again - rather than long videos that are all two parts, I'm trying to find shorter videos to respond to, and doing three per week. Public release schedule is now Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Patron schedule is Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. And I don't like just ploughing through a series, so Powell is going to be once per week.