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Kyle Butt of World Video Bible School thinks that his misunderstanding of vestigial organs, homology, fossils, and mutations will, when combined with the two examples of peppered moths and horse evolution, prove that evolution isn't real.



It really irritates me when creationists refuse to define what they mean by 'information'. I think they think that 'information' is a synonym for 'meaning', which is definitely not true.


I rather enjoy Radio Rhino. I am neither creationist nor theist. I tend to agree with Michael. Creationists do tend to conflate information with meaning and I came to that conclusion after reading a series of articles at AiG, over a decade ago where they attempted to define information. My brain has recovered from their attempt to indoctrinate me. I wish I possessed an adequate definition of 'information'. To steal a metaphor from Augustine, "I know what information is until I try to talk about it." In my own clumsy and provisional way, I believe that I'm bombarded by information. In my mind, it's a subset of all the sensory impressions I get from the world around me. I rely on those subsets to make sense of the world. Just now, I have quite a lot of confidence in, say, the simple fact that I'm sitting in my High Tech room and typing this comment into my laptop simply because I've been seen this space and my laptop many times before now.