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2nd Twilight movie down!!! I appreciate everyone who voted on this film series but I must admit Belle is something else...smh lol More Twilight reactions on the way!




Hmmm Is she for real....her presence was very unnecessary, especially if you're going to hate and talk all the time, she looked so unhappy to be there...i love yalls reactions but she is not it.


So I Love her attitude about this. I watch this for the cringe factor. As an adult woman I watch this and laugh at the naivety of teenagers and laugh at how the world feels like its ending at 17. But in my 30s Bella is an embarrassing caricature of a lovestruck teenager


I find it funny that everyone is complaining about Carianna and her opinions on a film but Addyson and Brandon have the exact same complaints but no one is telling them to be quiet or that they are annoying and talk too much. Ive never heard anyone say they talk too much only Carianna. I think people need to do some internal reflection on what that says about them. Also I think a large part of the fanbase watch this solely because of how awful the characters are. The point is these books were written for 14-20 year olds and its filled with teen angst.I cant relate to teen angst anymore but I can laugh at how ridiculous it was to be 17 again,. Finally ending this with....... I dont want everyone to agree with my viewpoint on a piece of art. I would watch it by myself if I did.

Rhyea Sunshine

To your comment about the complaints against Carianna. Its not that her opinions are bad. But as a reaction u have her talking over the movie a big chunk of the time repeating the same things over and over. Also pulling other reactors out of it. This isnt the first movie shes done this on. I get not everyone likes everything all the time and people have their grievances. But some actually enjoy the movies and pay to watch them react and not have someone continuously talk over the whole thing. Im not tripping about her in it. But there are times where she could have just listened. Or not watched it.

Dana Launius

I can't wait until you get to the last one!

Dana Launius

Bella is so tragic and miserable.


Can’t wait


The 2 guys are funny but this chick has me regretting my membership. She is monopolizing every second to hear her own voice.