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This video has received a lot of requests and we were also excited to do it so that make for a good combination! It's crazy to think we have finally seen all of the Harry Potter movies BUT I must say I enjoyed this anniversary video almost just as much.




In Snape's memories, after Snape was killed, it's showed that Dumbledore and Snape know that Draco was ordered to kill Dumbledore. Dumbledore was gonna die that year anyway because of his cursed hand. He also didn't want Draco to become a killer. And Snape killing Dumbledore would ensure that Voldemort would FULLY trust Snape. It's all part of Dumbledore's plan. Plus, Snape didn't really have a choice anyway, as he had made that unbreakable vow with Draco's mother. Killing Dumbledore was his only option right there. Edit: The series coming is Harry Potter's story but a faithful adaptation of the books. There will be scenes, and sideplots and characters that were cut entirely from the movies. There's just SO MUCH missing in the movies, and certain things/elements could've done better, or been explained better. And you know what, it'll be a 'remake' but I guarantee you that there will be so much MORE than what was presented in the movies. Although the movies did a great job, the series will be like revisiting Harry Potter's universe all over again. I'm hyped for it! Oh and speaking of Tom Riddle, he HAS a backstory that was all shown through memories in the 6th book, and of course, SO MUCH of it was cut from the movie. And instead of explaining horcruxes properly, and Voldemort's origin, his mother Merope, etc. the directors decided to focus on teenage love. That and also the whole thing about the Marauders (James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, as well as Lily and Snape being friends) It will ALL be in the series.


Gary Oldman who played Sirius was in the Batman trilogy that's probably where you recognize him from.


The actor who played Hagrid passed away Oct 2022 🥺 he’s riding that motorcycle in Hogwarts heaven 😔


Not sure if you said you're doing any deleted scenes, but if not, on your off time, check out the draco malfoy deleted scene for deathly hallows part 2. it's not a full deleted scene, but if they put it in the movies, it would've been AMAZING. and side note, after HP, people usually look into the hunger games, which you're already doing, and maze runner. idk if you're doing that, but anyway thanks for the HP reactions! it was fun :)

Kasey T

Alan Rickman, Snape, was also sick with pancreatic cancer 2015.

Kasey T

Helen who played BellaTrix is the Red Queen on Alice and wonder land with Johnny Depp. I love her!

Kasey T

I did think Sirius would come back I was heartbroken for Harry.

Jaden Hills

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the same as Philosopher’s Stone. Only released as Sorcerer’s Stone in the US and Canada.


Yes please, watch the Twilight series if you want! I think it would be so funny


I think Daniel actually stayed the most in the acting realm although he also does theater I think? I haven't watched any of his other movies but people say he's good. Emma did a few films I think but she's gone more of the politics and other stuff route.

Christian Zwisler

Im still pissed off they cancelled J.K. Rowling, for having an opinion. xD It might not rub u the right way... Still shouldnt mean u should get shunned, LOL. Somehow we are moving backwards, even tho ppl trynna be progressive. xD

Christian Zwisler

btw, imma say it again. Listen to the audio books, if u cba reading a book. I cant, lol. Other than when we got the first book read in school by my history teacher, i had to keep going, and read them all. like 7 times. xD audio books no different from listening to a podcast or whatever, and for some reason, podcasts are "easy" for ppl to grasp.... like... wut?

Christian Zwisler

btw, the Harry Potter books were so popular, people camped outside retailers and book shops weeks before they dropped. it was THE craze back then. i feel so damn lucky, to be one of those people who grew up, and grew with the gang as they got older and older. privilege

Christian Zwisler

Original title of the first book/movie is "The Philosopher's Stone", somehow it got renamed to "The Sorcerer's Stone" in America... Dunno why..? It sounded better? It was more basic/easy, to catch the interest of a broader audience, because... capitalism? D: Im just guessing here, since i could be turned off by something i dont hear alot in daily use or whatever myself..

Christian Zwisler

Its funny, u talking about freeing elfs... Hermione thought it was barbaric in the books, and made a union and even knitted clothing and hid it, hoping she could free the house elfs in hogwarts. they got offended tho, as most elfs actually likes their role, like its in their dna or something... Dobby wanted out because he was treated like vermin.

Christian Zwisler

Ron pulled Hermione's sleeve in the scene with Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack, because Hermione is the type of person who wouldnt have let it go that way, because she is a good, kind hearted, reasonable person, and Ron knew that, so he "stopped" her from "resisting" or denying it or whatever.

Rocco Labate

Please react to Prison Break I can 100% guarantee you won't regret it.

Christina Matzen

Dean was a huge character in the books! It makes sense he’s there for the reunion, for sure.

Christina Matzen

Snape was doing the right thing killing Dumbledore. He saved Draco’s soul. They only touch on it in the movies when Harry is watching Snape’s memories but Dumbledore put the ring on his hand (trying to use the resurrection stone to see his family again) and the horcrux infected him. He only had a year, at the most, before he would die. After drinking the potion in the cave he was incredibly weak and the only way out was for Snape to kill him while he was at deaths door. Only then would Voldemort know for certain he could trust Snape.